Phoenix Destiny

Chapter 179: give it to me

"Ah!" In the color shed, bursts of exclamation.

The disciples watched the three-person group that had advanced and relegated before, and were attacked by the three barbarians in an extremely stupid way. At the same time, they were irritated and unable to do anything.

"It’s not good to go on like this! What should I do?" In the colorful shed of the Seven True Views, Yu’s thoughts.

When the corner of his eye suddenly slammed into the front of Xie Lianzhen, he looked at the rooftop like that quietly, and he didn’t care about himself.

In these two days, Yu Jiexin had a lot of emotions in his heart. Seeing him like this, his dissatisfaction suddenly came up and raised his voice. "Thank you, brother, you don't seem to worry at all! What high opinion?"

Xie Lianzhen looked back at him and looked calm: "But it’s just a little trick, as long as they play the normal level, it's not difficult to solve."

"Oh? The younger brother is dull, please thank the brothers for advice."

Yu’s voice is not small, and the disciples sitting nearby are attracted attention.

The sovereignty of Xie Lianzhen is somewhat subtle in the position of Qizheng. On the one hand, he is the fifth sect, and the former servant of the Lian 贞 君 君 君 君 君, succeeded the lord, this is what it should be. On the other hand, he is flawed, usually less than before, how many people will feel that his lord has no weight.

Yu's provocation, they all heard it, and now I want to hear, how will Xie Lianzhen answer.

"Three people are one person, it sounds very powerful. Can you change your mind, does it become a three-on-one? It is not difficult to join forces with three people to defeat opponents who are much stronger than themselves."

Yu Kuang frowns: "Xie brother, have you not seen it? They can be transformed into three, one, and three. If they come up with a three-to-one plan, the other two will be split and become three." Right three."

"Three to three, then it is better solved. Before they were not three to three crushing each other?"

Yu Jieyi, some violent: "The key is to transform! They can be transformed at any time!"

Xie Lianzhen smiled faintly: "How can it be so easy to be a three-person person? The resonance brought about by the blood pulse is not enough to be like an arm. Everyone has their own unique rhythm. As long as one of them is destroyed, it is equal to Wasted one arm."

If you say that Xie Lianxi’s previous answer is like playing with words, this sentence can contain a lot of dry goods. The seven true audience disciples listened and could not help but ponder the feasibility.

"It's easy to say it." Yu Jie didn't want to admit defeat. "These truths, isn't Wei brothers ignorant? If you want to destroy the rhythm of the other side, you must crush the other side. If you can crush each other, you will be in trouble?"

Listen to the disciples, too! Destroying the rhythm of the opponent is not a rare method. It is easier said than done. It is difficult to do it.

Xie Lianzhen gently shook his head: "So, the problem has come back. If there is only one person, it is not easy to destroy the rhythm, but this is a group battle. With this kind of running-in, you don't need to crush, just make their cooperation a little wrong. , it will slowly collapse."

Just like a gear, one can't bite, and the back will be farther and farther.

Yu Yu is speechless. When I think about it, I found out that Xie Lianzhen said it makes sense. However, the reason is that the barbarians inspired by the blood, the power is too strong, can not be touched, want to disrupt their cooperation, the need for extremely keen observation and ability to grasp the opportunity. Three to three, more complicated than single player, no matter the companion or the other party, are not enough to understand, want to find the entry point, how difficult it is!

Looking at the test on the stage, Yu can only pray for his own brother in his heart.

Wei Chunqiu is very upset. The sequelae of his first two trials have not disappeared, and Xuanli’s control is not satisfactory, but he has encountered this situation. I want to rely on the strength to forcibly break the cooperation of the other side, and I am worried about the problem of the continuation of the mysterious force. I have not dared to make a decision.

Once again, Wu Chunqiu finally said: "We can't go on like this. When Xuan Li is always useful, delays are not good for us."

Converse listened to him and agreed to nod: "Yes. We must fight together."

The two looked at each other and found the same determination from the other's eyes.

"Forcibly cut in?" Wei Chunqiu asked.

Converse slowly nodded: "I tried to trap two people."

In this way, he and Lu Mingshu can cut into one point at the same time, and the possibility of success is greatly increased.

"But, the pressure on your side will be great."

"I don't care." Converse took a breath. "As long as you succeed, even if I am injured, it is worth it."

Also, it is better to drag it down than this.

Wei Chunqiu just wanted to promise, and one mouth was interrupted by Lu Mingshu: "You don't have to."

The two looked at her together: "Do you have a way?"

Lu Mingshu nodded: "Forcibly cutting in, nothing more than disrupting their rhythm, making them unable to cooperate. As long as we find the right time, this is not difficult."

Her grasp of the timing, Converse and Wei Chunqiu have experience, especially Wei Chunqiu, his fast sword almost was so broken by her.


"Tell me two words, give it to me."

Converse and Wei Chunqiu had a pair of eyes and agreed quickly.

"Well, Lu girl, we all listen to you."

The battle began so long, Lu Mingshu data has already been collected, and the mind has already been fixed. At this point, the eyes swept away and pointed to the center of the rooftop: "How are you going to gossip?"

Both nodded. The seven true views are the Taoist, and Wei Chunqiu is certainly familiar with the gossip. Tianhai Pavilion, because of the study of ancient methods, must also be familiar with the direction of the Eight Diagrams.

"Take that point as the center, use the direction of the Eight Diagrams to identify, dry, Kun, away, and kan, at these four points, wait for where I am, where are you going. I said that the attack will attack, I will retreat, any questions?"

Converse hesitated and quickly nodded: "Good! Since I decided to listen to you, of course, what do you do?"

Wei Chunqiu has no objections.

"I yell one, it means 寇 brother, and second, it is Wei Gongzi. You all remember it. Be sure to execute it right away. If you miss it, you may lose the opportunity."


"Now start, one is in the middle, the second is to leave the position, go!"

As soon as the voice fell, the three of them dispersed.

Converse stood in the center and Wei Chunqiu jumped quickly.

Lu Mingshu's figure flashed, and Wei Chunqiu stood on the same line, separated by two feet.

She sang: "One guard, two attack!"

A volume of Converse Shuilong, closed in the whole body.

Wei Chunqiu Xuanguang Ningjian, the tip of the sword.

At the same time, Lu Mingshu made a slap in the air and stabbed it out.

The three barbarians, the second is close, and immediately attacked Wei Chunqiu. No. 1 and No. 3, attacking Converse!

"What are they doing?" In the color shed, many disciples stood up in surprise. "Is this to hand over the command to Lu Mingshu? Can she not do it?"

"Not good, Converse is pinched!"

It’s just Hu Lai! Many people think in their hearts.