Phoenix Destiny

Chapter 410: Make up

Bixi Valley, Liu Jizhen, the most often sitting on the boulder, changed his personal.

"The son." Xie Changhui took a steaming sheep soup from the house. This is the recipe that Mr. Hui opened, and it is for the three people who are not cultivated in the valley.

Now Liu is really not in the valley, and An Tongchen has also gone back. Xie Lianzhen and Mr. Hui sit on the boulder and talk about medical treatment.

Mr. Hui originally had a slight whisper about Lu Mingshu’s other person’s request for Liu’s illness. When he talked with Xie Lianzhen, he couldn’t help but put up a light heart and be convinced.

It is rumored by the outside world that this honest son, with the support of Wang Hao, can succeed the Lian Xing Xingjun. In fact, there are leg problems, and the ability is average, not worth mentioning.

Mr. Hui originally thought so, and after seeing this honest son, he knew that the rumors were not credible.

This is not only rich and handsome, temperamental, but also knowledgeable and quick. Mr. Hui has been studying medicine for decades. Others dare not say that he is quite confident in the medical field. However, when he talks with the honest son, he knows that there is a heaven outside the sky. The other party’s words are unheard of, and they are so detailed. It’s going on.

"Mr. This medicinal diet is wonderful." Drinking the sheep soup, Xie Lianxiao laughed, "The medicine is not as good as the food supplement, and the Liuzhangyuan body has been in short supply for many years. Wenbu is the best policy."

Mr. Hui waved his hand again and again: "Put ordinary, where is the son."

Xie Lianzhen also asked some questions about Liu Jizheng, and Mr. Hui answered them one by one. He pondered for a while and said: "So, the Liujiayuan's meridians have gradually regained their vitality and can be repaired."

Mr. Hui was shocked and asked: "Low-skilled son, the meridian break, can really be repaired?"

Xie Lianzhen did not give the exact answer, vaguely said: "Always try."

Mr. Hui saw that his eyes were different, hesitated for a long time, and he was cheeky and said: "If the son does not disregard, the monks are willing to give the son a shot."

Xie Lian贞 smiled and said: "Mr. You Hui is helping, but I can't ask for it. However, I am also trusted by others. What is going on, I want to decide."

"This is of course, of course..."

At this time, the ground suddenly swayed and the sound of rumbling came from afar.

Mr. Hui was shocked: "What is this? The earth dragon turned over?"

Xie Lianzhen looked sad and looked at Xie Changhui.

Xie Changhui expressed his will and hurried away.

Not long after, Liu Linju’s servant came and said a few words to Xie Changhui.

Xie Changhui came back and reported: "It is the movement of Yu Huafeng. Now people are worried and they have everything."

"What about Liu Zhangyuan?"

"Go to Chunshen Gorge."

Xie Lianzhen nodded. Chunshen Gorge is where the elders of the Yuan Dynasty lived, that is to say, Liu Jizhen did what he said.

Mr. Hui saw him busy and got up and retire: "The pharmacy is still taking drugs, and some have already retired."

Xie Lianzheng smiled: "Mr. Lao."

When Mr. Hui left, Xie Changhui couldn’t wait to ask: "Is this a publicity to make a public opinion? Isn’t this a way for Lu’s girl to ride a tiger, and have to die with Zhou’s family?”

Xie Lianzhen took over the Runkou tea he handed and said: "She came back to Jiu Yao Palace and was already destined to die with Zhou Jia."

Xie Changhui a trip.

"When she came back, she used the secret method of her hand to unite the forces of the week. This is a clear-cut white knife to Zhou Jia! How can Zhou family endure?"

"But," Xie Changhui frowned. "Zhou Jiagen is deep and leafy. Why don't you choose a safe road, do you have to decide with her? Isn't this short-lived, attacking the enemy?"

Xie Lianzhen gently shook his head: "No, on the contrary, Zhou made this choice, I think that the head lady is not completely useless. What do you think is the most terrible place for Lu girl?"

Xie Changhui blurted out: "She is too sharp."

This evaluation makes Xie Lianzhen quite interesting: "sharp?"

"That is... like a sword that is squirting, playing with her, she disdains, reasoning, she ignores. In short, it is difficult to engage."

Xie Lianxiao laughed: "It makes sense to say this. Yes, this is one of her characteristics. What is even more terrible is that such unreasonable people have endless potential."

He put down the cup and looked at the direction of Yan Huafeng: "It’s just a negligence, let her grow into what it is today, and then indulge for ten years, even three years and five years. What will happen? Time will give her more strength. However, the Zhou family will be further and further away from her. Therefore, the Zhou family seems to be deeply rooted, but in fact it has reached the stage of your life and death. If she can not kill her at this stage, the Zhou family will face her raised. Butcher knife."


Xie Lianzhen played with the jade pendant on the waist: "I just want to discuss the situation and push them to the situation where you live and die. In this way, she swayed her sword and killed the Jiu Yao Palace into a river, so that she would not be kidnapped by public opinion. By."

Xie Changhui has nothing to say, half a sigh: "You believe that the son, Lu girl will be the winner?"

"Of course." Xie Lian took care of the clothes and went down from the boulder. "Let's go, we can go out and wait for the follow-up."


On the Huanhua Peak, the sound of the rumble, it took a long time to stop.

Yu Wenshi did not give up, pulled He Xuan and rushed to the magnetic explosion.

After the magnetic explosion, it was full of devastation, and there was a deep pit, trees and mud, all of which were cleaned up.

Yu Wenshi saw that his heart was cold.

Not really dead, right? Zhou Jia still hasn't got rid of it! The death of a few weekly elders, although weakening their power, is still too far from falling.

After the end, Lu Mingshu died, this plan was abandoned halfway. However, they have already turned their faces with Zhou, and it is impossible to stop now. The Yutai one pulse order does not move Taifu, and it is too difficult to win.

Yu Wenshi is already thinking about how to get rid of the problem. Suddenly, He Xuan pulled it: "Brothers, look!"

He Xuan’s voice was amazed.

Yu Wenshi looked up and saw it.

After the magnetic explosion, there were countless dusts, and the rest wave settled. Someone next to the deep pit slowly climbed up.

Although the clothes are stained with dust, it is not difficult to see who she is.

Lu Mingshu! She is still alive!

Yu Wenshi was a happy first, then worried. Don't be half dead, only half life.

"Lu Shizhen?"

Lu Mingshu got up and waved his sleeves and swayed the dust on his body. He looked at the Yuwen teacher and said: "The original teacher is here."

Seeing that she erased the blood on her lips, the spirit was still good. Yu Wenshi sighed with relief: "It’s okay for the teacher to be fine. I really didn’t think that Wen Shijie was so mad."

"Oh," Lu Mingshu said faintly. "It is not necessarily good to be alive."

I don't know why, Yu Wenshi listened to this sentence, but he was a bit scared.

"What should the teacher do?" He tempted.

Lu Mingshu smiled and raised his chin: "Why do I have to decide? Is this not forced to come to the door?"