Phoenix Destiny

Chapter 601: Cold moon silent

It was a sunny day.

Lu Mingshu sat in the gazebo and watched the small stay and the small cloth playing.

There are two people sitting opposite her.

Gao Wei, Shao Zhengyang.

She wanted to go to Liulinju today to find Gaochun, who knows that he is coming first.

When Shao Zhengyang came at the same time, the two just happened to collide.

After eight years, Shao Zhengyang has a lot of old ages and looks like he is in his early thirties. Probably at the head, behaving very well, and Yu Wenshi is more and more like.

The sorghum is okay. He changed the practice of Kyushu early, but he is still in his early twenties.

The three have already been told about the old, and there is a gossip.

"Lu Shimei, how long do you intend to stay in the party?" Shao Zhengyang asked this.

Lu Mingshu replied: "Is it going to be a few months?"

"That's just right, I have something to bother you."

"Oh?" Lu Mingshu pull back to sight.

Shao Zhengyang gave them a cup of tea and said: "In the past few years, we have changed a lot of basic exercises from Kyushu. Most of them have been sorted out. It is just right or wrong, not very sure. It’s a big deal. It’s not very good to take these things, so can you ask Lu Shimei to see?”

"Little things." Lu Mingshu nodded. "Shao Shixiong just took it."

Shao Zhengyang caressed and said: "So very good."

Gao Wei noticed another thing: "A few months later? Where are you going?"

"Tianyun City." She said, "Since I am back, I have to go to see the Master."

"It turned out to be the case."

Lu Mingshu glanced at him: "Do you have something to say?"

Gao Hao touched his head: "Will you go to Kyushu?"

Lu Mingshu picked up the teacup: "Why do you say that?"

"The ancient summer is too small for you, and it is not too much to say that the dragon is shoal. If you go to Kyushu to see the world, there is no harm in the benefits."

Lu Mingshu smiled slightly: "Not only me, everyone will go in the future."

Gao Hao touched the cup: "The ancestors let me go to Kyushu."

Lu Mingshu did not think about it: "Yes, your cultivation is inherited, and it is useless in ancient times."

"Even if you say that too." Gao Hao didn't drink the cup of tea and let it go.

"What, don't want to go?" Lu Mingshu laughed.

"It's not true." Gao Song thought about it. "Probably there is a kind of feeling, it is a feeling of being rejected. It is a little lost."

Since Zhuo Jian has said this, he has this feeling, but he can't say it. Now Lu Mingshu is back, and in front of her, he has nothing to say.

“I feel that I am not a passer-by with the Jiu Yao Palace?”

Gao Hao nodded.

Lu Mingshu smiled faintly: "How much time do you see me and stay in the martial art?"

……very few!

"After a long time, I went to Tianyun City to meet with the Master. After that, I still need to go to Kyushu to do things. If you think that a person is too lonely, why not be with me?"

Gao Hao shook his head: "You have been in the environment, if I am with you, it will inevitably lead to dependence."

Lu Mingshu smiled lightly. Listening to him, she is relieved.

Shao Zhengyang listened to their conversation and was very envious: "Unfortunately I can't walk."

"Shao brothers don't have to worry." Lu Mingshu said, "The responsibility of the head is heavy, but it is not completely impossible to get rid of the body. If it is repaired, the business will be distributed one by one, and it will be able to take time out to Kyushu."

Shao Zhengyang nodded and sighed: "In the early years, the right to fight for power, everyone is indulged in power. Now it is ridiculous to change the day and look at the day. The ancient summer is so small, the Jiu Yao Palace is smaller, it is how to win power. The world is so big, it’s so sleepy, it’s really short-sighted!”

Lu Mingshu curled up the corner of the mouth. Shao Zhengyang can have a feeling that it seems that the atmosphere of the Jiu Yao Palace has changed a lot.

In this case, the Jiu Yao Palace will be revived and will not be eliminated by history.

After saying something, Shao Zhengyang resigned. His head is still very busy.

Gao Song was originally a idler, and he didn’t go back until the sun went down. He stayed for a meal.

On the moon in the sky, Lu Mingshu sent him out, the two walked along the path of the Bixi Valley, all the way slowly, as if returning to childhood.

"Ming Shu." Gao Wei stopped.


"You said that you are going to Kyushu to do things, are you going to find Xie Xingshen?"

"..." Lu Mingshu smiled lightly, "Yes."

The light in Gao Yan’s eyes is bright and dark: "Also, he has done so much for you, even going to Kyushu to find the ethereal secrets of reincarnation, how can you not find him?"

Lu Mingshu gently said: "Yes, at least I have to let him know that I am still alive. Lest he throw his time and waste his time on meaningless things."


The two stopped talking. A hook hung in the air, such as the moonlight of the water, sprinkled on them.

Gao Wei felt that there was a lot of words to say, but in the end he did not say anything.

For a long time, he said: "Go back, just send it here."

Lu Mingshu nodded: "Be careful on the road."


Gao Yan stood in the same place, watching her turn back, and the figure disappeared on the path.

He is left alone.

He looked up at the curved moon in the sky. He seemed to talk to someone, and he was talking to himself: "Life is wonderful. It is obvious that we met so early, but we missed the most crucial years."

"Actually, I am a bit unwilling, I really want to say those words. But... what about it? I have already missed it, and then I say it is nothing more than a sentimental feeling. We have been friends for so many years, then continue to be pure friends. Let's go."

"You said, is this the truth?"

The cold moon is silent and will not answer his questions.

Gao Xiaoxiao smiled and continued: "Actually, even if there is no existence of him, I dare not say it. She is so dazzling, she always feels that she can't catch up. If it doesn't, if it becomes, this feeling will not be erased. If you fall, your feelings will deteriorate sooner or later."

"It's better to be so clean, no one is responsible. No matter how long, remembering each other, the heart will be full of joy. What is the bad feeling of long-term purity?"

He seems to be persuading himself to say such a free and easy word, but his voice is always unwilling.

If you haven't tried it, you have to give up. Who can be willing?

However, if he is reluctant to do so now, he must give up the possibility of the future.

Gao Yan looked up at the moon but closed his eyes.

After a long, long time, he opened and revealed a bright smile.

"That's fine, it's good."

He turned and walked along the trail and left the Bixi Valley.

The cold moon is silent, following the lonely path.

After a long time, someone slowly came out of the tree shadow.

Lu Mingshu looked up at the hook, silent for a long time, and finally gave a sigh.

She didn't feel it, she just couldn't respond. It's better to stop there.

She turned back to the Bixi Valley. The breeze swayed, this time it was really empty.