Phoenix Destiny

Chapter 763: Sent to the door

After half an hour, the two arrived in the inner city.

But seeing the center of the abandoned city, there is a huge pit with a depression. There are dozens of miles in the square, and you can't see the bottom.

"Bao Chenggong," Xie Xing Shen looked at him. "Is this your previous destination?"

"Yes!" Bao Chenggong touched the beard. "This was originally an inner city, but I don't know why, it has become this look."

Lu Mingshu calmly asked: "Is the two seniors trapped in the inner city?"

Hui Qingling nodded: "Exactly."

"There is no other way to think about it. Go in and talk about it."

She calculated in her mind that the two men had traps and could not make such a big squad. This inner city should have collapsed.

Hui Qingling looked at Bao Chenggong.

Bao Chenggong did not hesitate: "We will go with the two."

Xie Xing Shen was very moved: "Two... would you like to take our adventures?"

Bao Chenggong squeezed a smile: "Since the Yueqing real person and the cousin came for us, we must be accompanied by something."

Xie Xing Shen sighed: "The two are really sorrowful, if this time can safely save the elders, there will be a thick report!"

"Don't dare not!" Bao Chenggong waved his hands again and again. "This is what it should be."

These two people played again.

Lu Mingshu did not want to delay the time, said: "I am advanced."

After that, I jumped.

Hui Qingling was shocked: "Hey..."

This Lu Mingshu, how can you be so daring? There is nothing underneath that, she does not wait for others.

Xie Xing Shen looked at it and hurriedly handed it: "Then we take the first step." Saying, it also jumped.

Bao Chenggong and Hui Qingling looked at each other.

"Do we also enter?"

Bao Chenggong reveals the color of the haze: "Of course you have to enter, things are still inside!"


The cold moon reflects a ruin.

Broken wall debris, the moss marks are full. A huge stone pillar, some slanting, some lying, a glimpse of the scene. It was as quiet as it was, and time stopped flowing.

Just then, two figures flew from a distance and fled into the ruins.

As soon as they landed, one of them spit out a blood.

"Miss!" Another person was shocked.

Those who fled into the ruins were a man and a woman, all of whom looked young.

The woman is in a white shirt, with a graceful appearance and a temperament. It’s just that the mouth is vomiting blood at the moment, as if it was seriously injured.

The man who supported her was anxious. She saw that she was already out of gas, and she was less angry. She looked up and looked for a relatively hidden place to heal her.

The real source is constantly input into her body, and the woman is awake.

"Ning Chong..." Her voice was weak.

The man is overjoyed: "Miss, are you awake?" The men did not stop, still instilling the real yuan into it.

"You don't have to work hard." The woman whispered, "I'm afraid I won't be."

The man was exposed to the painful color, but he refused to remove his teeth: "Miss, don't say frustration, Ning's family is left with you alone, and you must not give up."

The woman smiled bleakly: "Is there still you?"

"I just……"

"I don't have to worry about it, I already knew it." The woman whispered, "Your father, it is not a passer who passed by, but I am jealous."

"..." The man bowed his head and did not dare to look at her.

The woman said again: "I have not blamed you for your meaning, your mother is also involuntarily, you must blame me."

"No!" The man was afraid, "I don't dare."

"Is there anything I dare? Is he the owner, isn’t it wrong?" Her pale face was calm. "Moreover, he is dead, everyone is dead, what is wrong with what?" There are only two of us left now. I am like this. You are my brother. Why don’t you recognize it?”

The man lowered his head and did not speak.

The woman gently spit out a breath: "Okay! Ning's family is over, there is no need to engage in the master servant. You and I are blood relatives. Later, you call my sister, don't call any more lady."


"I have hurt the foundation, it is not enough. Don't waste your strength. Let's at least keep one." After that, the woman waved him off.

The man opened his mouth and was too confused to say anything.

"Chong brother." The woman looked at him and said softly. "This time, I will teach you Ning's tricks. Don't think about revenge, find a place to hide your name, marry your wife and have children. This is the pass of the family."

The man turned to her gaze and finally shivered and shouted: "Sister..."

The woman was pleased with a smile: "You are willing to recognize me, I have no regrets when I die."

After all, she reached out and pressed her heart, a green light, drawn from it, and gathered into a bud in her palm.

The man stared and looked at the scene.

"Sister, sister, this is..."

"Wumu." The woman sighed. "I have already handed it to me."

The man shook his hand, wanted to get close, and didn't dare to approach.

"I don't know how long I can hold it. If this wood is handed over to you. Don't do anything, just save it. If it is destined, it belongs to Ningjia, and your descendants will be surprised. Generations, when the Mufu Ning family will rise, let it sleep quietly!"

"Really, really give it to me?" The man couldn't believe it.

The woman smiled softly: "Of course. You reach out and pick it up."

The man trembled and reached out to greet the green wood.

At this moment, a figure flew down quickly and came straight.

The woman was shocked. She was afraid that the treasure would be recovered.

But the accident has already happened. I don't know what happened. When this person appeared, if the wood seemed to be pulled, he would go to the person.

The woman was shocked and stunned, and she did not want to be seriously injured. She made a unique law and wanted to take back Ruomu.

The two pull the data to form a long green light. In the end, the woman could not hold on. If the wood was out of her grasp, she would come to the people.

"Ah!" she yelled and raised her hand to attack. "Things are still me!"

The man woke up in a dream and quickly kept up.

However, the other party was just a sleeve, and they fell out.

"Hey!" The woman spit out a blood, this time not only hurt, but also anxious.

She couldn't even wipe the blood, and she turned back to the other side: "Return me!"

The other party wanted to fight back and watched her not even gather the gas, and accepted it in time.

The woman hugged the other's leg and looked up at a cold, snow-covered face—a strange girl who was looking at her.

"Things are still me!" She held a sigh of relief. "That is what I love!"

Lu Mingshu is also inexplicable at the moment.

She just jumped down and suddenly there was a familiar force floating towards herself.

Before I figured out what was going on, the thing was thrown on myself, and then the two men said that they wanted her to return something.

She didn't grab something, she didn't return it, but the thing was attached to her, as if it had disappeared?