Phoenix Destiny

Chapter 806: a big fish

"Hey, what's the problem here?" Yan Zining followed.

Lu Mingshu touched a night pearl lighting: "There is poison gas here."

"Crap! What about poisonous gas? Do you have to get to the bottom?" Yan Zining has no patience.

What is the poisonous gas in the secret land? Poisons are everywhere, what are the rare? It is said that the drug is a three-point poison, and if the medicine is wrong, it will become poison!

"Nothing, just looking for reasons." Lu Mingshu went on. "If you don't want to follow, you can go outside."

"Get it." Yan Zining dismissed. "A man is stupid outside, is it stupid?"

"Since it is your choice, close your mouth."


Lu Mingshu ignored him and continued to go inside.

When they first went to the Eagle Cliff, they found a fairy umbrella outside the blood pool. Now I also found the fairy umbrella here, which makes Lu Mingshu have a subtle mentality, want to find out.

After a long distance, Lu Mingshu stopped.

"What?" Yan Zining did not know what kind of wind she was taking.

"The corpse."


"Have you smelled a stink?"

Scorpion Ning sniffed and looked pale: "How can there be a corpse in this place?"

"Well, I want to know." Lu Mingshu untied the metal tube at the waist.

"Hey!" The little cloth got out of it and smashed it onto her shoulder.

"You can smell the corpse here, the corpse is either very close, or a lot... strange, there are no traces outside, not like the people of the two poles." Yan Zining analyzed a pass, suddenly a thing from Lu Mingshu threw it over and he reached out.

"What?" Found a pill.

"The elixir made by Tianxian Umbrella." Lu Mingshu slowly chewed the pill. "If you eat it, you can get rid of the corpse. If you don't want to return it to me."

Yanzi Ning sneered: "Don't you have a clear-hearted antidote? It's still a baby." Then swallowed it.

Lu Mingshu was too lazy to bicker with him and touched the head of Xiaobu: "Little cloth, take us to the place where the corpse is the strongest."

"Well!" Xiaobu promised to jump from her shoulder and ran forward.


After the demon emperor followed Xie Xing's body, the two men leisurely strolled along the underground passage that the magma rushed out, and did not pick the direction. Which road is good to go.

"Hey, do you think it's true?" The Emperor asked Xie Xing Shen in front of him.

"Why not? We have not discussed it. Is Xia Guo's most valuable thing to supplement Tianshi? If Fu Shangqing lurks in Xia Guo, it is for Tianshi, can he control the temptation?"

The devil ridiculed: "You are so swayingly, even if you know it, you will not jump easily. This is simply telling him that there is a bait here, pay attention to the hook."

Xie Xing Shen Xiao: "Old bastard, as long as the bait is fragrant, even if the hook can catch the fish, believe?"

The devil turned his eyes: "Oh!"


The corpse is getting thicker and the cloth is stopped.

"The corpse smelled before should be this, but the strongest is not here."

Yanzi Ning looked at the pile of corpses on the ground, revealing the disgusting expression: "It's disgusting."

Lu Mingshu squatted down and picked up a dead branch.

"You don't feel sick?" Yanzi Ning simply took it. "It's not like a woman."

Lu Mingshu ignored him and bowed his head to sniff the blood on the dead branches.

This taste is too familiar. When Fu Mingxi followed her, he smelled it every day.

"It’s strange, there are no traces of fighting in the vicinity. Why are there such a pile of corpses?" Yanzi Ningchao looked at it and asked questions. "And, the blood is not dry. Is this corpse new?"

Lu Mingshu dropped the dead branches and looked at a small white spot on the nearby stone wall: "No. The growth period of the fairy umbrella is not short. If it is new, it will not grow so fast."

"That..." Ning Zining wants to be more frightened, "No?"

Lu Mingshu stood up: "I want to understand? Do you think this is not important?"

Yan Zining: "..."

A pile of corpses, even the blood did not dry, but it has been here for a long time, what are these corpses?

"I have only one problem right now."


“Why can you discover important things casually?”

Lu Mingshu turned back and pointed to his own eyes.

"What are your eyes?"

"No. I just want to say, I have eyes." Then, "Little cloth, keep going."

Yanzi Ning returned to God and shouted at her back: "What do you mean? I don't have long eyes?"

Lu Mingshu raised his hand and didn't even return.

Yanzi Ning is indignant and can only keep up.

They didn't even think that they hadn't reached their destination for a few days.

“How long is it?” asked Zizi Ning.

Xiaobu thought for a moment: "We are probably halfway?"

"Half?" Yanzi Ning Yang sighed, "It’s so tired! I want to strike!"

"Don't be spoiled." Lu Mingshu no expression.

Zhai Zining almost jumped up: "Who do you say spoiled? I have spoiled! I just express my opinion very normal!"

Lu Mingshu squinted at him.

In her eyes, Yanzi Ning slowly shrinks.

"Think about your image in the hearts of outsiders," Lu Mingshu said. "The cold and cold son."

"..." Yan Zining is very angry. He thinks Lu Mingshu is poisonous! I really can't figure it out, obviously a petite girl, why is his eyes always inexplicably high? Then he didn't know it...

Walking and walking, Lu Mingshu suddenly stopped.

"Why don't you go?"

“Is there a map?” she asked.

"Hey." Yanzi Ning took out a map and handed it to her.

Lu Mingshu unfolded it, and his fingers slowly slided on it: "The two poles, is it close to Tianyuan?"

"Yeah! If they are not near Tianyuan, how can they occupy such a large area?"

Her finger was a meal: "We have been away for a few days and should have arrived here."

"and so?"

Lu Mingshu took a deep breath and continued to slide his finger to stop somewhere in Tianyuan. "If there is no accident, our destination is here."

Yan Zining surprised: "How do you know?"

Of course, she knows that there is the lonely eagle cliff, the location of the blood pool.

"Small cloth, can the corpse pass so far?"

Xiaobu Shantou thought for a while: "I don't think it's coming from other places. It's always there is a residual corpse."

Lu Mingshu looked awkward: "What do you mean, there used to be blood corpses here?"


"When can you estimate the time?"

"Is it very close." Xiaobu said, "It should be these years."

Yan Zining felt that Lu Mingshu’s expression was a little scary.

"What's wrong?" he asked cautiously. "Is there any problem?"

Lu Mingshu spit out a sigh of relief and said: "We may have caught a big fish."


Lu Mingshu did not want to explain to him. He only said: "Be prepared, if you find it, there may be a hard fight."