Phoenix Destiny

Chapter 67: Convince me first

This voice is both familiar and unfamiliar.

The elder who was invited to witness, was shocked, suddenly stood up and looked out the door.

Zhou Yinru is also a stay.

This is... how is it possible? How did he come?

Lu Mingshu was in a desperate situation, opened his eyes in an incredible way and looked at the door.

A tall figure, a shabby cloth, and a sloppy appearance. Although the dress is unfamiliar, this face is very familiar to everyone.

"Liu, Liu brother!" A young elder pointed at the door and was amazed.

Liu Jizhen stepped into the lobby and his eyes slowly swept through the people in the hall.

The two elders, Wen Jiayuan, Fu Shangqing, Zhou Yinru, finally fell on Lu Mingshu.

"Let her go," he said.

The two fusion disciples smashed the shackles, and the ghosts let the gods loose their hands.

This feeling is very strange. It is obvious that his voice is not big, and there is no power to release it. In front of him, he can't help but choose to obey.

Even Zhou Yinru is weak.

But she quickly raised her head and confronted the man in front of her eyes with a proud gesture: "Mr. Liu, you are not guarding Tongtian Pavilion in Bixi Valley, what are you doing here?"

Liu Jizhen faintly said: "You have to abolish my child, but also to go out to her door, should I not appear?"

Zhou Yinru laughed and said: "We have already agreed on this matter. She colluded with the outsiders, and the victim's door lost the treasures of the roots of the roots. It is unforgivable. Seeing her ignorance, she is embarrassed and evicted from the division. No. Liu, brother, do you have any objections?"

"Nature is there." Liu Jizhen went up two steps, and Fu Shangqing, who went up to the first line, took a ceremony. "Tong Tige Court is in charge of Liu Jizhen and has seen the head."

When Fu Shangqing was introduced, Liu Jizhen had become a waste, and the two had not officially met. However, in the face of this former fifteenth generation of masters, the genius of the martial arts, which is said to be difficult for a hundred years, even if he is already the head, Fu Shangqing does not dare to support the big and get up.

After seeing the ceremony with Fu Shangqing, Liu Jizhen turned his eyes to Wen Shijie.

"Uncle Wen, I haven't seen you for many years, and the style is still there."

Wen Shijie smiled twice: "Where." Suddenly, and sighed: "Liu Shizhen, everything is life, you have to look at it, look at you, why bother to make yourself like this?"

Liu Jizhen faintly smiled: "Wen Wenshushu said that looking back on these 12 years, I am embarrassed, I really want to marry."

I did not expect that he would pick up such a sentence, Wen Shijie.

Liu Jizhen did not get entangled, and immediately changed the topic: "Speaking of it, the division of the Jingyiyuan, the teacher has also done a few days, clearly remember, one of the provisions."

He looked at a few people and said with a smile: "Where a disciple has a teacher, he must be expelled by his teacher. If there is no teacher, you can do it by the head." The smile was put away, and the chill in the eyes was slight. "Several people want to be a teacher." Door, why don't you tell me?"

There is silence in the church, and the needle can be heard.

Liu Jizhen was dressed in a cloth and described the extension. However, his back was straight and his eyes were quiet. His hand was standing in the hall, tall and stalwart.

Lu Mingshu’s tears suddenly came out.

Zhou Yinru was shocked back to God and found that his momentum was taken away and suddenly became angry. Even before, the current Liu Jizhen is just a waste person, how can she be scared by him?

"Liu brother," she said coldly. "The door gauge is bigger than the teacher's life. Since you have been in the hospital of the Jingyiyuan, this principle will not be ignorant. You, this kind of collusion, collude with outsiders, and hurt the teacher." As for the treasure, we have left her life, it is the mercy of the people. This judgment, from the Jingyi Institute, there is a head in the presence, there are two elders to witness, do you still want to overthrow?"

Liu Jizhen smiled a little: "I want to go out of my teacher's door, of course, I have to convince me to be a master. Tuesday, sister, you said she colluded with outsiders, can there be evidence?"

Against Lu Mingshu, Zhou Yinru can throw a dagger in a arrogant manner, saying it is evidence. Can face Liu Jizhen, she has a dim sum.

Even if he is now doing his best, the mysterious power is lost. But Zhou Yinru was born to know that Liu Jizhen is a master of the fifteenth generation of disciples. He is a martial genius who has been difficult for a hundred years and is the undisputed first master of their generation. For many years, Yu Wei, even if he knew that he was already a waste, still left a trace of fear.

What's more, Liu Jizhen has never been only a force. He is very thoughtful. During his administration of the Jingyi Court, he has been convinced from the absence of omissions.

However, she cannot but show evidence. Zhou Yinru bites his teeth and takes out the dagger: "This dagger is the top quality of the sacred soldier, and there is the imprint of Zhongzhou casting. It is not the thing of Lu Mingshu. She fell to the canyon, inexplicably disappeared, and inexplicably appeared near the spiritual land. There are other people's things, so all kinds of things, it is a coincidence, who can believe?"

Liu Jizhen took the dagger and gently bounced it. He listened to the sound of "Qin" and asked, "So?"

"So, she will introduce the outsiders into the gorges and steal the roots of the roots!"

Liu Jizhen sighed: "Tuesday, sister, the so-called inference, requires absolutely clear cause and effect. The word "too coincidentally" is not enough to serve the public."

Zhou Yinru sneered: "Mr. Liu, you can be too short to say so. Do you want to deny that Lu Mingshu has never touched the intruder?"

"Now the conclusion is too early." Liu Jizhen said, "Since Tuesday's sister insisted on this, then we will go through it again. Things start with the disappearance of my brother Mingshu, why did she disappear?"

Zhou Yinru said: "It was chased by the shadows and rolled down the canyon."

Liu Jizhen nodded. "We will take this matter and take a look." He turned his head back, "Ming Shu."

Lu Mingshu bowed his face and wiped away the tears on his face: "The disciple is here."

"You talk about things."

"Yes." The stirring mood slowly calmed down. Lu Mingshu talked about the day, including how to assign assignments to the left and the quarrels of the team.

Liu Jizhen looks at Wen Shijie: "Uncle Wen Shi, I don't know what I said by the disciples, and what the witnesses you are looking for can be different. If something is wrong, you can call it in court."

Wen Shijie moved his lips and shook his head: "No, keep going."

Some means can be used in front of Lu Mingshu, and I can't use it in front of Liu Jizhen.

"Good. Tuesday, Shimei thinks this is too coincidental, right?"

"Not bad!" Zhou Yinru said coldly. "Why did the magic shadow appear so clever? How did she have the courage to lead the magic shadow? For more than a dozen miles, how could she just roll down the canyon?"

Liu Ji really laughed: "So, the sister Shi on Tuesday thought that someone deliberately released the magic shadow so that I could leave the team and cause an accident, which led to the investigation of the Jiu Yao Palace?"

Zhou Yinru opened his mouth and did not answer one. Liu Jizhen directly used her ideas and carried out the deduction, which led to a clearly problematic conclusion. How can she answer?

After a moment of silence, Liu Zhenzhen’s indifferent voice rang again: “Since Tuesday’s sisters also felt that this inference was unreasonable, could they give up the premeditated premeditated?”


In the middle of the night, I have two chapters. Why do people only book the second chapter and not the first chapter...