Phoenix Destiny

Chapter 58: Parting ways

The three snakes were in the bag, and the two men squeezed in from the middle of the three trees.

Without seeing it with your own eyes, it is hard to imagine that these three trees are actually the entrance. There are only three trees separated, but there is a hole in the sky.

Walking through the misty entrance, the two people are in front of them, a picture that looks like a fairyland.

Large grassland with blooming flowers and colorful flowers. The odd trees are staggered, and the green vine roots fall. There are birds jumping between the branches and insects climbing leisurely.

"It’s not a gorge, it’s a big one.” Yan did not know where to change the shovel and dig it up in front of a plant with purple plants.

Lu Mingshu left and right: "Yan Big Brother, what am I doing?"

Yan did not refer to the other side: "Those stones, you see good color, take some to go. Don't move all the way, they will find it sooner or later, and move more trouble."

"it is good."

In the corner, there are a pile of cobblestone paved craters, gray stones, which look unremarkable, and feel warm and comfortable. Lu Mingshu held the stone in his hand and felt the mysterious force through the stone and penetrated into the palm of his hand.

It is really a good thing! She is not the first to see the ore containing Xuanli, but Xuanli is so gentle and has never seen it. She provoked it carefully.

Kneeling, suddenly felt a little wrong, touched the soft, hot things.

She groaned and opened the pile of stones.

"Yan Big Brother!"

"What happened?" Yan did not return the stuff to the mustard sac and looked up.

Lu Mingshu desperately waved to him: "Look, what is this!"

Yan did not return to the past, a bit stupid.

The fierce beast that occupies this place has dug a pit in the corner, which contains ore containing mysterious power. When you need to heal, just go inside and it is especially effective. But at this moment, he saw a small beast buried in the pit.

This little beast resembles a newborn kitten. It looks a bit like a scorpion. It has only thin hair on the whole body. There is no long horn on the head. It is buried in the ore and trembles slightly.

Lu Mingshu carefully picked it up, and the little beast softly screamed and rubbed her finger.

“It looks like a newborn cub, how come here?”

Yan did not think about it: "Maybe its parents put it here. There is a mysterious warmth in the stone pit, which helps the youngsters to survive the first birth."

"What kind of beast is this? Can you raise it?"

Yan did not share the stall hand: "I can't recognize it, if you want to raise it, take it away."

"Yeah." This spiritual land will be found sooner or later. This cub is either brought back by Jiu Yao Palace or left without parental care. Instead of doing this, let her take it.

She fed the little beast and drank some water. When she sat down with her eyes in satisfaction, she took a long towel and carefully wrapped the little beast and tied it in her arms.

Yan did not look back at the sky: "Almost, let's go."

“So fast?” Lu Mingshu was a little surprised, they didn’t come long.

"The battle is coming to an end. Don't go now, wait until you get in trouble." Moreover, the most precious thing in this spiritual land has been taken away by him.

"it is good."

Out of the spirit, Yan did not return to the road: "Okay, let's do it all, part ways."

He said it was too sudden, Lu Mingshu was a bit embarrassed: "Yan Big Brother..."

Yan did not refer to the front, hanging a child on the cliff: "Is that your disciple of the Jiu Yao Palace? I have to leave them before leaving."

"Then I..."

"You have a chance to show up."

"But, how can I explain it?" Lu Mingshu had a headache. Her inexplicable disappearance and inexplicable appearance, always have a reason?

Yan did not return to laugh: "You said that you fell off the cliff, then you fainted, wake up here."


"My traces can't be completely erased." Yan did not return. "There is no such thing as a master of the gods. It is not so fooled. The guardian beasts here are killed. How can they not see it? But I can't do it too much. They can't find clues, and they can't get it. When I go to the autumn hunting, I will go back to the seven true views, and no one can check them."

Lu Mingshu was holding a little beast and didn't speak.

Yan did not touch her head: "I am very happy to meet you, I hope there is a good day."

After that, he turned and wanted to go.

"Yan Big Brother!"

Yan did not return to smile and smiled: "Remember, the road I took you, don't let people know."


"Take care of yourself, don't push too tight."

"it is good."

"... take care."

"You too."

Looking at Yan Wugui's figure disappeared between the cliffs, Lu Mingshu's nose was a bit sour.

When the water meets, Yan has no regard for her care, far more than her so-called relatives. Just, I don't know if there is a good day.

The little beast in the arms slept unsteadily, and his head came and went. Lu Mingshu suddenly remembered that the dagger had not returned him yet! The figure of Yan Yan’s return has long since disappeared.

She was full of heart, standing for a while, and her voice suddenly sounded.

"Ming Shu?"

Looking around, the person who just climbed up from the cliff turned out to be a sorghum!

"How are you here?" Gao Yan rushed in surprise. "Are you missing in the canyon?"

"Sorghum?" Lu Mingshu blinked.

"It's me! What happened? I heard that you are missing. I went to the uncle of the lower house, but I didn't find your whereabouts. How come you are here?"

"I don't know." Lu Mingshu licked his head. "I woke up here."


"I fell into the canyon and I fainted. Later, I was stupid, as if I was taken away, and I woke up here." Lying to Gao Song, Lu Mingshu had a dim sum, but she knew that she could not tell the truth. Will bring trouble to Yan no return.

Gao Hao listened, very alert: "Someone sneaked into the Yaoxi Mountain Forest? You didn't have it?"

“No.” Lu Mingshu said, “I am a disciple of Jiu Yao Palace. He probably doesn’t want to offend Jiu Yao Palace?”

Make sure she is fine, Gao can't wait to tell her about these days.

"It’s great to see you. I used to make a bet with Fu Mingtang. Whoever first found the nest of the snow wing and the tokens, and got the tokens, whoever wins, the loser quits the test. I still think, you can’t It’s a pity!”

"The snow wing is on the nest of the clouds?" Lu Mingshu thought for a moment.

"you know?"

Lu Mingshu shook his head: "I don't know, but it should be nearby. Go, let's find it."

"Good." Gao Hao is very happy. When I met Lu Mingshu, I was sure that she was innocent, and finally I can rest assured. Moreover, with her, the grasp of winning this gamble is also three points larger.

"What is this?" He saw the little beast in Lu Mingshu's arms.

"I don't know, just smashed on the road, it seems that it was born and discarded." Lu Mingshu touched the head of the little beast, put the ore's ore on its belly, and raised it with Xuan Li.

"It's so cute! Is it just a blind man?"

"I don't know, it looks like..."