Phoenix Destiny

Chapter 359: Where is it hidden?

Xie Lianzhen, who is addicted to alchemy, is holding a small cloth all day long.

"The fire is a little smaller, a little smaller."

"Yes, exactly."

Lu Mingshu stood in the middle of the medicine garden and looked at them one by one.

It’s just a mustard sac, it’s nothing, but it’s definitely a superb means of stagnation of the entire medicine garden. To this end, we will not hesitate to stop the growth of the rare medicines of the entire medicine garden. The things kept by the holy king must be very good.

What could it be?

"Okay, open the stove now."

"Hey!" Xiaobu opened the lid, and a burst of fragrance came.

Xie Lianzhen grabbed a round "sugar pill" and came over.

"What are you thinking about?" Take one and put it in her mouth.

Lu Mingshu intuitively leaned back and reached for his push.

"This is the condensate Yuan Dan I just made, not a poison."

Lu Mingshu looked at him inspection.

"Really, you have a look." Xie Lian贞 smiled.

After taking the sugar pill, Lu Mingshu looked at it. Xie Lianzhen’s alchemy talent is really good. The Dan pills that have been refining are round and have few impurities.

She put this condensate Yuan Dan into her mouth.

The entrance is instant, and it’s still sweet. It’s really a sugar pill. Strange, she has eaten a lot, is it sweet?

"I add some kumquat, is it a bit sweet to eat? Nothing to eat as a snack!"

Seeing his smug look, Lu Mingshu said casually: "Not bad."

"Do you feel good too? Then I will continue to refine tomorrow!"


Seeing her absent-minded, Xie Lianqi came over: "What are you looking for?"

This kind of thing, Xie Lianzhen never fell behind, anyway, he has seen a lot of secrets, Lu Mingshu simply took out the pocket watch: "Hey, look."

"What is this?" As soon as he saw the pocket watch, Xie Lianzhen was attracted.

"This is the hour hand, this is the minute hand, this is the second hand..." Lu Mingshu patiently explained it again.

Xie Lianzhen immediately discovered the key to the matter: "Time has slowed down?"

Lu Mingshu nodded: "Exactly, the change of time has been stagnant..."

The theory of mustard sac is well understood. After listening to it, Xie Lianzhen understood: "So you are looking for something. Is there something worthy of the Holy King to give up this garden?"


Xie Lianzhen walked around before and after, and finally stopped in front of the red needle tree.

"If I am a holy king, I will not hide at all."


"This medicine garden, this is a secret place. If you can find a medicine garden, you don't care if you hide it." Xie Lianzhen pointed out something. "What do you think of this tree?"

Lu Mingshu said: "This is the best place in the entire medical park."

This tree not only has a good terrain, but also direct sunlight. They settled here. Xie Lianxi buried the roots of the veins that were dug away from the Yaoxi Mountain Forest to the tree to absorb the gas of the ground.

She suddenly understood: "The best things, of course, should be placed in the best place."

Xie Lianyi nodded, touched the red needle tree, and gently jumped up.

In the center of the red needle tree, there is a huge torus that they saw when they came. The receptacle was empty and should have been fruited and taken away.

Xie Lianzhen leaned over and put his hand in...

After a while, he smiled and pulled out a small parcel from inside.


... Is the brain circuit of the bad guys similar? This special thing can be found!

Xie Lianxi jumped from the tree and threw the small parcel to her: "Look at what this is."

Open the parcel, but see the bread with amber ore, about two palms, the color is yellow and turbid, can not see what is inside.

The two turned over and over and didn't understand what it was. They could only be collected first.

"Hey, look at this." Xie Lianqi grabbed the wrapper just now. "How do you seem to have a word?"

Lu Mingshu took over and the two men went together to look at it. But seeing this parcel, there are some words written in a random, intermittent, and the text is unwritten.

Even so, the two people became more and more excited and could not help but hold their breath.

After watching it over and over again, I was going backwards and the two talents stopped.

Xie Lianqi spit out a sigh of relief and said, "It’s really big!"

"Yeah." Lu Mingshu only took a word, but he could not restrain himself from being excited.

The word on the wrapper should be the experience that was written down at the time of promotion. Although it is scattered, it is also very detailed.

Xie Lianzhen walked around: "Before we got a practice from Ji Gongzi, there is a way to break through the meditation, but it is extremely rough. But if you add this, it is very detailed. Hey, this place is repaired, go The road is totally different from the ancient Xiawu people. The few people you encountered before, casting spells is not much slower than our swords. It used to use the soul force to directly inscribe the spell model in the body. If we do this, we have one more. Kind of body protection..."

He suddenly stood and clap his hands: "Well! Wait until my injury recovers, just try it. If it works, you can do it when you break through."

Lu Mingshu looked at him fixedly.

Xie Lianzhen was confused by her: "What's wrong? Where can I not think well?"

She shook her head: "No." Just suddenly remembered that every time something is uncertain about safety or not, he always grabs the front, whether it is Yan no return, or Xie Lianzhen.

Since then, Xie Lianzhen has been too busy. While indulging in alchemy and pondering the law on the other side, there is no time to harass her.

This made Lu Mingshu relieved and worried that there was a problem with the exercises. To say that Xie Lianzhen is also unlucky enough, since she met her, the injury has not been broken. He has been injured for more than two decades and is estimated to have not been more than this year.

She entered the skywheel and hung the form of the amber ore in the exchange area to collect clues.

At first, most people just came in to watch it, there is no useful clue. Hanging for seven or eight days, finally someone said: This should be a winter and summer stone, congratulations to the brothers, get rich!

Lu Mingshu directly contacted this: "This Xiongtai, do you know what this is?"

The other person is hanging out and will come back soon: "Have you heard of Cordyceps?"

"heard about it."

"This thing is similar to Cordyceps sinensis. It was originally a beast egg. It was later parasitic by different bacteria. The appearance of the animal has been maintained. It looks like a stone, but it is already a spiritual plant."

"How do you use this thing?" Lu Mingshu added a sentence, "If Xiongtai can tell, he has a gift."

Said, inviting the other party to open the channel, sent a block of yuan crystal past.

The other party just answered it with a mouthful. I didn't expect her to open a thank-you ceremony. The current hilarious replied: "The parasite can maintain the oval shape. The original body must be a very powerful beast. The parasitic bacteria need to be inside the animal eggs. The powerful energy can be absorbed in order to survive. Look at your winter and summer stone, the bacteria have been rooted in the egg, but have not fully absorbed the energy. When it is completely absorbed, it evolves into an adult, and it can be used. It is a spiritual plant, it will produce in season, it is generally a spiritual liquid, and it is worth a lot of money." After thinking about it, he added, "Girl, this winter and summer stone is still in a semi-absorbent state. It is hard to say whether it can live. It’s best to find a senior who is a high-ranking predecessor, otherwise it’s a pity.

Lu Mingshu was busy asking: "How can I help it absorb it?"

"It's okay to use your skills. But it takes a lot of work."

Lu Mingshu understood that the holy king sealed this thing, probably it is not ready to come.