Phoenix Destiny

Chapter 512: Speechless

When Wang Hao came in, he was accompanied by the little prince.

In the Yinshan battle, the death and injury were heavy, especially the seven true views, several scenes were killed on the spot, plus a few injuries are too heavy, and it will not last long. For example, Shi Taishang elders, the **** secret method is too big, just returned to Taichen Mountain and swallowed.

Zhongzhou Wang is now in awkward time, and the secret method he launched is more counter-intuitive. When he died, the people were in the same vein. Apart from the Yijun Wang who was locked in the Seven True Views, there was only one little prince left. It was really awkward.

What is amazing is Wang Hao, who thought that she was not healed. She did not expect that she was only shocked too much, and she was closed for a while, and her injury was not heavy.

Seeing that Wang Hao came in, other people, although not very willing, were still sparsely rude.

Wang Hao's face is still white, only a thin layer of fat powder, but the look is cold, and the instrument is natural.

Shi Yu helped her to sit down in the main position and stand on the side.

"Wang Hao, you have not recovered, how come?" After the ceremony, the net asked a question with concern.

This sentence is well asked, Wang Hao sneered, and replied: "If the palace does not come, I am afraid that you have removed the Zhongzhou, I don't know yet!"

Wang Hao rarely puts on the shelf, and this time he claimed to be the palace, and she clearly showed her dissatisfaction.

When others listen, they know what she is referring to.

Guyang went forward: "Wang Hao, we are also good for Zhongzhou, the devil's thing, the impact is huge, if not handled, it is a hidden danger. Yinshan is close to Zhongzhou, if something goes wrong, the first one is destroyed. I am afraid it is Zhongzhou."

"Oh, let me say, thank you all?"

“Don’t dare!” Gu Yang’s head was a bit arrogant.

Who knows, Wang Hao’s face is released, and the Feng case is shot: “Mr. Gu, you Tianhaige came to Zhongzhou, can I Zhongzhou have been ill-treated?”

The face changed too quickly, and the ancient ocean could not help but sigh, saying: "Why did Wang Hao say this?"

Wang Hao continued to sneer: "Not only Tianhai Pavilion, there are other people. Since you came to Zhongzhou, I have a good food and drink in Zhongzhou. I am living in the sculpt of the porch. In the Yinshan battle, I am in the forefront. The deadliest and the most serious, so that you can get out of safety safely. You are good, and you are safely back, just turned over and killed the son of the palace?"

"Wang Hao!" Gu Yang is more arrogant, and he knows that this must be argued. Otherwise, are they not carrying the reputation of ungratefulness? "What do you say, Yinshan is what we provoked? You are really watching such a big secret, don't tell us, don't you blame us? Besides, we are coming to visit, I heard that Yinshan is difficult. If you rushed over, this is not enough? Otherwise, we stand by and watch your death and injury will only be heavier! Killing your son is even more nonsense! Dare to ask Wang Hao, you are Wang Hao, is that the prince? You are now the master of Zhongzhou Wang, not the wife of the Emperor!"

"Nothing!" Shi Yu, who is already at the age of eighteen, started to anger and see the prestige. He pointed to the ancient ocean and said, "Big brother is my mother-in-law, and my blood is indelible! You are saying this. What is the heart of the heart? Is it accusing my mother-in-law of remarriage, or is it that I will ignore my kinship? If the mother-in-law and the brother-in-law are not friendly, what is the ethic? Do you want to mess with me in Zhongzhou?!"

The net one simply wants to applaud, the little prince is not what Wang Hao taught, and this sin is crowned, let the ancient ocean smash again!

"Yu," Wang Yu slowly said, "Mr. Gu is your elder, not rude."

Shi Yu immediately made a look at the baby: "Yes, the child is invisible." He said, "After the ancient ocean, "Mr. Gu, I can't help it."

Their mother and son angered for a while and apologized. Guyang didn’t respond for a while. Just wanted to pick up a message. It’s okay to say a word. Who knows that Shi Yu’s face has changed and his voice is fierce: “However, some words must be said before. Big Brother is the mother-in-law born in October, although it is not the blood of my royal family, but it is also a family that is beyond doubt. It is impossible for others to provoke! This is the meaning of Xiao Wang and the meaning of the father!"

In the hall of the council is one of the quiet. Prior to this, there were many rumors about the marriage in front of Wang Hao. No one thinks that the Zhongzhou Wang will accept Xie Xingshen, the son of Wang Qian’s ex-husband, and the fact is the same. After Wang Hao remarried, he did not bring him around. Guyang’s words, that is, the Zhongzhou Wang did not recognize Xing Shen, thinking that Wang Hao did not dare to speak on the table, knowing that the little prince directly hit his face, also said that Zhongzhou Wang also admitted.

Got it, this failed to make a provocation, but it was also dismantled by Shi Yu and his face was lost.

The ancient ocean is very embarrassed, but also strongly argues: "The little prince, who is the son of the devil, even if the Zhongzhou royal family is generous, can not be accepted by the people of the world?"

Shi Yudao: "Mr. Gu, you are a sage of the predecessors, Xiao Wang has a few words, I would like to ask one or two."

This posture, Gu Yangming knows that there is a greasy inside, people are so polite to ask, but also have to harden the scalp: "Little Prince please."

Shi Yu stretched out a finger: "The first one, you only asked, who is irritating in Yinshan, the meaning of the words, we are not observing the secrets of the seven true views, can not help the major Xuanmen, right? ”

Without waiting for the opening of the ancient ocean, he immediately went on: "The little king will ask, is the matter of Yinshan, is it that I have a good view of the truth? When the Yinshan accident happened, it was the next time the Emperor Huang suppressed it. Even if I lost myself, my seven true views were ordered to guard the Yinling of the Yinshan, and I had the ancient summer millennium peace, isn’t it?”


Even if the emperor becomes a demon, no one can deny the merits of the emperor. Knowing that they are demonized, even the usage array trapped themselves in the Imperial Tomb. As for being handcuffed by the Emperor, it became another thing to help him resurrect. This is another matter. Everyone is a person who has read a book and cannot be unreasonable.

"You can say this! Why do you want to keep us in the dark?" For a moment, Gu Yang only thought of this sentence.

“Say? How to say it?” Shi Yu asked. “You are so sure. This is going to happen. No one will be upset. The demon is released, what kind of harm is it, you see it yourself.”

The more important the "..." thing is, the less people know that this cannot be refuted.

"Second." He extended two fingers. "This time the suppression of the Emperor, I paid the most for the seven true views, the most serious loss, who can deny?"

Everyone has nothing to say. In fact, if the loss of the seven true views is heavy, they will not dare to force them to the door. When things are done, it is natural that they are exposed and it is inevitable that their faces will be hot. This little prince is much more difficult than imagined!

Shi Yu smiled slightly: "The third, if there is no big brother, you will not come back in Yinshan, is it not?"

Everyone is speechless again.