Phoenix Destiny

Chapter 123: Declining sign

"Open up, open up!" The two children beat the copper cymbals.

"Oh, it's not easy!" The uncle of the grocery store next door poked his head out from the counter. "Someone is going to fight?"

"Yes, yeah! Uncle Zheng, go see it! It's a pretty girl!" Tonger enthusiastically pulled the audience.

"What? Is there a girl who is going to play the teacher?" Zheng Dashu was surprised. "Is it OK?"

"I don't know, don't watch snoring, see people!" The child squinted.

"Well, let's go!"

Zheng Dashu is about to lock the cabinet and go out, the ear is suddenly pulled up, and then a big trick: "Old is not repaired! When I am old, I say that the beautiful girl's eyes are green! Roll back to the old lady!"

"Oh, girl, don't stop, I see the store, I see the store, you go to you!"

"This is almost the same!"

So encouraged by a circle, the children finally entered the scene with more than a dozen spectators...

Lu Mingshu looked at the two tables in the hall, and his mouth was pumping. He asked, "Is this... the stage?"

Uncle Hai started to smile and said, "The museum does not have much income..."

Not to mention the arrogance of the martial arts museum, it is relatively simple pharmacists, it is also a large yard that can accommodate more than 100 people. This is the collapse of the teacher's hall, actually placed two tables in the hall, too perfunctory, right?

She knows that the world has fallen, but she does not know that it has not been completed.

"Girl," a middle-aged scribe who wore a long robes and a long-standing gentleman, "We are a teacher, relying on a pen in the hand, and everything else is the last quarter."

Hai Shuhe smiled and introduced: "This is our curator."

Lu Mingshu was speechless for a while and asked: "So, what is the rule of your fight?"

The curator touched the beard: "It's very simple, the respective characters, after the painting, the winners and losers."


It's no wonder that the teacher does not look at each other, and each draws a character, and then compares. Is there anything to watch? The average audience can't even understand it!

“The girl is not satisfied with the way of snoring?” The curator looked at her nervously.

Lu Mingshu is not polite: "It’s so boring."

The curator immediately said: "Then you said, how to fight?" I was afraid that she would run away.

Lu Mingshu circled the hall and then stepped out of the hall.

The curator and Haishu followed her and were nervous.

I haven’t opened the ring for many days, and I’m sorry to post an announcement to the outside.

Lu Mingshu looked at the roof: "Where, nothing?"

Hai Shu is inexplicable: "What are you talking about on the roof?"



"Then go to the roof."

Hai Shu looked at the curator.

The curator nodded: "Up!"

The guest first, she said it was on.

The Fu Shi Museum was built many years ago and it is just a flat roof. Because it is too poor, usually it will dry the millet or something...

Two tables were put on the roof, and the children came in with a dozen people.

"Hey, how come out?"

"On the roof?"

"The roof is good! See clearly."

"Yeah, it's spacious enough."

"I said it early, the house is so small, it didn't send a head."


The neighbors of the guest audience, laughing and moving to the ladder to climb the roof...

Everyone sat on the roof, Lu Mingshu said: "Direct characters are not interesting."

Anyway, the previous comments were heard, and there was nothing to listen to again. The curator asked: "The girl you mean is..."

"As a teacher, you must first remember the blog post, see a rune, and immediately tell its source and utility. Secondly, you must have the talent of the combination rune, and you can draw the required runes according to the customer's requirements. Finally Let the effect of Rune be the final judge." Lu Mingshu looked at him, "Court, do you think that I have no reason to say?"

The curator thought for a moment and nodded: "The girl summed it up."

"So, let's follow these three requirements." She pointed to her feet. "I just saw it. In the hall, I put a lot of rune books, and I have collected many runes. So, first The comparison test is to select three runes from these books and see them for the contested contestants. Then the contestant finds the corresponding runes from these books. How?"

In fact, a fairer test should copy all the runes. Otherwise, the staff of the museum has an advantage. However, the current conditions are insufficient and can only be used.

"This..." The curator looked at her. "Is it unfair to the girl?"

Lu Mingshu said faintly: "If I can't find it, it can only show that I am not enough to remember."

She said so, the curator had no reason to refuse, and said: "So, we do not accept the girl admission fee."

"Thank you."

"What about the other two conditions?"

"Second, please go to the street to find ten people, one person to say a request, the teacher to draw the runes as required, as long as no mistakes, the fastest wins."

"This is interesting." The curator did not say anything. The audience screamed first. "Can we ask for it?"

Lu Mingshu nodded: "Yes." It is most appropriate to find in the audience, but the audience of Fu Shizhen is too small, she said so.

The curator wants to think that this is a good idea and looks forward to her: "What about the third?"

Lu Mingshu said: "In the end, I will win with a character!"

The curator said: "You mean..."

She asked: "The monks can fight, the road can be warned, why can't they fight?"

The birth of medicine is for the treatment, the birth of the symbol, but for the battle. Today's Fu Da, did not fall into this way, and several people remember, this is a secondary road for the war? When the two races are in battle, the sect can make an ordinary person have the ability to fight the barbarian, but now?

The curator was forced to ask her, and she went to the language and finally muttered: "I can live without the support of the appliance. How can I exert a strong strength?"

Lu Mingshu smiled: "There is no way to think about it! There is no road ahead. Is it not going to leave?"

The curator was worried.

"The curator, you see, is this more than the test method?"

"Can be!" The curator did not speak, and the audience yelled.

"That's more interesting than the previous review."

"Yeah, we don't understand when you comment."

"Court curse, agree soon!"

"East, agree!" Even the guys have joined the call.

The curator bites his teeth: "Good!" Sounds like it is more interesting than drawing a character...

Lu Mingshu smiled: "Then please try the teacher who took the test."

The curator hesitated. The best teacher in the library is himself. However, at his age, compared with Lu Mingshu, it is too cheap. However, I heard Lu Mingshu’s words before, knowing that this girl is definitely not a layman, so that the apprentices will be beaten to find their teeth. This is not up and down, which one is the teacher?

At this time, a young man jumped onto the roof: "Court, I am coming!"

When I saw this person, the curator sighed with relief: "Well, Achu, it’s you."