Phoenix Destiny

Chapter 493: May die

Wei Chunqiu and Yue Lingyin went, Yan did not ask: "What about us, what?"

"The power of the FDC in the Imperial Tombs will be drawn to block the barbarians. We must help the Seven Stars to help the people resurrect."

Yan nodded and nodded: "What do you want to do?"

Lu Mingshu took out the Yuanjing, which was captured by the secret land of the Holy King, and put it into a simple pile of energy: "You put the power of these crystals into the circle and keep it running."

"it is good."

The mellow energy of Yuanjing flows out of the energy pile, introduces the formation, and ignites the light of the fire, forcing the emperor in the deep pit.

Under the pressure of this Juyang squad, the deep pit was as thick as the yin of the ink cloud, and it seemed to be burned, and it shrank for a while, and unwillingly wanted to devour these yang.

Lu Mingshu stood by the deep pit and looked at the looming emperor.

The yin on his body is thicker, and the yin is turned into a substance, and he is wrapped tightly like a silkworm cocoon.

It is impossible to rely solely on the phalanx. Under the circumstance of yang, it is possible to make the yin gas not so comfortable, but the source of yin is underground and cannot be cut off.

She grabbed the hilt and pulled it out hard. The moon **** sword came out of the sheath and the sword light leaked. Then, after a wave, the Moon Sword came out and hung over the deep pit.

Yin gas seems to encounter something delicious and fearful, both want to swallow up, but also timid.

Then, the light rainbow light floated up, and more and more **** to the extreme, a white light took the lead and suddenly illuminate. Then there is green light, then blue light...

The last red light was forced out, and the seven-color rainbow light chased each other and formed a dazzling and colorful hood. Under the control of Jianguang, it was pressed down to the deep pit.

There is a rainbow on the side, a side array, and the yin in the deep pit is moving.

The Emperor finally couldn't ignore it anymore. The snoring sounded, and suddenly a group of yin was introduced, turning into a black big palm and hitting the rainbow.


The rainbow was turbulent and was instantly smashed. Lu Mingshu stepped back and stopped. At the same time, on the other side of the squad, Yan Wugui was also backlashed, and the power of guidance was interrupted.

Yan Wugui immediately swallowed the medicine and swallowed it. He threw the medicine bottle to Lu Mingshu, and his palms spit, and Xuanguang continued to lead the energy of the energy stack, leading to the array.

The law continues and the rainbow continues. The two were repelled again and again, returning to their original position again and again.

On the other side, at the entrance to the Imperial Tomb, Wei Chunqiu and Yue Lingyin resisted the pressure from the outside with the reunion of the law.

The ranks of the squad, beyond their repairs, even if there is Lu Mingshu's simplified gathers to help, the two are very difficult to maintain.

"Wei Zongzhu," Yue Lingyin gasped. "How can your elders not come yet!"

Wei Chunqiu supported most of the power of the squad, and the amount was full of sweat. He replied: "The ancestors have their own considerations."

"Don't you forget us?"

Wei Chunqiu snorted and didn't pick up her words.

Yue Lingyin had no interest in self-discovery, so he had to find another topic: "What is the matter of your Xie Shidi? What he looks like today is a big difference."

Without waiting to answer, she said again: "Why don't you talk?"

"I don't have a hobby behind people."

"Hey," Yue Lingyin glanced at him. "Who was the person who said he was more poisonous than himself?"

Wei Chunqiu has no expression, just concentrate on maintaining the law.

Yue Lingyin couldn't help himself, and said: "The barbarians outside, there are five or six chemical environments, more than 30 out of the gods."

Seeing that he didn't respond, he continued: "Lu Shimei has to deal with the Emperor, and can't take it."

Then went on to say: "This array cannot be maintained all the time..."

"What do you want to say?" Wei Chunqiu was defeated by her broken thoughts. Isn't she going to talk to herself?

Yue Lingyin showed a bright smile: "Wei Zongzhu, if it fails, we are likely to die here, right?"

"Yes." Wei Chunqiu looked chilly. "Are you regretting staying?"

"Slightly." She said immediately. "In fact, the possibility is not small, right?"

"Yeah." Thinking of this, Wei Chunqiu was soft inside. I am going to die, why is it so harsh on her? The Yue girl did not say anything else, and the character did not have to pick. In fact, she did not have to stay with them at all, but she stayed and knew how dangerous it was.

Yue Lingyin followed: "Since you are going to die, you will satisfy my curiosity! Otherwise, I will die undying."


"Quickly say, what happened to the inferior son?"

At the other end, Lu Mingshu and Yan Wugui did not go anywhere easily.

Xuan Li lost too fast, they are now relying on Yuan Jing and Dan medicine. Lu Mingshu is okay, meditation is already instinct for her, barely able to continue, Yan no return to this side of the drug is to eat one by one.

The rainbow and the squad were again defeated and the two continued.

Yan Wugui suddenly said: "If they are too ancestors, they will not be timely, we will probably die here?"

Lu Mingshu is silent. This is obvious. There are emperors inside, there are barbarians outside, they can't retreat. If they fail, they only have to die.

"Where Wei Shixiong is in charge, why are you, why do you have to stay?"

Seeing her eye movements, Yan did not return to ask: "Is it for him?"

After a long time, listen to her whispered: "Whether he or you, save me for a few times, this love, I will remember it."

Yan did not say a short smile: "You, this person, looking at the cold, but the most serious feelings. But also, you are willing to take risks to save him, he will be happy."

Lu Mingshu looked at him: "You don't complain that I am too unrequited? At this time, don't you understand?"

Yan did not return but was a little careless: "If you like a girl, you must ask her to repay herself. How can this be true? Then, you know what we are, if you promise him, where do you put me?"

Didn't wait for her to say anything, and said: "Don't put my previous words in my heart. One yard of code, even if you can't respond to feelings, your heart is always moral, this is your valuable."

Lu Mingshu did not know how to respond, as if he had said everything.

Yan did not see this, haha ​​smiled: "Do you think I am more sensible than him? Moved?"

Who knows that she seriously replied: "He just wants to do whatever he wants, not unreasonable."


"Even if you are angry and angry, you don't want to report. You two, in fact, have the same inner heart, but he is the wayward self, and you are gentle yourself."

Yan Wugui suddenly found that he could not laugh. He looked deeply at the person in front of him: "Let him know that he would be more reluctant to let go."

Lu Mingshu said: "Let's live and talk about it."