Phoenix Destiny

Chapter 124: See it so fast?

This young man is in his early twenties and integrates. At his age, he also has a future in the martial arts. He came to be a futuristic teacher and can only say that he is true love.

"Below Jingchu." He hugged his fist and laughed at a white tooth.

Lu Mingshu also ceremonially: "My surname is Lu."

"It turned out to be Lu girl." Jing Chu eagerly asked, "I don't know this first item, how is it compared?"

Lu Mingshu took a big finger with his finger: "When you go to the bookcase in the hall, can you pick out three runes?"

I didn’t expect to be picked up, and there was a bit of panic: "I, I won't!"

"It won't be just right." Lu Mingshu pointed to Haishu. "You can pick three out and give it to Haishu."

"Oh, that line," he slaps, "I will pick three cabbages!"

Lu Mingshu smiled and said to Hai Shudao: "Trouble you, write down the title page number, and then copy the rune selected by Daxie and show it to us."

"no problem."

Finally, the curator said: "Please ask the curator to move the bookcase up - the audience will win and see, and it will look good."

"it is good."

The three of them went down, and Lu Mingshu looked back, but he saw Jing Chu’s eyes staring at her without hesitation.

"Does the son have something?"

Jingchu smiled and said: "Lu girl is really hard, not only to help us to fight the way, but also to be the host, but it seems that we are not competent."

"Is this saying that I have multiple jobs, is it unfair?"

"No, no, no," Jing Chu said. "We are too incompetent. Even the way to fight is to be mentioned by the guests themselves. It is..."

He looked ashamed.

Lu Mingshu numb, she has been in this for a long time, already knows what the virtues of this teacher's hall are. From top to bottom, there is a group of nerds who only know how to run.

During the talk, the three came back.

Haishu took three sheets of paper in his hand. The curator directed several apprentices and picked up the bookcase.

It’s all military, and the bookcase is not difficult, and it will be done soon.

"Lu girl, this..."

Lu Mingshu raised his hand and prevented him from approaching: "Wait a minute, I stood with the Jing Gongzi, and Uncle Hai showed us the runes. A piece of paper, five moments." She pointed at the table and smashed it. Hey, the length of time that I knocked out the second, "Probably like this, squatting."

“Is this too short?” the curator asked, “five moments, I am afraid it is not enough memory!”

Lu Mingshu has been reading books alone. I don't know how fast others are. He asked, "How long does it take?"

The curator thought for a moment and said, "If you remember it, ten moments are almost the same."

Lu Mingshu nodded: "That's good, it's ten moments. Haishu shows, when the curator remembers, after reading three sheets of paper, he closes it up. Then I and Jing Gongzi began to rummage and found them and wrote them down." I ordered two tables. "After the end, with accuracy first, both sides are correct, then the time is short."

"Good way!" The curator said, "However, it is better to add a time limit. Otherwise, if you look around, you lose the meaning of the test."

"The curator said it."

The curator looked at the big bookcase, and at least there were a hundred books in it: "So, half an hour, how?"

Lu Mingshu shook his head: "It's too long. One, the audience does not have that patience, sitting here for half an hour. Second, it is to exceed the limits of ordinary people, only to have the meaning of the test."

"Also." The curator thought it makes sense. "What does the girl think?"

"Two quarters of an hour," she said. "There are some refreshments in the pavilion. The guests have a rest and they have passed."

"it is good!"

In agreement with the competition, Lu Mingshu stood side by side with Jing Chu.

The owner shouted: "Begin!"

Uncle Hai quickly unfolded a piece of paper, revealing a rune, and at the same time, the owner timed.


This rune is combined and thrown aside, and Uncle Hai expands again.


All three runes have been seen. Lu Mingshu and Jing Chu each closed their eyes and meditated. When they were still fresh, they recalled the runes they had just read and remembered them.

The owner brought an hourglass and went to the table: "Start looking, the hourglass is over, you will stop."

The two quickly turned around and walked to the bookcase three or two steps. One person occupied one side and pulled out the book.

Two quarters of an hour, that is, thirty minutes, one thousand eight hundred seconds. The books in the bookcase have at least a hundred books. In other words, a book has only about ten seconds of viewing time.

Jingchu had a goal at the beginning, and jumped to pick the book and look at it.

Lu Mingshu did not. She started from the first book on the upper right and took out a book. Using the page elasticity, she brushed the pages of the book. Flip it quickly, put it back, and draw another one.

The neighborhoods who came to make up the number were originally bored. Looking at the posture of the two of them, it was a sense of tension.

"So fast, can you see it clearly?"

"Yeah, can't you see the ligature?"

"They have a good memory, not the same as ordinary people!"

"Even if it is too fast, right?"


Jingchu found the target. After the search was completed, he put down the book, wrote the title and page number on his desk, and went back to continue.

Lu Mingshu did not look at him, her eyes only on the book. Take one, turn it over, take another one, and repeat it.

Jing Chu wrote the second one, she is still turning the book. But she turned very quickly. Not long after, the last two rows were turned over.

The third, Jing Chu stuck, had to go through a book. He doesn't read too slowly, but he has to look at it every time. As a result, the speed is greatly reduced.

The sand has missed most of it.

Lu Mingshu continued to look at it. A whole bookcase, more than a hundred books, until the last one is over, she closes the book, puts it in the cabinet, walks to her side, and draws a pen.

Everyone saw her taking three sheets of paper, finished it in one breath, dried the ink, and covered it.

The last sand fell.

"Time is up!" the curator shouted.

Jing Chu was sweating and hesitating, full of uncertainty.

"Lu girl?" The curator looked at Lu Mingshu. "The time is up, but Achu has not written the third..."

Lu Mingshu said faintly: "Time is inconvenient, you can be tolerant of the time to write the page number."

The curator sighed with relief: "Achu, let's write!"

Jingchu took the pen and hesitated for a long time, writing the title and page number.

At this point, the first link is over, waiting for the results to be announced.

"Call..." Several people, while taking a breath and looking at each other, were surprised to find that they had seen it for two quarters of an hour, and did not find the passage of time. You know, the neighbors don't understand any runes, they all rush to the face of the curator. Before they started to judge, everyone will doze off.

"Well, let's take a look, the two of them have the correct answer."

Finally, Lu Mingshu did not need to host himself. The curator wiped the sweat and gestured to Haishu to take the rune that had been copied before.

"The first hundred and eighty-eight pages of "Fu Wen Zhen Jie"."

"The 30th page of Ji's Biography."

"The 98th page of Qingyang Biography."

As soon as the answer came out, Jing Chu’s face was half white.

"Let's first take a look at Lu's answer." The curator took out three sheets of paper, "The 178th page of "Fu Wen Zhen Jie"... "Ji's Fu Chuan"... "Qingyang Gongzhu"..."

"The answer is all right!"

"Hey!" The slap in the palm of his hand rang loudly. Just how Lu Mingshu turned the book, everyone looked at it. When a book was viewed, at most ten moments, actually remembered? Amazing memory!

"Achu, yours..."

"No need to test." Jing Chu interrupted the curator's words, downcast, "I... the third is wrong."


The inspiration for this test is from the strongest brain, and the show is very hot~

Thank you, the owner of the eastsunrise0, and the fruit is eaten at night!

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