Phoenix Destiny

Chapter 679: We are not masters

Ye Huan looked at Lu Mingshu and thought a little. He said: "If you follow the disciples' minds, the less people know about this matter, the better. However, I think they should be considered."

Xiao’s woman raised her mouth and smiled. “You are honest.”

What she means is that if you follow your own wishes, it is best to kill people.

This answer is very satisfying for several people.

They all know that there is a connection between Lu Mingshu and Ye Huan. However, as the head, we must focus on the overall situation. She can start from the martial art and be able to calm down. Her head is qualified.

On the other side, Guangling Gu Shi said: "You come over."

He is called Lu Mingshu.

"Yes." Lu Mingshu honestly walked up to him.

Guangling layman raised his hand, and his fingertips gathered a group of black light, and suddenly pressed her eyebrows.

Lu Mingshu did not move, let this group of Xuanguang point in her eyebrows, a sharp pain, something went in. Just because of the pain, and whispered.

Guangling layman quickly retracted his hand and said: "When you walk outside, you will inevitably be in danger. If you can't handle it yourself, wake it up, understand?"

"Yes." Lu Mingshu knew clearly that this thing is not only to protect her body, but also to monitor her. And she can't refuse.

"Okay, go."

"The younger retire."


Before leaving the Zhouliuzong, Lu Mingshu met with Yan Zining for the last time.

Zhai Zining sat on the tea stall and drank, sighing.

He is in a bad mood, but there is no place to understand, it is very uncomfortable.

Lu Mingshu came over and couldn't help but smile: "It's rare, I am willing to pay for the wine." And she bought her.

"You don't have to save that much in the future." Yan Zining said with a downcast look.

Yao’s head is dead, and the skywheel he wants to seek also falls into the hands of the unhealthy, and it’s empty, and nothing is gone.

"I have a message here, do you want to listen?"

Scorpion Ning is lazy: "Talk about it."

Lu Mingshu pondered: "I see the meaning of several seniors, and I don't intend to monopolize the skywheel. So, do you want to tell them, do you have this stuff?"

Yanzi Ning did not hesitate: "Would you be stupid? Look at the consequences of going out, you are being crippled everywhere, have you learned from this car, why should I say?"

Lu Mingshu smiled and said: "You can't say it. But..."

"How about?"

"I changed my mind a bit."

"How to say?"

Lu Mingshu looked up at the people in the city and whispered: "Maybe, the sky wheel is not as important as we think."

Yan Zining screwed his brow: "Are you being irritated and confused?"

Lu Mingshu shook his head: "You are in the position of the place, and you can see it from the perspective of the predecessors."

Yanzi Ning suspiciously stared at her, and when she saw her look serious, she endured her heart and imagined what she said.

If he is a high-income person, standing in the pinnacle of Kyushu, life expectancy is long, no one can be enemies... This way, it seems that there is no pursuit!

At this time, he got the sky wheel...

Ning Zining laughed and said: "You are not teasing me again? If I am without faintness, suddenly get the skywheel, a boring career, finally come to something interesting, isn't this a long drought? How can it not matter? ”

"You are right. But what can the skywheel bring to the premature aging?" Lu Mingshu took the chopsticks and knocked on the glass. "I dare say that there is no fading, even if there is still a realm, it will not More than a lot, do you believe it or not?"

"Letter!" Yan Zining did not hesitate.

They have also been in the sky wheel for many years. The books of all walks of life have read a lot. According to the summary of the predecessors, there is no more than one, and there is no realm at all.

"In other words, for the absence of fading, the significance of the skywheel to enhance its strength is not great."

"Can't you say that it doesn't make much sense?" Yan Zining has different opinions. "They have no way to improve, and the Tianshui can provide it."

"You are right right."

"What is the right thing?" Yan Zining was a bit skeptical. Did she deliberately tear down the stage? Admit that he said it was difficult once?

Lu Mingshu said faintly: "The skywheel can provide a way for them to improve. This is true, but the way to other worlds can be provided. In other words, for them, the biggest meaning of the skywheel is a road to him. Transfer station."

Xunzi Ning refused to accept: "You are right, but not comprehensive. The reason why the skywheel is strong is because it connects the various circles and communicates with each other. But you don't forget the function of the skywheel itself, we can exchange points Items. Even it can protect the Lord, making it harder to kill."

"So, is it important for the unblemished predecessors?"

This problem has made the nephew stunned.

Lu Mingshu continued: "I don't know if you have any feelings. The higher the cultivation, the less important it is. The previous Xuanjing can help us a lot, but now, more treasures are only auxiliary. I thought of it. No fading, no foreign objects?"

"..." Yan Zining thought deeply.

"As for the efficacy of the Guardian, of course, it is very important. However, before I asked a question from Guangling, I couldn’t answer it."


"He asked me if the skywheel must recognize the Lord."

"Of course!" Yan Zining did not think about it.

“Really?” Lu Mingshu asked.

"Of course..." This time, Yan Zining was not so sure.

She laughed: "In fact, we are not so sure, right? Then think back, has the spirit of the skywheel never called your master?"

Yan Zining was asked by her.

Lu Mingshu said that Xiao Sang.

"She doesn't call the owner, isn't it strange? Xiao Sang is a stranger, maybe she is very ordinary..."

At the end of the day, Yan Zining also felt boring.

"We are only the owner of the skywheel, but it is not the owner of the skywheel." Lu Mingshu said, "The skywheel is not just the thing in your hands, but all the collective names."

Yan Zining listened and felt terrified.

"A long time ago, I was worried that the sky wheel would give so many things, and will not take anything from us in the future." Lu Mingshu said, "The more it is capable, the more I am afraid. I turned over many predecessors' notes. I found that there is not only one person who is worried about this, but no one has ever had an accident. Gradually no one has mentioned it. But I think this is not because the sky wheel is really harmless, but it has not reached that point. ""

Nguyen Ning had been stunned for a long time and said: "Is it appropriate to say this outside?"

Lu Mingshu does not matter: "The sky wheel is so powerful, it is said that it may not be known outside. We have too much strength between us and it, even if it knows, it will not be in the heart."

The most important thing is that even if they know this, they can't do without the skywheel.