Phoenix Destiny

Chapter 107: Should not stay

Lu Mingshu’s thoughts sank and entered the skywheel.

Because of the debt, the function of the skylight was temporarily closed, and the space that had become vivid was restored to the foggy appearance. However, the slower time flow is self-contained, and the injury is too boring. She often goes to the book and chats with Xiao Sang.

Now the wooden wheel is dull and can't be rotated. In the middle, there is a huge red number: nine hundred and eight.

Lu Mingshu smiled and did not earn enough points. He owed such a large debt.

She had a few points, and the senior recovery was deducted by a thousand, which was owed to 999. Then, the performance of the Tianmen dispute, in exchange for a hundred points. Coupled with the interest of these days, I finally owe the sky wheel 908 points.

At the moment, her injury is not recovered, she is repaired as empty, and she wants to earn points without earning any more. Anyway, it doesn't itch, and the debt is not too much. As for the obliteration, she is not too worried. The skywheel has invested so much in her, and if it is obliterated, is it not earned? Will definitely give a way to let her pay off.

The one hundred points that Tianmen’s dispute brought to her also made Lu Mingshu realize that earning points is not only in the sky wheel, but also outside the sky wheel. The mechanism of this is that there are too few samples, and she is still not sure. After you find out, earning points should not be difficult.

Looked at the book for a while, and the sound came from outside.

Lu Mingshu withdrew from the sky wheel and opened his eyes.

Just as well, Hui Niang led Liu Jizhen to come in and reported to him: "Miss took the medicine today, the wounds have been cleaned, just went out for a while..."

Liu Jizhen nodded and pours himself: "Go back to Asheng to know the real hospital, take the sign of Mingshu to get the medicine."


Hui Niang went out, Liu Jizhen really finished the water, just in the eyes of Lu Mingshu.


Liu Jizhen put down the cup and came over and asked, "How?"

"Nothing." She sat up. "It's the pain of the whole body."

Liu Jizhen smiled and said: "There is more rest." He experienced the meridians and knew the feeling.

Seeing him sitting down at the bed, Lu Mingshu asked: "Master, do you have something to say to me?"

"Yeah." Liu really thought for a while and spoke. "Next, what do you think?"

Lu Mingshu blinked and didn't understand what he meant.

"Although this incident has passed, I am afraid that the follow-up will be more troublesome." Liu Jizheng said, "You have performed so well, and Yutai has already been eyeing you. And Zhou Jia... I heard that after that day, They made a noise for themselves."

Lu Mingshu said: "I have a trouble? Is it... guilty?"

Liu Jizhen nodded: "The second uncle appeared on the Yuntai on Tuesday. It is his self-assertion. It is not a unified resolution of the Zhou family."

"It’s no wonder that Jie Wenhan will testify to me." Lu Mingshu understood, "So, what is Zhou’s current attitude? They didn’t take the opportunity to make trouble, but instead gave me a solution, is there any other plan?”

Liu Jizhen slowly said: "The generation of Zhou family, there is no outstanding figure, as I expected it is not bad, now Zhou Jia should be the Miss Zhou Da has the final say."

This Lu Mingshu is not clear. Since the head of the house has been out of the cabinet, she has become a good wife and a good mother, and Gao Hao can’t listen to it in detail.

"Your stepmother..." Liu Jizhen’s mouth showed a hint of mockery. "She is also suffering from a bad bone. Otherwise, where is the wheel to get your father to be the head."

Lu Mingshu was a bit surprised. What kind of person Zhou Miaoru is, she has never heard of others, and Jiu Yao Palace’s evaluation of her is nothing more than a vocabulary such as virtuous and gentle. But Lu Mingshu is unbelievable. How can a woman who is truly virtuous and gentle? When she married Fu Shangqing, she did not write it yet!

However, listening to Liu Ji really means that her stepmother is quite ambitious? This does not match the style of the skirt that Zhou family likes to marry her daughter! Lu Mingshu suddenly remembered that Gao and she said that Zhou Jia had intended to marry Miss Zhou Da to her master...

"Master, do you seem to know her very well?"

Looking at her, Liu Ji really laughed: "Gao Gao and you said that thing? Don't think about it, I have no emotional entanglement with her. However, we are close to each other and grew up in the Jiu Yao Palace, always better than outsiders. Understand. With her style of acting, just let go of you, I am afraid that the plan is bigger."

Lu Mingshu said: "Master, just say something if you have something."

Liu Jizhen looked at her still innocent face, and felt very sad in her heart. She said slowly: "In the coming year, it is the period in which Kirin will be held. The invitation of Zhongzhou Wang has been sent to the Jiu Yao Palace."

Lu Mingshu stunned: "Zhongzhou Wang, Kirin Club?"

Liu Jizhen nodded: "In the ancient five countries, Zhongzhou and Xuanmen are the most closely connected. The Qizheng Temple in Zhongzhou is closely related to Zhongzhou Wang. Every few years, Zhongzhou Wang will issue Qilin Post and hold the Kirin Society. Assess the heroes list. At that time, the heroes of the world gathered in Zhongzhou, a rare event."

Lu Mingshu slowly tasted this sentence: "What do you mean, let me go to the Kirin Club?"

Liu Jizhen nodded lightly: "You shouldn't be trapped in the Jiu Yao Palace. This world is very big. Go outside and check it out."

Lu Mingshu has not spoken for a long time.

"What, do you have doubts?"

Lu Mingshu asked: "Master, I am leaving like this. Will anyone be embarrassed to you?"

Liu Ji really laughed: "Do not worry. It is still easy for you to protect your individual. I don't fight with them. What's so hard?"


"For the current you, this is the best choice. One, you have been working hard in Bixi Valley for several years, it is time to go out and see and see. Second, the gang is in a mess, you avoid it. "Liu Zhenzhen reached out and touched her head. "The unicorn will end, don't come back, go straight to travel. Don't worry about us, guarantee for the teacher, when you come back, I, Hui Niang, Asheng, all good. waiting for you."

After a long time, Lu Mingshu replied softly: "Know, Master."

Liu Jizhen returned to his room and sat for a long time.

He remembered that night, An Tongchen and what he said.

"This child can no longer stay in the Jiu Yao Palace."

Liu Zhenzhen, who heard this sentence, shook hands with the cup.

An Tongchen continued: "The elders of the Yuanshang sent her a sentence. It was just easy to fold, and the strong is insulting. This child is too dazzling, and the Jiu Yao Palace is a quagmire, there is no room to accommodate her."

Since there is no space to accommodate, it will be suppressed and humiliated, dragging her into the mire, watching her become the same mediocrity as herself - just like Liu Zhenzhen in front of her eyes.

In the second half of the sentence, An Tong did not say.

After a long time, Liu Jizhen asked: "Is this what Zhuo Shishu means?"

An Tongchen smiled and said: "My Master has said that she should not come to Jiu Yao Palace." Again, "Zhou Miaoru, what kind of woman, no one knows better than us. I really don't want, she is the woman. It’s an eagle, so it’s time to soar in the sky, not like a canary, locked in a cage.”

Thoughts were drawn back from the memories, and Liu Jizhen slowly poured himself a glass of wine and drank it.

The wine tastes bitter, but afterwards it is sweet.

Yes, she should not stay in the Jiu Yao Palace, she should have a broader world.