Phoenix Destiny

Chapter 14: Other world

Time is slowly passing...

The space was flying, and it was constantly wrapped around her.

Lu Mingshu felt very comfortable, as if there was something that broke into the body and nourished her body and spirit.

She suddenly remembered the words of easy to wash the marrow, secretly guessed, this should be a good thing? The remains of the goddess, the ancestors of the Jiu Yao Palace have tossed for half a lifetime, and they will not give up until they die. It must be unusual.

Holding this thought, Lu Mingshu waited quietly.

The streamer on her body became thicker and thicker, eventually forming a mask-like substance, condensing to the extreme, and suddenly the "bang" sound broke.

Fresh air came in, Lu Mingshu took a breath and found himself out of the shadow of the group.

She reached out and looked at her little claws. The frostbite was soaked a few days ago, and the palms not only restored the smoothness and smoothness of the previous ones, but also had a layer of luster that had not been seen before.

There is still a faint stream of light on his body that has not completely disappeared.

She moved her hands and feet and found it to be light.

I smiled and tried to try. She suddenly remembered a question, how can I get out of here? There is nothing here...

Thinking about it, I turned my head and was shocked.

tree! She saw a tree!

Just behind the position she had just stood, there was a tree.

Too strange, in this space, except for the six-color streamer, there is nothing, but a tree grows. There is no dirt at the foot!

Lu Mingshu went over. This tree looks very ordinary and does not see any variety. The trunk is large, with lush foliage and lush greenery.

She reached out and tried to pick a leaf to see. Who knows, the whole person froze as soon as the leaves are touched.

[The existing "Qing Ling Jing" is a book, in exchange for a seven-leaf lotus flower. ]

[Does anyone know how to grow longevity fruit? If you tell, you must thank you. ]

[Clearance! The following things are all sold, can be barter...]


Numerous messages came to her through the leaves. Lu Mingshu felt that his head was going to blow up. He yelled and let go.

She held her head and gasped with a big mouth.

For a while, she eased over and carefully recalled the message.

It seems... someone left a message on the tree?

Lu Mingshu hesitated to reach out, a little afraid of the pain of the head being shocked by countless information, and felt that it should be clear about this matter, and finally, he grabbed the leaves again.

[Someone will refine the technique? Detailed discussion of the meeting. ]

[The recent bottleneck, so boring, come chat personally. ]

[I have gone, what happened? Didn't come for a while, the previous arguments turned into a flea market? ]

[That, where is this...]

The spirit has reached the limit and Lu Mingshu let go.

The head is still very painful, but much better than just now.

She noticed a lot of news, the last weak words. Someone like her, don't know where this is?

Resting enough, Lu Mingshu once again reached for the leaves, this time she purposefully looked for the message she just saw.

Soon, she found it, and at the same time, there were other news coming in, as if answering this person's words.

[Hey, is this newcomer? Here is the skywheel, don't you know? ]

[What is the skywheel? ]

[Ha ha ha, good pink newcomer, come here, the old man tells you...]

Lu Mingshu loosened the leaves and stood in a daze.

The self-proclaimed old man said that the world you exist is not unique. There are many, many worlds in this world. Under normal circumstances, these worlds do not interfere with each other and operate independently and develop different social forms. However, in general, there are special circumstances. The sky wheel is such a foreign object that you can use to communicate with other worlds.

Lu Mingshu was shocked. She is still young, just after the literacy stage, has not yet begun to read the history of the history, the understanding of the world, just ordinary grandfather told her story.

For example, she knows where she lives, called the ancient summer land, which is generally divided into Zhongzhou, Dongyue, Xichuan, Nanze, and Beibei. Aye said that there is a larger area outside of ancient summer, but Dongyue is already very large, with seven states and eighteen counties. In the first half of the year, she and her mother went all the way. From Dongyue to Xichuan, I saw the vastness of the region. It is hard to imagine how big the whole ancient summer would be, not to mention other regions.

Now, she is suddenly told that the world you are in is just one of many worlds. There are many more in the same world, even bigger than your world.

Her eyes were suddenly opened.

Lu Mingshu slowly digested this passage, and the exuberant curiosity prompted her to contact more information.

Next, she took a break and went to touch the leaves. When her head hurts, she stopped and slowly learned about this huge world.

It turned out that not all the world, like hers, is martial arts. Some are cultivation, like the ancient books, the immortals, the spirits and the spirits are synchronized, divided into two paths, and even the weird world, what magic to learn...

There are too many news, she can't understand it for a while, she can only put it aside.

Now she has another concern.

In these messy news, Lu Mingshu found something interesting.

That should have been left a long time ago. Some people said that they had encountered bottlenecks in their cultivation and asked the seniors to give directions. Others came to ask him about the situation. This person is just getting started, and the practice is not unusual. He has said the practice of his cultivation. Others have discussed this tactic, and many people have used their own world's entry-level exercises to compare them.

The content of these exercises, as well as their comments and discussions, made Lu Mingshu open his eyes. Some of them, from the world similar to her, took out a "Basic Sword" and explained the comparison word by word. Although Lu Mingshu has not started practicing martial arts, but because of the partial memory of Song Zu Shi, these intuitions are feasible and very brilliant!

Lu Mingshu can't wait to experiment, but...

Realizing that he is still in this space, he can't get out, Lu Mingshu is depressed.

Some people in the tree have asked the same question. Others answered that when they enter the sky wheel, the body will be affected. When the body is fully recovered, they can go out.

Therefore, she has no other way than waiting.

Doing nothing, Lu Mingshu continued to look at the news in the tree.

She knows a lot of words, but after all, she hasn’t learned the history, and some of the more obscure words don’t quite understand. Fortunately, these people are also not very proficient, there are many interpretations, she carefully looked at the past.

Lu Mingshu found that he had a lot of memories, and he almost never forgot. The understanding has also improved a lot, and most of the interpretations will be understood at a glance.

Time is passing fast.

Lu Mingshu felt that he had been at least ten days here and couldn't help but worry.

The information in the tree is very interesting, but I can't see the world outside. She is very upset.

Is she here, outside? Will Master discover that she is gone? What if she goes out?

With such an anxious mood, the streamer on her body was finally completely absorbed. Lu Mingshu was rummaging through the news in the tree. Suddenly, the whole person went out.