Phoenix Destiny

Chapter 698: People in the dark

"This is not easy." Lu Mingshu said, "We are better off from a long-term plan."

Zhou Ruying is even more weird: "I said that you know what?"

Lu Mingshu looked straight at her: "I am still saying that, let's go out first and be ready to come back. This time, we don't know what to expect, and we don't have any preparations. In case of a stronger monster, It is us who suffer."

There is nothing wrong with these words, but it is a problem that Lu Mingshu said.

Although there was only one experience of common adventure, Zhou Ruying was impressed with Lu Mingshu’s character.

She is extremely daring and has almost no time to back down. If you encounter difficulties, you will choose to face difficulties.

Not long after they came down, the road was not a good one, even if it was to be cautious, it would not be so soon.


Zhou Ruying did not finish a sentence, Lu Mingshu's face changed: "Not good, there is something!"

Under the faint glare of the magma, the smell is getting heavier and heavier.

Not only did the monster that just blocked the road regroup, but there seemed to be a few more.

"Zhou girl, let's go back first!" Xuan Sen was flustered and supported Lu Mingshu's decision.

This thing can not kill, can't wait now?

"Don't underestimate this thing," Xuan sensation eagerly said, "A certain family has done a good job of preparing for it. It is still being wounded. The result is that we are not the strongest. In case of encounter, it is difficult to escape!"

"I am afraid it is late!" Xie Xing Shen said at this time, "Our road seems to have been sealed."

Everyone was careful when they felt it, and they were shocked.

These monsters seem to smell human and come over here.

"Then go back." Zhou Ruying did not insist. Lu Mingshu will not be targeted, she believes in her.

The monsters came around, there were more than a dozen, and they all fought and retired.

It is not difficult at first, the harder it is to fight.

These monsters are almost impossible to fight and will merge. Once integrated, the strength will increase and it will be very difficult.

Fortunately, they have a lot of people, and their strength is not bad. Under the joint efforts, there is no danger.

Retreat to the side, seven people go out one by one.

Fortunately, these monsters don't fly, just squatting below, not following up.

"Wow--" Just standing still, Joe Falling is a big spit.

She had been holding back just now, and it was really unbearable at this moment.

Xiao Ling wanted to soothe her, but she didn't expect a mouth, and she was disgusted and vomited.

Even Yang Chang, also vomited a few mouthfuls of sour water.

It is obvious that it should be the broken meat and limbs of the body. It is actually alive, but it is much more disgusting than the simple flesh and blood.

After they spit out, Lu Mingshu said: "Go back and talk."

Zhou Ruying looked at her meaningfully and did not object.

So a group of seven people, once again returned to the lonely eagle cliff.


Under the squat, next to the volcano, in a dark cave.

Someone opened his eyes.

He was hiding in the darkness before, and he did not move quietly. Even if an outsider came in, it was difficult to find his existence.

He listened intently and smiled in the darkness: "Interesting..."

The sound is unexpectedly refreshing, not at all like a sinister look.

But seeing him reach for a stroke, a blood line flies out.

Not long after, a monster made up of minced meat got in.

This monster is much better than Lu Mingshu. It has only one head, two hands, two feet, although it is also bloody, but it looks like a "person."

The monster slammed into the dark man and made a "squeaky" voice in his mouth.

"What are these people coming to?"

The monsters danced and did not know what to express.

This person seems to understand and say: "Can there be a mark on them?"

The monster whispered twice and held a piece of something in his hand and went up.

The man took it, but he was looking down.

In his hand, it is the skin of a fierce beast. Stained with flesh and blood, but still can be seen, the primary color is white.

“Jiu Yao Palace?” The three characters were slowly spit out in this population, and then they laughed.

"Interesting, it's so interesting! Actually, the people of the Jiu Yao Palace came here. Hey, the environment, is Zhuo Jian's return? Not quite like." He asked the monster, "What do they look like?"

The monster licked a pass, screaming in his mouth, and didn't know what to say.

This person can understand, revealing the mysterious expression: "Is it actually her? This is really..."

He slowly touched the fur in his hand and smiled: "Okay, that's great! We really have a fate! It's all eighteen years? She didn't die, she actually found it here. Hehehe... This is a gift from God!"

"Go!" He ordered, "Call those things!"

"Oh." The monster turned and went out.


"Hey!" Zhou Ruying's voice came from behind.

Lu Mingshu stopped and waited for her to catch up.

"What happened?" Zhou Ruying put on her shoulder.

"Isn't that just said?" Lu Mingshu did not change his color. "We'd better do everything, and then go on a look. Otherwise, I am afraid that the loss will be heavy."

"Don't you tell the truth in front of me?" Zhou Ruying didn't believe half a word. "Just, far less than when we can't cope, you decided to quit. This is not your character. Let's talk, What is the mystery here?"

Lu Mingshu sighed in his heart and chose to tell the truth: "I have seen this stuff."

Zhou Ruying put away his smile on his face: "Do you really?"



"Let's say it," Lu Mingshu interrupted her. "If it's just these monsters, we won't be able to cope. But I am worried that there are not only these monsters."

"how to say?"

She was silent for a while and said: "I have seen others use the same means."

Zhou Ruying blinked.

"Almost exactly the same means, should be the same source." Lu Mingshu said slowly, "These monsters are just tools. I suspect that there may be owners of these monsters there."

"..." This is a little scary. Zhou Ruying has been with Di Yu for many years and has seen a lot of knowledge, but he has never seen such a disgusting means.

"So, they have the Lord, what really makes them, is it?"

Lu Mingshu nodded: "The same people as us."

Zhou Ruying imagined it and was disgusted. She asked: "Who are you who have used this method? Is it a sinister repair?"

"Hey!" Lu Mingshu did not speak, Xie Xing Shen said first, "Zhou girl, what misunderstanding you have in the end of Yin repair? Yin repair play the soul is there, but do not play the body!"

“Not all the same?” Zhou Ruying’s hand, “It’s just playing dead!”


The two of them are arguing that Lu Mingshu’s thoughts have already flown.

What is the relationship between this place and Fu Shangqing?

Speaking of it, Fu Shangqing has disappeared without a trace since the World War I was in the past. Where did it go?