Phoenix Destiny

Chapter 174: Cheats

Wei Chunqiu felt that something was wrong.

Swords are shot, there is always a sense of stagnation, not smooth enough, not enough.

This is not before.

In the previous battle, I played against Lu Mingshu. I don’t know what method she used. Every time the sword hits the air, there is always a sense of being cut off. But that kind of power is too weak, not enough to block his sword, or to be able to move normally.

However, this stagnation is more obvious now with Converse. Strange, Converse’s practice is not abnormal...

Five water dragons rushed in, and he was not allowed to think about it again. The sword in his hand was pulled, and the sword was flying fast.

I saw the tip of the sword and even a few short and bright swords in the air, like a lotus flower.

The water dragon meets the lotus flower, and the water dragon is in a roll, taking advantage of the mighty momentum. And the lotus flower, the flower leaves stretch, suddenly bloom!

"Hey--" The short sounds sounded, and the two forces stirred up and set off huge waves.

Everyone is holding their breath.

Converse used the Wulong play beads, Wei Chunqiu will be the sword and the lotus, this kind of realism is positive and positive, who will be better?

The sound of water is screaming, and the sword is like a sigh.

Then, the battle once again entered the fierce battle period of quick-selling, and saw the swords and swords swaying in the air. The water dragons circling around and dazzling to see the battle on the field.

"Which competition has been better?" Someone asked.

"I don't know!" Most people are as dazed as he is.

Shao Zhengyang was busy asking Lu Mingshu: "Lu Shimei, how is it playing?"

Lu Mingshu frowned and seemed to feel bad to answer. After a while, he said: "They have been dragged into the mud by the other side."

Shao Zhengyang was taken aback: "Ah?!"

Lu Mingshu said: "Wei Chunqiu seems to have encountered some problems and can't solve it, so it speeds up the rhythm. As soon as he speeds up, he has to follow the speedup, and now he has already caught up. The two of them will definitely lose both."

"That... what will happen?"

"I don't know, see what cards they have."

Lu Mingshu sighed secretly. Converse lost to her, can only say that it was an accident, was confined to the five dragons of Converse, in order to preserve the strength will admit defeat. Lu Mingshu did not know how many cards he had, because he did not have the opportunity to use it.

And Wei Chunqiu’s battle against her may have forced out the most realistic swordsmanship, but the cards are as secret as they are.

These two people, in the end who loses who wins, can not be conclusive.

Suddenly listening to Converse, a clear drink, a fan of the wave, the light golden light flowing, it seems that something flashed past.

The water dragon suddenly screamed and turned into an ice vertebra.

The whole body floated with snow, and the roots condensed the roots of the ice sword. In the blink of an eye, the roof became a land of ice and snow.

Everyone was shocked: "What is this?! Mantra?"

The world is the world of martial arts, the way of cultivation, all based on martial arts. The practice of Tianhai Pavilion, although drowning, is also a weapon, and its essence is still martial arts.

All the disciples here, even if they are not practicing Converse, use Xuanguang to pump a water dragon or something, then it is no problem. But, water dragon ice? What is this stuff? Just like the legendary curse, it is clearly out of the scope of martial arts!

Lu Mingshu was shocked by the heart.

Spell! This is a spell!

In the Tianshui, she has read many world books, and she is much more widely known than these disciples. There are also techniques in the world, but those techniques are mostly auxiliary small spells that are rarely used in combat. This is in line with the characteristics of a martial arts world, martial arts, supplemented by surgery, high-end martial arts, and the development of the technique is in its infancy.

However, Converse used a big spell. Water dragon ice, clearly is the condensation of some worlds!

what happened? Is this world still hiding secrets?

Wei Chunqiu seems to be taken aback.

The ice and snow flew in, and the chill invaded the bone marrow.

Wei Chunqiu soon discovered that his mysterious power was more severely stagnation.

Seeing the snow and ice storm, he was pressed down, and he bit his teeth, decisively took out a thing and photographed it on the sword.

I saw a red flash on the sword and a **** light. Suddenly, the sword exploded.

Wei Chunqiu turned into a residual image and swept away.

The wind and snow are all over the sky, the ice is ****, and the sword is violent.

Lu Mingshu almost slammed the cup on the ground, opened his mouth, and was shocked to say nothing.

Converse used the spell, and Wei Chunqiu...that seems to be the potential to inspire a kind of charm? what happened? Is the world's way of life not very declining? Where did this charm come from?

Lu Mingshu’s brain was in a mess, and the three views were shocked.

Is it the development of this world, more than her expectations, or do others have a sky wheel?

The color shed sounded exclamation, and the unexpected means of Converse and Wei Chunqiu made the disciples stunned and stunned.

They didn't know much about it. Instead of being surprised by Lu Mingshu, they only thought it was a new secret.

Instead, those who are out of the realm of the gods, all look dignified.

“Is the ancient law really going to recover?” Zhongzhou Wang muttered. “Tianhai Pavilion actually studied this step.”

Wei Chunqiu’s hand, Zhongzhou Wang knows a little, and the means displayed by Converse really surprised him.

"Wang..." Wang looked at him worriedly.

The hand of Zhongzhou Wang shook unconsciously and said: "I am afraid I will go on retreat..."

Jianxiao became more and more sharp, and the wind and snow raged, and finally formed a confrontation.

With a bang, the sword gas exploded, and the wind and snow rolled into a whirlpool, and went wild.

"Hey--" as if the metal was cut, it was sharp enough to pierce the eardrum.

The young disciples licked their ears, licking their teeth and licking the roof. What is the sound? very scary!

The fusion of the disciples is blue. Two on the stage, is it the same as them? Why is the power difference so great? Such an imposing manner, if they stand in front, I am afraid that even one move can not stop!

"Boom!" A loud noise, the ice wafer piece shattered, the sword gas disappeared, everything was calm.


After a long time, someone reached out to the mouth and took a breath to warm up the hands that were frozen and unconscious.

In the mid-spring season, Feixian Palace has a pleasant climate. Most of them wear spring shirts. After this test, it is like winter snow crossing. The treetops of the cliffs are covered with ice crystals, a white snow, cold and cold.

The crowd suddenly looked up and looked at the rooftop.

Is the trial finally over?

Lin Zixin fluttered down and did not immediately announce the result. Instead, he went to look at the two and asked a few words.

They were a little far apart, and their voices were low. They couldn’t hear what they said. They saw Wei and the two shook their heads for a while and nodded.

Lin Zixin asked, and a few steps before the step, Yang Sheng announced: "Tianhai Pavilion, Converse - win!"