Phoenix Destiny

Chapter 191: Pool fish

"Wake up! Lu Mingshu, wake up!" A voice came from the ear.

Lu Mingshu slowly opened his eyes. For a moment, she couldn't figure out where she was, and then, before the coma, she rushed into her mind and she suddenly sat up.

The surrounding environment was beyond her expectations.

Not far from the river, the two sides stood a thousand miles, and she, lying on the river beach.

"You can still sit up, it seems that nothing happens." Xie Lianzhen’s voice came, "Remember what happened before?"

Lu Mingshu looked at the cliff above his head: "Are we falling down?"


To get the answer, Lu Mingshu licked the painful temple and checked his own situation.

The internal rate is normal and there is no internal injury. There was a scratch on the back of the limbs, but it didn't matter.

It was a miracle that such a high place fell and was not seriously injured. Perhaps she should be glad that she fell down with Xie Lianzhen, and the wheelchair mechanism kept them.

She stood up, pulled the ruffled clothes, and asked condescendingly: "Are you standing up?"

Xie Lianzhen’s expression is hard to say.

She sighed and found a wheelchair not far away.

It is also amazing, people are fine, and the chair is fine.

Then push it over and put Xie Lianzhen on.

"Do you know that my legs are okay?" Xie Lianzhen, who returned to the wheelchair, the first sentence is this.

Lu Mingshu nodded.

"Who told you that?"

"Wei Chunqiu."

Xie Lian smiled bitterly: "No wonder you dare to come to me, it seems that he has sold me out."

"But it didn't work." Lu Mingshu looked at his leg. "You really can't stand up?"


"I heard that when you were a child, because of poor legs, you have suffered a lot from practicing. Now the legs are good, are you not happy?"

"It has been twelve years." Xie Lianxi squinted. "If you say a few words, how can I still need this?"

Looking at her face thoughtfully, he sighed: "Now that is not the time to say this, we are in trouble."

Lu Mingshu looked up at the cliff: "I see it."

She woke up and found out that there was a special kind of power around him, and Xuan Li was banned. And the environment is a bit strange, here is not where they fell.

"Are we being rushed downstream?"

Xie Lianqi slowly shook his head: "The trouble I said is this. What I said next may sound incredible, but you better believe it."

Lu Mingshu nodded: "You said."

"We...may be involved in a particular space."

After saying this, I found that Lu Mingshu did not respond. Xie Lianzhen asked: "Are you not surprised?"

The world specializes in force, the level of the technique is very low, and the enchantment is straight and straight. Like this special space, it is simply a legendary thing.

But he did not know that Lu Mingshu had seen through the skywheel, a rare practice.

She pointed to the top of the head: "The cliff on the other side should be the position of the Tianbang? The surrounding scenery is roughly the same, and the difference is not the same. In order to name it, the list is flattened, but what we see now, but It's not like this."

Xie Lianzhen sighed: "Not bad. Not only that, we should have a pavilion in this place where we are standing now, and we can't see it now."

"Is it a fantasy?" Lu Mingshu shook his head again and vetoed it. "No, every stone is clear, and the illusion is not so stable."

In the words of the end of the world, the illusion requires a high amount of computational support. The clearer the scene, the stronger the kernel. There are so many sand stones in the river beach where they are located. If you want to show this, people who use the illusion will need superior strength. Even if it is a chemical environment, it may not be able to do it. Can't it be a hole in the virtual environment? The great masters, to calculate them, are too big a problem.

Xie Lianzhen looked at her thoughtfully: "How do you know so much?"

“Don't it?” Lu Mingshu did not intend to answer this question and continued to think, “similar scenes, but different existences, there seems to be a time difference in the middle – copy space?”

The more she thinks, the more she feels like this. The space in which it was located was copied at another time and then released.

To do this, as long as the environment can be - if there are powerful treasures, you can also go out of the way.

"We just got caught in the pool, right?"

Xie Lianzhen is really surprised this time: "How do you guess it?"

Lu Mingshu smiled and said: "This kind of means is not easy to display. You or I don't have this value."

She doesn't have to say it. There is no place in the Jiu Yao Palace. Even if she takes the first place in the rookie list, it is just a reputation. Although Xie Lianzhen is one of the masters of the Seven True Views, he is not enough weight regardless of his strength or power. It is better to strike Wang Hao directly against him.

If you count like this...

"If I don't expect it, this matter should be directed at Wang or Wang Hao." Xie Lianxi said, "Or, I want to kill the seven true views."

Qilin Peak is the boundary of the Seven True Views.

Lu Mingshu thought for a moment: "With the foundation of your seven true views, there must be several circumstance guards in the martial art?"

Xie Lianqi nodded.

"If this is the case, we don't have to wait too long. The Feixian Palace has changed. They will definitely be aware of it in the first time and come to the rescue. This reason, the people who set up the game must understand, and it is a time difference before and after."

"Yeah." Xie Lianzhen had some accidents. I thought I would explain it to her. I didn't expect him to say anything. She had already pushed everything out. This feeling is really...

Things are straightened out, Lu Mingshu is also relieved. She asked: "So, are we temporarily reconciled?"

Xie Lian贞 laughed: "You didn't turn your face directly, I was quite surprised."

“What a surprise?” Lu Mingshu said faintly. “I will not put my life on the ground for quarreling.”

Unfamiliar environment, unknown danger. At the moment, Xie Lianzhen is not the first threat. Even if he wants to turn his face with him, he must go out from here.

Xie Lianxi looked at her with a playful taste: "Isn't that enough to say what I said before? I thought that you wouldn't wait to part with me."

Lu Mingshu sneered: "What is the use of words? Do you have enough ability to implement it? If you are determined to break the net, what can you do? Xie Lianzhen, even if you are a pervert, you must have enough strength, you are still a little worse! ”

"Is it?" He looked down at his leg. "Are you abandoning my leg?"

What is this brain circuit? Lu Mingshu was too lazy to care for him and turned away.

There is no problem with the temporary settlement, but with this metamorphosis, she is afraid that she will not help kill him.

Watching her leave, Xie Lianzhen reached out and touched her leg, and it was difficult to distinguish.