Phoenix Destiny

Chapter 720: Always remember

Can't say regret, but Lu Mingshu feels that he needs to reflect.

It’s nothing to let go of Fu Shangqing. They don’t have the strength to deal with him now.

However, knowing how dangerous Fu Shangqing is, staying here, let him have a space for ghosts, this is her mistake.

"Don't worry about this," Xie Xing said. "We have to find a place to hide."

The exit was sealed and the volcano erupted. If they did not find a place to hide, these magma came in, not waiting to die?

Lu Mingshu’s brain turned quickly.

"It is impossible to have no way, there must be a way to go."

"Ah!" Fu Mingxi called, and the stroke was drawn.

There was a flash of light in her mind: "Right, where did Fu Shangqing escape? Or, where did he come in?"

Xie Xing sank.

Xuan Shang Shang has been on the top for forty years. If Fu Shangqing came in from this road, how could he feel nothing?

Looking at the things in the cave, Fu Shangqing went out to buy medicine at least. What does this mean?

"There is a road, there are other ways!" Lu Mingshu said calmly.

"Will he block the road before he fled? Like here?"

"That should be read and said." She asked Fu Mingxi. "Do you remember the way you came in?"

"Ah!" Fu Mingxi made a plan.

"Remember a little?"

"Hey!" She nodded again and again.

"A little bit too. Small cloth!"

Xiaobu raised his head on her shoulder: "Yes."

"We have to find a way out as soon as possible, you have to detect it in real time."

"it is good!"

"Remember the direction?" asked Fu Mingxi.

She nodded and pointed at one place.

"let's go!"

Xie Xing Shen rolled up a few of them and ran again.

In the rush, Lu Mingshu kept asking questions.

"Little cloth, did you find out?"

"Fu Mingxi, is there any wrong direction?"

Everyone is racing against time.

The ground is getting hotter and hotter, and the surrounding area is getting brighter and brighter.

The magma flow was everywhere, the blood corpse ran wildly underneath, and some of the weak ones were burned by the magma, sizzling, and shouting from time to time, it sounded very unbearable.

These blood corpses are said to be human beings, and they are no longer human. It can be said that it is not a person, they will still hurt, and they will call.

The magma drowned the blood corpse and became a **** on earth.

And they are also running desperately, looking for that line of life.


Zhou Ruying and his party went out from deep.

They spent all their time killing **** bodies.

"What about the Lonely Eagle Cliff here?" She asked Yang Chang and Xiao Ling. "The mystery has received a lot of servants. It is also a party. Are you interested?"

Both of them shook their heads.

Yang Chang is preparing to return to Baifeng Mountain, and it is useless to force. Xiao Ling is the young master of the Northern Heavenly Medicine, and Tianyuan is such a broken place. Where can she see her eyes? Beitian Yaozong is not a branch here.

Zhou Ruying’s interest is not great, but they don’t want to, in the principle of not wasting, say: “Then I can accept it, anyway, I need a place to settle.”

In these years, she wandered around Tianyuan, and her reputation was great, but there was no fixed place to settle. Now wandering tired, I want to take a break.

"Thank you for the girl of Zhou." Xiao Ling said politely.

This embarrassment, seeing the strength of Zhou Ruying, Xiao Ling also wants to have a good relationship with her. Can't you say that this girl will achieve extraordinary achievements in the future? Also give yourself a good relationship.

Moreover, Zhou Ruying and Lu Mingshu have different relationships, and she also wants to ease and ease with Lu Ming.

"You're welcome! You both have injuries. You don't want to recuperate and recuperate. After a while, let's go?" In a few words, Zhou Ruying used the lonely eagle cliff as his own site, and said awkwardly.

"That's harassing!" Xiao Ling was not polite. In this case, Qiao Luoying, she has to settle down anyway, and then contact the branch of the Northern Heavenly Medicine Pharmacist to leave.

"Then I also..."

Yang Chang did not finish a sentence, suddenly shocked under the feet, the rocks fell and the trees fell.

"What happened?" He was shocked.

There is no time to judge him, the ground is shaking so badly that the canyon is full of strong suction.

"The ground! The ground is closing!" Xiao Ling called. "Xie Gongzi and Lu girl haven't come up yet!"

When Zhou Ruying saw it, Jianguang flew out and turned out a giant sword, and he inserted it into the seam.

However, her sword was pulled out and the seams continued to close.

Zhou Ruying had to continue to sword and extend the time of suturing.

Xiao Ling and Yang Chang saw it and also helped.

However, the power of the three of them can't be stopped. I can only watch the seams getting smaller and smaller, until I completely close, I can't find the entrance.

"Xie Gongzi! Xie Xingshen!" Xiao Ling's face was pale, shouting at the seams.

Even if she can't get him, she doesn't want him to die here!

"Damn!" Zhou Ruying is extremely angry, and the sword is dancing wildly, tearing these stones and making a deep pit on the ground.

"Week girl, useless." Yang Chang said, "Although you are strong and strong, how deep you know here, and there are volcanoes below, it will not work for a while."

"Ah!" Zhou Ruying yelled and yelled at the deep pit. "Lu Mingshu, is your mother so easy to die? You are a scourge, do you know what the evils are?"

But no one will respond to her, she just vented and vented.

Xiaoling is the same.

They can't believe that the two people are so buried inside?

"Hey--" The sky has collapsed.

"Rumble!" Lonely Eagle Cliff did not keep.

This is really over, the lonely eagle cliffs are pressed, they can't even find the stone seam.

The venue was moved, and hundreds of miles were affected. The mountain changed and the landscape was completely different.

After the earthquake, Zhou Ruying stood on the ruins in a daze.

Xiao Ling came over and whispered: "Week girl."

Zhou Ruying sighed and sat down on a stone and took a bottle of wine from his arms.

"She is a good person." She drank and said, "Looking at the cold, but always being kind."

"..." Xiao Ling lowered his head.

"You guys don't believe it?" Zhou Ruying said faintly. "I didn't believe it at first. Some people, the mouth is like a honey, and it is better than singing. In fact, it is a snake. However, she is a person who is opposed to people. She speaks poisonously and starts to squat, but her heart is softer than anyone else."

She poured another bite of wine: "Maybe you don't believe it, I originally wanted to kill her. She knows, but she doesn't want to kill me. Instead, she is kind to me. I don't know, people like me, What is the qualification to get the goodwill of others."

The spirits went into the throat and it was hot, and she took her tears out.

"The most respected person in this world is Di's predecessor. He gave me a new life. But she is the first person to give me goodwill, I will always remember."

Zhou Ruying raised the wine in his hand and all fell to the ground.

I thought about it, waiting for her to come out to drink together, but now, I don’t know if I can wait.