Phoenix Destiny

Chapter 223: Give you a face

The sword was suddenly scattered, and Lu Mingshu only felt that a strong attack came, and “噔噔噔” stepped back a few steps before he barely stopped.

The throat was sweet, and she pressed down the blood that came up and looked at the people.

This man, wearing a blue dress with a leafy logo, is very strong and must be angry.

It’s an old man, but this old man is not the same as the one she deceived.

He stood up with his hands and was not angry with himself, but he was a predecessor of the gods!

Lu Mingshu wiped the corner of his mouth and stood up straight: "Ye Jiake is really a big hand, and even out of the realm, it is too high to see me?"

The sturdy old man who came out of the sacred voice screamed: "The little girl, the fusion of the system can not hold you, can you come to the gods?"

Lu Mingshu was stunned by his words, and he could only sigh for a long time: "You Ye Jia puts the following, I serve."

If it is a fusion, she can still run. How can you be dissatisfied with the situation? The difference in strength is too great.

The strong old man is very satisfied: "Yes, you know the time, the old man tries not to give you the pain."

After all, he glanced over.

The old man in black was poisoned and soft, and even rolled up and fell to his feet: "The Seven Lords are angry! Bi is also thinking about the three sons."

Strong old man cold channel: "Is the old man blaming you? Roll it up! Take people away!"

The old man in black is overjoyed: "Yes!"

He is not a Ye family, but a thug of the Yudao general manager.

Although Lu Mingshu did not recognize him, Kirin met with many big factions. When he saw the temperament of the old man, he guessed that he was not a Ye family, and most of them were the guardians of Yudao. It is not only guarded here, but also obeyed by the general manager. She said to the old man in black that the master of the master, the first refers to the general manager, the second is the Ye Family.

Besides, I only sent such an old guy to deal with her, and I am too sorry for her. Lu Mingshu is self-proclaimed, and Ye Sangong, who has only played with her during the day, will not do this stupid thing.

However, she also has a guess.

For example, the Yejiao family's predecessors did not seem to understand people.

In the end, I still have to go to Ye Family to take a trip? It’s a waste of time.

Think of it this way, the strong old man over there snorted: "Little girl, advise you not to move! In front of absolute strength, there is no chance for you to be a demon!"

Lu Mingshu was about to talk, and suddenly there was a laugh in the distance: "Ye Qiye, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

The strong old man flashed in the eyes, staring up at the night: "Yu Ruohan?"

Under the moonlight, a figure, flying by the wind, came.

The woman is nearly thirty years old, and she is dressed in a strong posture.

When she landed a sleeve, she smiled and said: "Seven Ye, you haven't appeared for a long time. Could it be that the last injury was not good?"

Ye Qiye snorted: "My injury is not good, what do you care about?"

"Seven Ye said this, too cold." Yu Ruohan smiled and bent his eyes, quite gratifying, softening her hard temperament. "This is coming and going, our friendship has been so many years, Xiaomei Do you care, isn't it?"

"Yes? You come here, just to care for me?" Ye Qiye can not believe.

Yu Ruohan smiled again: "Well, I can't see the seven masters, I will open the door."

Ye Qiye returned to cold.

Yu Ruohan turned his gaze and pointed to Lu Mingshu: "This little girl, please also ask Qiye to open one side."

Ye Qiye’s eyes are cold: “Yu Ruohan, you don’t have such a big face!”

There is no feeling in this regard, Yu Ruohan is not angry, still with a smile: "I don't have such a big face, can Zhongzhou Wang Hao have it?"

"What?" Ye Qiye shouted. Yu Ruohan is not a person who opens his mouth to the river, but can he be the king of Zhongzhou? What do you mean?

Yu Ruohan floated on the face: "Zi Ye, don't you know? Kirin will end, and Zhongzhou Wang Hao almost left the Lu girl."


Yu Ruohan smiled and said: "Isn't it? If I change to be young, there is such a chance, how can I refuse? The young people are now awful! Mrs. Star Jun can't keep up... Ha, I have more words... ”

Where is the word, clearly is deliberate.

Ye Qiye’s face is cloudy and uncertain. Yu Ruohan’s words have already revealed enough information, and Wang Qiye has to be treated with caution.

Although Beibei does not belong to Zhongzhouguan, the Zhongzhou royal family is the emperor. The Quartet is nominally dominated by it. The kings of Dongyue and Xichuan are the ministers of Zhongzhou. And the Zhongzhou royal family has always been in power, and Yejia has many business dealings with Zhongzhou. If it is offended by Zhongzhou Wangfu...

Ye Qiye thought a little, and he had already made a decision in his heart. He said: "You Yu Ruohan has a rare opening, how about giving you a face? But next time, it is not so cheap."

Yu Ruohan holds a fist and returns: "Thanks to Ye Qiye for rewarding me with this face, nothing to come to our dock!"

"Oh! Let me talk."

Ye Qiye’s great loss, perfunctory, said to the old man in black: “What are you doing? Roll back!”

The old man in black is moving his lips and looking at Lu Mingshu.

Lu Mingshu said, "The poison in your life does not matter. It only temporarily suppresses the meridians. After a day, it is naturally discharged."

The old man in black sighed with relief, and hugged her with her fists. After she was behind Ye Qiye, she held a sigh of relief and slowly walked away.

The two figures disappeared, Lu Mingshu turned back to Yu Ruohan salute: "Thank you for the help of the seniors."

Yu Ruohan didn't politely with her, holding her arms around her chest and asking, "If I didn't come, would you not say this thing?"

Lu Mingshu shook his head: "The younger generation did not intend to return to Ye Family with them."

Yu Ruohan showed a smile: "It’s better than your master, not so embarrassed."

Lu Mingshu shocked: "Predecessors, do you know my master?"

Yu Ruohan nodded: "Otherwise, do you think that I came out to help you? It is no good to offend Ye Jiake."

Lu Mingshu’s brain did not turn over.

"I am the offering of the Shunfeng Fleet." Yu Ruohan smiled and explained, "I saw you and Ye Sangong in the daytime, and recognized your swordsmanship. I went back and found out that you are really related to the old man."

This Yu Ruohan background is not simple! Her news in Zhongzhou, Ye Jiadu has not fully figured out, she can actually find out.

"Yu predecessor, you and your teacher are..."

"When your master came to Beibei, he used to go. But we met in Zhongzhou."

"It is like this..."

Yu Ruohan turned his head and looked at it: "This is not the place to talk. Please come with me first."

Lu Mingshu did not hesitate: "Yes."

Their strengths are so different, if Yu Ruohan really does not care, there is no need to play. Thinking of this, she went with confidence.