Phoenix Destiny

Chapter 736: Forbearance

When the door was closed, Xie Xing Shen asked: "How?"

Lu Mingshu said: "The ceremonial enchantment is heavy, we can't possibly get in."

Xie Xing said: "I know that Kowloon is fooling us! The Xuanyang faction is a big faction. There is no shortage of sitting in the town. There are still a dozen holes. With our strength, how can I help him grab things?"

Lu Mingshu took a piece of white paper, laid it on the table, drew the terrain of the valley, and then traced the enchantments he found.

After painting, she looked at the topographic map for a long time and sighed: "The repair is too low."

If they are guilty, they can rob something and run.

Xie Xing Shen asked: "So we are not doing it?"

“First wait.” Lu Mingshu said, “There is still half a month to worship the heavens. Let’s see if there is a chance.”

When there is no chance, it will not be late.

Xie Xing Shen thought for a long time, suddenly a flash of light: "have!"


"I am going to see the individual!" Finished, put on the deformation.

"See who?"

"Yu Wenzhuo!"

Lu Mingshu said: "What do you want to do?" He always felt that he was making a ghost idea.

Xie Xing Shen sold off: "You wait."

Therefore, Xie Xing Shen, who once again turned into Wang Heping, went out.

Looking at the night, he touched Yu Wenzhuo's residence.

Yu Wenzhuo, who had heard the servant’s report, was in a bad mood. “I don’t see you, no one knows!”

Xie Xingshen threw a thing to the servant: "Tell Yuwen brother, I have something to do."

Yu Wenzhuo saw the fabric from the servant and slammed it: "Let him come in."

Xie Xingshen entered the house of Yu Wenzhuo and rushed to him: "Yuwen brother."

Yu Wenzhuo sat alone and drank the wine, and in front of him the cloth he had just called the servant. He stared at Xie Xing Shen and asked coldly: "Wang Shidi, what do you mean by this?"

This cloth, which Xie Xing Shen tears off from himself, Yu Wenzhuo recognized it at a glance.

"Wang Heping" sighed and looked around.

Yu Wenzhuo frowned and screamed: "If you have something, no one will hear it!"

Xie Xingshen made a sly look and lowered his voice: "Yu Wen, brother, I said, you must not be impulsive, the younger brother is doing this, but it is for you!"

"Quickly say! Where did you come from?" Yu Wenzhuo was not angry.

Xie Xing Shen went up and said: "I know where the two are."

Yu Wenzhuo stood up and his eyes lit up: "Are you sure?"

Xie Xing Shen said again: "Oh, I should say, I can contact the two people."

This is too strange. Yu Wenzhuo stared at him with a look of his eyes. After watching it for a long time, he didn’t see him differently. He said with a dumb voice: "Wang Shidi, what do you mean?"

Xie Xingshen has no fear: "You brothers are sure that you can calmly respond, and the younger brother can dare to say."

After three times and five appetites, Yu Wenzhuo was impatient: "Do you say nothing?"

"Brother, calm, calm!" Xie Xingshen made a calming action, no longer delaying. "I came back that day and saw a strange figure flashing over, chasing the past and discovering the two people."

"What?" Yu Wenzhuo kicked the chair. "Why don't you say it early? Come on, where are they?"

"Brother! Have you forgotten to promise me to be calm?"

Yu Wenzhuo yelled at him, and he did not show weakness. So humming, Yu Wenzhuo could only press down first: "What do you want to say, don't delay."

Xie Xing Shen was originally deliberate. On the basis of Yu Wenzhuo’s temperament, how can he listen to others’ words?

At this moment, when he looked helpless, he said his words: "The reason why the younger brother didn't say it was because he had suffered a big loss. Hey, Yuwen brother, these two people can't use common sense. I know you want Yan Shibo to They grabbed it, but, if you think about what we did before, how do you think they can't escape? Right, let them escape. Let Yan Shibo catch them, what if they fail? Time is so tight, Your medicine is really not coming back!"

If Yu Wenzhuo used to, I would definitely not listen. However, this time he faced an unprecedented crisis, and he was banned by the always-loved Master. When he was patient, he did have some truth.

"You said that you can contact the two people, what is going on?"

Xie Xing Shen observed the color and saw that Yu Wenzhuo looked loose, knowing that this matter has become half.

He said: "This is the case. On that day, I suffered a big loss, and the younger brother came back. I felt that the two of them must have ran again. I did not expect to see a bronze man, but their messenger..."

"What do you mean?" Yu Wenzhuo heard something.

"They said, you can return the medicine to you."

Yu Wenzhuo stunned. He was so eager to get the medicine back, and made such a big battle. He also alarmed his master. When he suddenly heard that the other party had to pay for the medicine, he did not believe it.

He calmed down and thought: "Is there a condition?"

Xie Xing Shen quickly nodded: "They said that they can still pay for medicine, but the brothers should take the corresponding treasures to change. And that is, you can't pursue them in the future."

Yu Wenzhuo smiled ironically: "The one behind is the purpose?"

Xie Xing Shen’s heart rolled a blank eye, this kid is really confident too much. But the mouth said: "I want to come, yes, after all, offended our Xuanyang faction, the future is not good."

Yu Wenzhuo listened to him saying this, but his heart was decided: "They think really beautiful. Since they are nearby, I will inform Master and come back and catch them..."

"You can't be a brother!" Xie Xing said in a hurry. "Think about the matter of drinking the horse, catching the two people, and paying homage to the heavens. These two people are too slippery. Since they dare to send copper people to inform, There must be any backhand. If you miss the ceremony, will your brothers suffer a big loss?"

Yu Wenzhuo silently. When things got to this point, he faintly regretted it, and knew that he would bear it for the first time.

"According to what the younger brother saw, the brothers did not need to be anxious. When the ceremony of the sacrifice of the heavens passed, the brothers entered the hole in one fell swoop, and it was not easy to revenge. Then the two of them came to know that the monk could not run the temple. I can always catch them. At that time, it’s not what the brothers want to do with them, they have to do it!”

Yu Wenzhuo glared at him: "As you said, let them be proud of it?"

"It’s just a moment." Xie Xing Shen revealed a smirk. "Gentlemen revenge, not too late for ten years. For the time being, let them go their way, when they have revenge. Brothers don’t miss the ceremony because of the moment. That’s why it’s lost because of it.”

Yu Wenzhuo was persuaded by him and nodded: "Wang Shidi, if this matter is going smoothly, I will remember your feelings."

Listening to his mouth, Xie Xing Shen revealed a sincere smile: "The brothers are relieved, then I will reply to them tonight."

"Wait!" Yu Wenzhuo said, "I am with you!"

What copper people reported, he did not see it with his own eyes, still not assured.