Phoenix Destiny

Chapter 331: Beastmaster

Jiang Yuan nodded lightly: "The Chu brother is not too late."

When I finished talking, I saw that the Yunzi son came out of the cabin, and her eyes could not help but groan.

Chu said that she noticed a slight change in her expression and smiled: "I met him when I met Yun Xiong on the road."

Jiang Yuan looked unchanged and nodded to the cloud son: "It turns out."

Lu Mingshu glanced at her and knew that Jiang Yuan was not as calm as the surface. Not to mention her special relationship with the floating cloud son, she said that the four sons, although this collectively said that there is a lot of fun, but each of them represents a force that cannot be ignored. Qin family, Jiang family, Nie family, these are three behemoths, although the relative strength of the Chu family is not large, but the teacher of the Chu Gongzi is not a small person. Such four people, any two of them, are not just superficial.

What is behind the Chu dynasty and the floating cloud son? Is it just a deal, or a union of two forces?

With Jiang Yuan greeted, the eyes of the floating cloud son fell behind her behind Lu Mingshu and Yan Wugui: "The two good eyes, I do not know how to call?"

Jiang Yuandao: "This is the young man and the quarter girl of Zhong Lin Ji."

Her tone is not very concerned, listening is like introducing someone who is not important. If they are really Ji Xulin and Ji Zhenzhen, as Jiang Gongzi, they really don't need to care.

The cloud son nodded and no longer said more.

Here, Chu said with a smile, said: "Jiang brother, are you going to stay here for a while?"

Jiang Yuan replied: "Yes, we are a little weaker. We will take a break here and go back."

"Jiang Xiong is really modest. If so, let's take a step."

Jiang Yuan’s fist: “Two please.”

"Let's go." Chu said, another young repairer promised, the boat was like a string of arrows, galloping away, and slammed into the battle.

"That is the younger brother of Chu Yuyan." Jiang Yuan did not know whether he was telling them or talking to himself. "If the strength is not comparable to him, it will not be much worse."

Lu Mingshu exchanged a look with Yan Wugui.

Jiang Yuan went on to say: "The cloud has always been suspicious. Although he entered the Nie family, he did not believe in the Nie family. He did not take it with him. He was with the Chu slogan. Is it a covetous convenience or a Nie family?"

Her words are obviously not asking them. The two people who know nothing about the situation in Yunjing can't answer.

Jiang Yuan’s eyes were slightly closed, and his fingers gently stroked his sleeves, as if he was thinking.

On the other hand, Chu Gongzi’s ship has entered the scope of the big battle. Unsurprisingly, just entering, a water beast ran into them.

But see the floating cloud son swinging his sleeves, flying out a few sharp edges, and hitting them in battle.

Lu Mingshu could not help but go to Jiang Yuan. Although Jiang Yuan used the ice vertebra, the two men have the same skill. According to Ms. Nie, they were both childhood friends. Perhaps this is a trick, maybe it is practiced together? I don't know if Jiang Gongzi saw this scene, would it be unfair?

As far as she can see, Jiang Yuan may have no reluctance or hatred for the Yunzi son, but he may not care about anything. Otherwise, she will not be provoked by her and Yan.

Today, of course, she does not need to marry Miss Nie, even overlooking her from a higher place, but time is reversed for five years? She paid a lot for the clouds, but in the end she parted ways, but the reason was that Ms. Nie was noble and able to bring better resources to the clouds.

Now Jiang Yuan, there is no need to see Miss Nie in the eyes, but this humiliation cannot be completely forgotten.

I only hope that Jiang Gongzi can always be so calm, and when the debate on the sea of ​​clouds ends, everyone will go all the way.

At first glance, Chu’s dialect is no different from the previous four. After a while, Lu Mingshu suddenly found out that they had exceeded the first ship.

She gently snorted and thought carefully, suddenly understood.

That's it! It seems that there is no difference between the two ships, but Chu’s ship has never been turned over, and it seems that there are rules to follow.

At this moment, another ship continued to enter the battlefield, Lu Mingshu saw the Qin Gongzi.

"Let's go." Jiang Yuan suddenly said, "Are you ready? Stop it again, it will be too late."

"At any time." Yan replied slyly.

Jiang Yuan nodded lightly, and when he stepped on his feet, the boat moved, and the speed became faster and faster, and he slammed into the battle.

"I am in the middle, you are both wings."

Only when they had time to say this, they met the first water beast.

The sword and the shadow of the sword, flying everywhere, the first water beast went down smoothly.

Under the control of Jiang Yuan, the boat suddenly turned a corner and drove out for a while before encountering a water beast.

So killing the past.

If all goes well, they will be able to go to Lake Island before noon.

Suddenly, the boat swayed violently, and Jiang Yuanyi shot it, and the soul force was pressed.

She was not in the heart and was attacked by the water beast. It has always been like this.

But this time it was obviously different. When the counterattack came vigorously, the soul force could not be suppressed. The sound of "squeaky" sounded louder, and the mask of the soul force suddenly broke.

Jiang Yuan was shot out and flew out. He was about to fall into the water. The figure suddenly stagnate and jumped up and stopped in the air.

Her face was pale and she looked at the extraordinarily fierce water beast.

The boat not far away rang the exclamation, and the participants who saw this scene all took a breath.

"The condensed period, it is actually a condensed period!"

“How can there be a water beast that is condensed?”

"I remembered, this is the beastmaster who suppresses the eyes! My God, is that the son of Chiang Kai-shek? His luck is really bad, the Beastmaster rarely appears."

"Is it never been seen? I don't seem to hear it!"

"On one occasion, a long time ago, the battle of the sea of ​​clouds, the Beastmaster once lost control, killing most of the repairers..."

This sentence says that everyone can't help themselves.

No way? They are so bad luck, this time they also encountered the Beastmaster crazy?

"How can the Beastmaster get out of control?" Someone’s voice has shivered. "Isn’t there a predecessor who is guarding here?"

The man swallowed his throat in a difficult way: "If you say so, you can condense the predecessors of the gods. It is the island of Huxin, which comes out of time."

"Yeah, there may be no notice. After all, the debate on the sea of ​​clouds has been peaceful for many years..."

The more people say the more they are scared, the more they retreat.

"Do we turn our heads?" Even though this is not the case, it is better than losing your life.

Someone yelled at the chest: "Why are we all going in and want to turn around? It’s useless, it’s harder to make a head start and kill."


"Don't worry, if something happens, Jiang Gongzi has something to do first, we wait..."

Several people waited with enthusiasm.

On the other hand, Jiang Yuan saw this beastmaster and his face changed.

She gritted her teeth. This is someone who is pitting her!