Phoenix Destiny

Chapter 489: Seven-star position

In the wide underground hall, eight stone walls are set, engraved with the appearance of gossip. In the center of the hall, the stone wall is surrounded by a skeleton.

Here? What does Xie Lianzhen come here for?

Lu Mingshu stepped in step by step, and his eyes were swept away. It is known to be an empty shell.

She thought a little, and the sword became mad, and Jianguang hit it.

A muffled sound, the cover was displaced, and a dull and decaying breath came out.

There is nothing inside, nothing.

This is expected, Lu Mingshu is not surprised, is trying to find other places, suddenly lived.

She turned to look at it, but she saw that the stone was made in all directions, and many runes were engraved on it.

As she swept past, she felt that these runes were familiar and meticulous, similar to the pattern on the previous tripod.

She suddenly felt that she might have overlooked something.

Look at the stone walls on all sides, and look at the layout of the tomb, the brows will wrinkle.

This is actually a battle, even she is blinded!

The imperial mausoleum is not a fake eye of the Yinshan tactics, but these altars and tombs, which are distributed in the emperor's tomb, are combined into another inlaid array.

It seems that this is the law, and the Emperor is temporarily held back.

This array of law seems to be simple, and it is very complicated to study it. It is based on her array of methods, and it is impossible to tell at a time what it is. If it is a budget, time is too late, her disguised eyes, at most can only support a day, and so on, the day lily is cold.

She just doesn't understand a bit, where did Xie Lianzhen go? According to the calculation of the sinister, he should have taken this road correctly.

"Little cloth, what's wrong here?" She seemed to look at it, and she couldn't see the problem, so she asked Xiaobu.

Xiaobu looked at her shoulder for a while and replied: "The cloth can't see it."

Lu Mingshu couldn't, think a little, back to the door, just when he was Xie Lianzhen, and walked in again.

He is the star of the Seven True Views. When you see the layout of this tomb, you will feel familiar.

This is the Eight Diagrams, and the Seven True Views are not preached. This gossip style, except for the Seven True Views, will no longer be used by others.

Only this point can be used to determine that this tomb is the handwriting of the seven predecessors.

Then, what will he do?

Lu Mingshu walked in step by step and stood in front of him.

He will certainly find that this gossip is not right. This way, he already knows that the imperial tomb has changed - and so on. When the imperial mausoleum opened, Wei Chunqiu took them to this side, and Xie Lianzhen was even better than They are one step ahead, will he come in, the emperor has not changed? If this is the case, the road she just counted is not allowed!

She took a deep breath and smoothed her mind again.

If the position of the sinister is correct, then her calculations will be biased...

She calmed her mind and slowly spread it in her heart.

That's right, it's the reason for this nested array!

According to the position of the sinisters, the words are reversed... In the Mausoleum, there is more than one gossip!

Xie Lianzhen must be in this embedded circle, so he can't figure out his position. When she wants to find Xie Lianzhen, she must first calculate the distribution of this array.

Lu Mingshu sat down on the spot and recalculated the data one by one.

So two times, she finally found the key data. Looking for the past from this data...

Seven stars! Seven True Views of the Big Dipper!

She suddenly understood. This inline array is arranged in a seven-star position. The tomb that she now finds, along with the altars that were previously disguised, and the emperor's burial place, are among them.

Since there are three clear stars, it is not difficult to figure out the other.

Lu Mingshu sketched a little in the map of his brain and quickly found the star.

She once again raised the sword light and looked for one by one.

In the predetermined position, I found the fourth, fifth, sixth...

Luck is really bad, actually want to find the last one.

Except there, Xie Lianzhen should have nowhere to go.


The mausoleum of the emperor's tombs skyrocketed, and the three tribes near the Yinshan Mountain looked up at the same time and looked at it.

"Magic Emperor……"

The three big witches in the three places spit out the same word.

One of them trembled and shouted: "The devil is coming to the world! The emperor is resurrected! Fast, fast! Fires the fire!"

Another shouted and shouted: "Recall the Warriors and recall the Warriors!"

The last one flutters: "The ancestors are on! Protect my family from the devil!"

The fire of the gods ignited, and the barbarian tribes that were seen rushed in. Soon, the great witches got together.

On the other hand, when the Emperor's Mausoleum opened, the clouds were rolling, and the Zhongzhou sent by Wang Hao came to the elite, and many of the Xuanmen who were close to each other also rushed over.

They gathered around and whispered, but no one dared to step in.

The former sinisters were in chaos, and some people were almost dead inside and frightened them.

Seeing the dark clouds growing thicker, the sinisters began to wander outside. As a last resort, they joined the fight.


The last star.

Lu Mingshu pressed the palm of his hand on the door of the temple, his brows tightened.

If she can't find it here, she doesn't know where Xie Lianzhen will be. What worries her most is that the emperor has never disappeared. Are they in one place? If so...

The palm of the hand vomited, the door of the temple made a dull sound, and the dust accumulated for many years fell.

Lu Mingshu clenched his hilt and stared at the space that slowly opened. If it is not right, she has to take it out as soon as possible.

Just then, she saw a black shadow fluttering out.

Without hesitation, Jianguang has sleeves.

The opposite side is also a flash of light, and the momentum of the thousand is straight down.

Only when they played, both sides felt that it was wrong and they took over.

"How are you here?" The other face was blank.

Lu Mingshu slowly took the sword back to the sheath and looked at the person in front of him, this face.

"Yan Big Brother?"

Yan nodded nodded, after receiving the knife, asked: "You also entered the Yinshan? No! Even if you enter the Yinshan, you will not know the location of the Imperial Tomb, let alone find this. What happened?"

Lu Mingshu did not answer his words, she was very heavy: "Are you finally exchanged? Is he voluntary, or..."

Yan did not return to his eyebrows, watching his eyes intriguing: "Are you talking for him?"

She shook her head: "In his current situation, he should not want to give the dominance to others."

Yan did not smile and smiled: "You know him."

"So, what happened? What did he experience? Or, what have you experienced?"

"..." Yan did not answer, but his eyes sank.

He did not answer, Lu Mingshu did not give up.

The two stood face to face like this, as if they were contested, no one would give in.

For a long time, seeing that she really didn't want to compromise, Yan did not return to his heart and smiled: "He said that I would be more like people. Why do I think he got the truth?"