Phoenix Destiny

Chapter 680: farewell

A cool breeze blew, and Zizi Ning actually had a cold sweat.

He did not think about these problems, but as Lu Mingshu said, it has long been suspected by the predecessors. After so many years, nothing happened. Over time, he did not care.

He turned to look at the city of Yi, people come and go, different clothes.

It is like a small world, a small world that combines the various worlds.

"Of course, it is not necessarily harmful." Lu Mingshu’s voice came again. "This thing is so spiritual. For so many years, we have never felt anything malicious. It uses us to get energy and resources from all kinds of worlds. Resources are distributed to us and fair transactions."

Yanzi Ning slowly calmed down and said: "What do you want to say? It is too much beyond our realm. Even if you want to explore, you can only look at the leopard, you can only see one, it is difficult to find out its full picture."

"That's right." Lu Mingshu nodded in agreement. "Return to the original topic. We are limited to the limit, the vision is not enough, we can't see the whole of the skywheel, then the predecessors? What they can see is definitely more When Guangling Zun went to the question, I thought about it. Maybe the sky wheel doesn't have to recognize the Lord? In that case, the skywheel is just a tool."

"But don't forget," said Yan Zining. "Going up again, those skywheel owners often compete with each other."

"Yes. I was also trapped by this news before, thinking that the essence of the sky wheel is competition. But why don't we jump out and think about it? Maybe it is not the ship itself, but the inferiority of people. ”

Yan Zining couldn't keep up with her thoughts: "What do you mean? Do they think more about themselves?"

"Yeah, this is very likely!" Lu Mingshu spread his hands. "Think carefully, if we don't meet each other in this situation, would you want to kill me?"

Yan Zining seriously thought about it.


His cultivation is second to none among the brothers of the same class. This is of course a high talent, but the support of the skywheel cannot be underestimated. If there is another person with a sky wheel, his advantage is not unique.

"I thought about it. At that time, if there was a crisis like Yao, we might become an enemy, not like we can sit down and drink."

Zhai Zining nodded and admitted.

"You see, the sky wheel did not lead us to hostility at all, but we still have such a thought. In this case, the so-called sky wheel owners need to compete with each other, the truth may be as simple as that."

... can not refute.

Yan Zining said: "Even if you are telling the truth, what about it? What is the relationship with a few respects?"

"Several respects have not yet entered the sky wheel, nor have they recognized the Lord. They think differently from the perspective of our problems." Lu Mingshu said, "I only tell them that the sky wheel can connect with all walks of life. They must think that the sky wheel is just a The transfer station. Jumping out and thinking, simply using the skywheel as a powerful magic weapon, it seems that there is nothing terrible, and does not need to monopolize."

"and so?"

"I think we should also consider it from another angle. The sky wheel may not be that terrible."

"..." Yan Zining pondered for a moment, opening, "I think..."


"What you said seems to be nonsense!" he said. "The skywheel may not be harmless, and it may not be harmful. Doesn't that mean nothing?"

Lu Mingshu said: "I just analyze the two possibilities for you. I agree with which one, I am not responsible."

"What do you mean by saying this?"

"It means that no matter whether the skywheel is harmful or not, we regard it as a simple magic weapon. Maybe it is much simpler and easier to get out." After finishing the last bit of wine, Lu Mingshu got up. "This is just my advice to you." In the end, do you want to say, you decide for yourself. I will leave tomorrow, and I will see you later."

"Hey!" Yanzi Ning looked at her figure and disappeared, and she could not return to God.

“Do you don’t need to monopolize?” He sipped the glass of wine and muttered, “What a joke...”


Lu Mingshu did not expect that she would leave Zhou Liuzong and the person to be sent would be Feng Yu.

Speaking of it, she stayed in Zhou Liuzong for nearly a decade, but she did not know a few people.

"Lu girl," Feng Xiao smiled and teased, "You can be considered a go!"

Listening to her speaking easily, Lu Mingshu couldn't help but grin. "Is it a girl who wants me to leave?"

"Isn't it!" Feng Yan looked serious. "Since you came, I was compared to the mud. You will stay, my master is still not sure how to train me!"

The two looked at each other and smiled.

This is a half-truth. When the two met, Feng Xiao was an elite disciple of Zhou Liuzong. Lu Mingshu was only studying in ancient China. The two were different.

Feng Wei just regarded her as a very talented little disciple, because of the joy of Ye Huan, and more to look after.

But no one thought that it would develop into that later.

Phoenix is ​​not bad, but today, she has to admit that she is slightly inferior to Lu Mingshu.

This makes Feng Xi a bit of a taste, but think about it, there is nothing to tangled. Even if it is Zhou Liuzong, she is not allowed to be a single one. Isn’t Lu Mingshu born poorly?

To talk about heroes by birth, it should not be.

"This is what the teacher told me to hand you over." Feng Wei took out a kit. "She said that if there is any difficulty, she can take the token to find the branch of Zhou Liuzong."

This is a gift.

Lu Mingshu sincerely sincerely: "I am pleased to thank Feng girl for her."

Feng Xiao took out another kit: "This is my private delivery, please don't give up."

Lu Mingshu took a look, but found that there was a flaw inside: "This..."

"It is our special product of Zhou Liuzong." Feng Wei said, "This thing can be used to make cars and boats. It is very convenient. I don't have anything to draw, it is a parting gift."

Lu Mingshu said: "When you and your men and women give gifts, how do you call me back?"

Feng Yu puts his hand on the hand: "It's not expensive, just the heart." Again, "Of course, Lu girl wants to return, I am also looking forward to it."

Lu Mingshu laughed and took out one thing: "If this is the case, I will use this to talk about my heart."

Feng Yan stared at it and solemnly said: "This..."

"This is my experience for many years, maybe it is useful to you."

Feng Hao holds this book, and his hands are shaking a little: "Lu girl, this is too expensive."

Why Lu Mingshu was spotted by Guangling, and others did not know, but she knew it.

"You can't learn in the end, I can't guarantee it." Lu Mingshu said, "If it doesn't work, don't blame me."

"Of course not!" Feng Yu said with a mouthful, "I can't make it, and Lu's heart, I and my teachers are always in mind!"