Phoenix Destiny

Chapter 183: Knot

“Transaction?” Xie Lianzhen thought, “I don’t know what you have, let me talk to me. I don’t think you can come up with the conditions that make me feel good.”

He spoke very directly.

For Xie Lianzhen, he can't get it, and he can't get what he lacks. And Lu Mingshu, what can she offer? property? He is more than her, and he has more than her.

"Oh, no." Xie Lianxi smiled. "There is one thing, you have it and I don't."

I glanced at her and said slowly: "That is yourself."

Seeing her suddenly discolored face, Xie Lian laughed and laughed: "Just kidding, don't be so excited."

Lu Mingshu looked at him coldly: "Let's be sure that you don't have anything?"

"I have more things missing, can you give me?" Xie Lianxi said with a smile. "I want a normal life, my parents are both full, my family is happy, no one sacrifices for me, and I don't have to do things that I don't like." These, only time to come back, is it possible to do it?"

Lu Mingshu silently touched his heart.

If you can, this... is also her wish. But how can time flow backwards?

"So, what about your legs?"

Xie Lianzhen smiled on her face and looked up, but she saw her seriously looking at her legs.

"If your legs are good, you can always make up for some regrets, are you?"

I haven't spoken for a long time.

There was a wind blowing outside, and the windshield of the corner hit the eaves.

Xie Lianzhen opened his mouth and his voice was awkward: "You want to say, can you cure my leg?"

"I am not sure, there is probably a grasp of 70% or 80%."

Seventy or eighty percent, a high probability.

"Do you know what is wrong with my leg?"

Lu Mingshu shook his head: "I don't know, but as long as your legs are still there, there is hope."

This is the most sincere and tempting condition she can come up with.

No one knows how Xie Lianzhen’s leg is going. According to her observation, his legs should be good, even if there are defects, the shrinkage is not serious, it is very likely that the meridians are blocked, or something else, which makes it impossible to stand up.

As a son of Wang Hao, his leg has definitely seen many famous doctors. He has not been cured until now. The normal treatment is not likely to be cured.

However, the medical treatment of this world is not good, and it does not mean that the medical skills of other circles can not be cured.

Lu Mingshu knows that such a person, Xie Lianzhen, cannot be scared off by language alone, and he really helped her. This kind of person must be returned. Therefore, she came up with this method. If he can cure his leg, he can always offset the ill-conceived feelings. And his legs are good, and with a broader world, it should not be entangled in her anymore?

"Chang Hui!" Xie Lianzhen suddenly raised his voice.

A young man came in from outside the flower house: "The son."

He was expressionless: "Give me back."

"Yes." Xie Changhui did not have a nonsense, pushing him out of the flower house.

Lu Mingshu groaned: "Hey..." Did she say something wrong?

No one looked back at her and the two left.

Left Lu Mingshu alone, stunned.

what happened? Is it not his most eager thing to cure his leg? Because of his flaws, he was attacked by people from small to large. If it is a stupid egg, it is a very smart person. To say that he is not suffering inside, she does not believe at all. As long as he manages his legs, his life can turn over. Why is he not only unhappy, but he is still very angry?

Lu Mingshu did not expect that this would be the result, I can't understand why.

Thank you, Lian Lian has already left, and she has no question.

Stand for a while, you can only go back first.

Just out of the flower house, in the shade, stood a figure.

"Lu girl." The voice is familiar.

Lu Mingshu looked up: "Wei Gongzi?"

This person is Wei Chunqiu.

Lu Mingshu couldn't help but look back. This road, straight through the flower house, there is no other destination, Wei Chunqiu will not be deliberately waiting here?

"I saw Xie Shidi coming here, and I just saw you here." Wei Chunqiu seems to know what she is thinking. "Some don't worry, so stay and see."

worried? Is it not assured that she shot on Xie Lianzhen, or do not worry that Xie Lianzhen is not good for her?

By the way, when he first saw him in the alley, he and Xie Lianzhen both shot and pressed the secret treasure thrown out by Jiayu County. Looking at the means at the time, Xie Lianzhen is also hidden, and the strength may be stronger than Yu. So, is the latter?

Wei Chunqiu asked: "Is there always been a connection between you?"

Lu Mingshu silently.

Wei Chunqiu already knows the answer.

He sighed and said: "It’s awkward."

Lu Mingshu did not understand: "What do you mean?"

"He rarely likes people so much." Wei Chunqiu said, "Or, no one can do anything for anyone."

"So?" Lu Mingshu wanted to know how Wei Chunqiu looked at him as the same door.

"You..." Wei Chunqiu shook his head. "Forget it, others don't care what they say. He, this person, looks good-tempered, but he never listens to what others say."

Lu Mingshu was a little surprised: "You seem to know him very well."

"He liked to stick to me when he was a child." Wei Chunqiu's voice with a faint smile. "Before he always said that if you have such a big brother like me. But later..."

Wei Chunqiu said that Xie Lianzhen is totally different from Xie Lianzhen, whom she knows. When did he actually have such a good time?

"Lu girl, when Xie Shidi left, it was very unhappy. Did you quarrel?"

Speaking of this, Lu Mingshu suddenly thought that Wei Chunqiu could not answer her question?

"No. I just told him that maybe he could heal his leg, and then he would get angry."

"Can you cure his leg?" Wei Chunqiu was surprised.

"It's just possible."

Wei Chunqiu nodded: "It is no wonder that he will be angry."

Lu Mingshu did not understand: "Why? Is it not a good thing to cure his legs?"

Wei Chunqiu wants to sigh again: "Lu girl, do you know why he is so small and succeeded as Lian Xing Xingjun?"

"Because the former Lian Xingjun died unexpectedly, he is a descendant of the shackles, so inheritance from generation to generation?" This is not a secret.

Wei Chunqiu nodded: "Yes. The former Lian Xing Xingjun is the ancestor of Xie Shidi. Xie Shidi has lost his father since childhood, and his mother... he is a big master of Yanshi."

"What is the problem?"

Wei Chunqiu coveted her and looked at her: "Do you know how the Yanshi uncle died?" Didn't wait for her to say anything, and went on the way. "It was just to give him medicine to cure his leg, and he died unexpectedly."

"..." Lu Mingshu was surprised.

"At that time, Xie Shidi was only twelve years old. Since then, he is no longer the Xie teacher I know." Wei Chunqiu's voice is particularly clear in the quiet night. "There is a taboo in our seven true views. Absolutely Can not be in front of his face, mention the uncle of Yan Shi. This is his heart knot, touch once, hurt once."