Phoenix Destiny

Chapter 691: Even playing with you

Tianyuan Prefecture, the name is true, the Tiangao Emperor is far away.

It is the most extensive state in Kyushu and the most sparsely populated state.

It is a poor mountain to the point where even the beasts are few. If you are a beast, you will not go to Tianyuanhai or go to Linzhou or Yuelizhou.

Those who come to Tianyuan, in addition to the treasure hunt of the big faction, are the repairers who can't be mixed in other states.

Kyushu has a large population, and all other eight states have their own masters. Each time the dispute over Tianyuanhai divides the resources of the land, and even some small circles connected to Kyushu are no exception.

Only Tianyuan, not within the scope of any power, love comes, and loves to leave.

At the foot of the Cangwu Mountain, a dressed-up repairer walked into the pub.

"What do the officials want?" Seeing his strength is not low, the pub folks greeted enthusiastically.

"A bottle of sake," said the repairer.

The dude whispered, the strength was so high, and it was too shabby to have a bottle of sake. However, due to his strength, the face did not dare to reveal, still respectfully held the wine.

The sorcerer drank alcohol in silence, not talking to others, nor looking at others. Some people want to talk to him, but he refused to be a thousand miles away, and he was repaired to be tall, and the little repairers who were in the pub did not have the courage.

When he finished drinking a bottle of wine, a woman came in outside.

Snowy black clothes, tall and tall, can't say how beautiful, but every move is very handsome.

She glanced at the pub and put her gaze on the fallen sorcerer and walked straight.

"Is there my wine?"

The fallen defender glanced at her and did not refuse.

The two silently finished the rest of the wine, leaving the pub in tandem, both lost track.

After half an hour, the two appeared on a hill.

"Say, what do you want to do?" The woman in black embraced her chest.

The fallen defender arched her hand: "In the next Yang Chang, I heard the name of the girl."

The black woman smiled: "No need to talk nonsense, don't waste everyone's time."

Yang Chang paused: "Sorry." He raised his finger to one place. "That place, Zhou girl knows?"

The black woman smiled at first glance: "Don't tell me, you want the mysterious land of the old ghost."

Yang Changdao: "The site, I don't want it underneath. But I need to go to the Eagle Cliff to do things."

The black woman’s brow gently picks: “You ask for it, it’s no different from grabbing the ground. The mystery will not allow others to step into the lonely eagle cliff. If you want to go, you can only hit it all the way.”

"So I found Zhou girl under the watch." Yang Chang said steadily.

He was so fluent that the women in black were very interested: "It’s not impossible to break through the lonely eagle cliffs, but I charge very expensive."

Yang Chang throws a mustard sac: "I don't know if this is enough?"

The woman in black looked at it and said: "I can't see it, you fall into this way, you have a lot of people!"

Yang Chang did not say anything.

A woman in black is stunned: "What is your chance to go to the Eagle Cliff?"

Yang Chang said: "I thought that Zhou girl would not do much to ask for money."

The woman in black does not care to say: "I just ask casually, you don't want to answer."

"The girl was promised that week."

The black woman pulled the corner of her mouth and brought out a smile with a bit of evil.

"It’s okay to be idle, and it’s fun to wear a lonely eagle cliff."

"When is the girl going to implement that week?"

"just now!"


"Xie Gongzi, Lu girl." Xiao Ling smiled and came over.

"Would you like to leave?" Xie Xing took a clap and stood up.

Xiao Ling said: "There was a person who used to go to Beitian Yaozong to seek medicine and have some friendship with us. He happened to be in Tianyuan, and he was a local snake. I discussed with my cousin, Tianyuan Prefecture has complicated terrain and still has acquaintances. It is better to lead the way."

Xie Xing nodded: "It makes sense."

Seeing his approval, Xiao Ling said: "So let's go to him first?"

Xie Xingshen looked at Lu Mingshu and saw her nod. Then she said, "Okay."

The four men went on the road again, and about half a day later, they saw a towering cliff.

Xiao Ling introduced: "The name is a mysterious person. In the past, he was a disciple of a large school in Mingxia. Later he rebelled out of the division. There is nowhere to go. He simply stands in Tianyuan. He has a few points. Talents, practicing alone, actually went to the environment."

Xie Xingshen and Lu Mingshu knew nothing about Tianyuan, just listen to her.

Xiao Ling continued: "In general, the virtual environment of the cave will not choose Tianyuan. If there is no site, relying on others is better than in Tianyuan. In Tianyuan, it is the same as the mysterious person. Quite a lot, with the cultivation of the chemical environment, choose a place to stay, and repair the lower repairers. After a long time, look no different from the small door..."

"Cousin!" Qiao Luoying suddenly cried: "Look! What is that?"

Xiao Lingshun looked at her, above the high cliffs, it seems that there is a flash of light, and once again, the volatility is faint.

She was shocked: "Someone is fighting there?"

"It seems to be." Qiao Luoying is very anxious. "How do you miss this time? What do we do next? Is it help or not?"

Xiao Ling is also embarrassed. It happened that Lu Mingshu looked at her and touched this look. She bit her lip: "How do you know each other, go see it!"

"But cousin, we and the mysterious people are very broad-minded, just want to ask him to lead a way, so it is appropriate to intervene in his personal grievances? After all, we don't understand the inside story..."

"If you go, don't you understand?"

Joe Falling has nothing to say.

Xiao Ling asked: "Xie Gongzi, Lu girl, what do you think?"

Xie Xingshen first looked at Lu Mingshu's look before he replied: "Oh!"

The four quickly arrived in the sky and there was fierce fighting.

When they found their arrival, there was a voice coming from there: "I don't know which one is with the road? Personal grievances, but also stand by."

There is still no answer here, and another hoarse shout came: "But Xiao girl and Joe girl? A family is in trouble, but also hope to help, grateful, thank you!"

"Cousin?" Joe fell to see Xiao Ling.

Xiao Ling whispered: "It is the voice of mystery. He is being hit by the door."

"Then we can't help?"

Xiao Ling thought for a moment, Yang said: "I don't know what happened?"

The mysterious person is extremely angry: "I don't know what happened! The good end is sitting in the house, the disaster comes from heaven. These two people, inexplicably hit the door, really hateful!"

"Oh? Two, are you not suitable?"

"Hey!" In Xuanguang, there was a cold voice that belonged to a woman. The man was lazy, "Go away, take care of nothing!"

Joe Falling was furious: "A big tone! Who are you, report it!"

"Who am I related to you?" The female voice was lazy, and the tone was full of natural contempt. "Don't take care, I will play with you!"