Phoenix Destiny

Chapter 847: The appearance

After half an hour...

"Is sick!" Lu Mingshu took a sip. "What hatred? What if you can't fight?"

Xie Xing Shen’s face was wronged: “You said that you killed it!”

"Ha ha."

Both of them are blood, and they can't tell whether they are themselves or others.

They are now the target of public criticism, and all the ship owners in this space are attacking them madly.

It’s strange to blame, Xie Xingshen’s brain has a pit, and suddenly pulls hatred. Originally, their two strengths were so strong that they had been besieged. He was not enough. He had to ridicule.

Lu Mingshu burst into a sword, and "there is a thunder" is like thunder, and at the same time knocking back two people.

There is a guy in the ear who said in a faint voice: "I have always thought about these years, even if you are dead, I have to find you. So we are buried in one place, living together as a companion..."

"Stop!" Lu Mingshu pulled his lips. "I don't want to die with you."

"Ming Shu..." Xie Xing Shen grievances, but also let not let a good complaint?

Lu Mingshu only glanced at him: "Why can you live to die? It is not sick!"

Xie Xing Shen immediately laughed: "What do you mean by saying that we are alive and living together?"

"I don't mean anything. Don't talk nonsense, can't you see that we are going to die?"

Behind them is the heart of the tree, and there is no way to retreat.

More than 20 ship owners who stand here, each of whom is a tried and tested leader, really wants to say that it is not worse than them. It can be said that every moment, they are faced with the threat of death. As long as they are not careful, they will die without a place of burial.

But they have no retreat.

Only win, you can live.

Only when you are alive can you see the true Lord of the Skywheel.

Only when they see the Lord of the Skywheel, can they break out!

Zhai Zining and Yu Zhongzhong secretly hid in the side.

At the beginning, he also had the heart to help, and later saw the Xie Xing Shen guy mad, decisively hide and not shot.

Just kidding, his strength is worse than them. For so many repairers, they are not dead, and they hang up first.

槐中客 whispered: "Predecessors, Xie Xiong and Lu girl can continue?"

"I don't know." Yan Zining is very anxious. What if the two guys can't keep going? So many predecessors in Kyushu joined forces to send him in, for the sake of breaking the game, not waiting for death.

"Can we help?"

"Stay this thought!" Yanzi Ning said with impoliteness, "With us, the back is not enough - wait!"

He suddenly remembered that the Emperor and Elder Dai had said one thing.

"Xie Xingshen, Tianshishi, you have Tianshishi!" Yanzi Ning shouted.

The reason why Elder Dai was able to escape the chase of the chase was because of the Tianshi. After the emperor broke open the ban, he also said that the reason why Xia Guo’s ancestors could escape from the floods was because of the Tianshi.

This stuff is now on Xie Xing Shen!

When the voice fell, it attracted a few people's attention. When the direction turned, he attacked him.

Yan Zining dragged the guest, and instantly turned away, and dropped a sentence: "You play slowly, I am rolling!"

Hey, there are these two metamorphosis guys, he just doesn't mix. Win this game and become the owner of the skywheel? The mind is not hot, it is impossible with his strength.

When Yan Zining recalled his former self, he was really filled with emotion. How proud he was before, thinking that he could sweep Kyushu. Later... forget it, the past is no longer necessary, it is blood and tears!

On the other side of the tree, Xie Xingshen heard the voice of Yan Zining and sighed: "I still want to stay with you for a while."

Lu Mingshu laughed softly: "Where is the Japanese leader, what are you worried about?"

"I am not..." He did not say it in the second half of the sentence.

Lu Mingshu has already understood, gently said: "It is death, also in one place, what can be feared?"

Only one sentence, Xie Xingshen’s feelings are all gone, and the heart blossoms: “Is this going to be with me? Mingshu, I know you still love me!”

Lu Mingshu opened the sword array with a sword, and said: "Don't be serious, you can really die!"

Xie Xing Shen looked awkward: "Reassured, if you want to die, I will die in front of you."

"Thinking about beauty!" Lu Mingshu tilted over and said, "I thought you could have this opportunity?"

The voice fell, and there was a little green light on her body. This green light is exactly the same as the scent of the wood under the feet. When it appears, it will be green and the sword will be so heavy and heavy.

A siege sneer: "The people here, who doesn't have a sky wheel? Do you think this will win?"

Said, the body also ignited green light, a similar atmosphere, entangled Lu Mingshu.

"Hey, are you too anxious?" Xie Xing Shen went forward. "It’s all time, can you give me a chance to perform?"

"Okay." Lu Mingshu said faintly. "Then you hurry, don't know if there is any next time."

"You can't say something nice..." Xie Xing Shen complained, and his body changed a lot.

At first it was a little green, and then it was the light of the road, and the repairers who made the siege were inexplicable.

"Isn't he a magician? How is this breath..."

"Yes! What happened?"

Xie Xingshen did not pay attention to what those people said, and the power of the Tianshi in the body was completely mobilized by him.

The original magic work received a drop of nothing, only the clear spirit of the Tianshi stone constantly emanate.

With the spirit of the Qing spirit, a little starlight appeared, as if the night fell, the incomparable stars, shining with harmless light.

But this is just the appearance of a watch, a siege of the palm of the hand, the star suddenly bright, the vast expanse suddenly counterattack.

"Ah!" The man was opened by the waves and he was far away.

Xie Xing was suspended in the air, and there was no smile on the face. The beautiful face was shining under the stars, and it was as cold as a god.

"Come, see how much you have!"

The voices fell, and many stars suddenly split, one for two, two for four, and the whole body was the ocean of stars.

In the meridians re-cast by Tianshi, the chaotic interest that he intercepted kept flowing. The ocean of stars seems to set off an invisible storm, and everyone in the blink of an eye is covered.

The beacon owners of the siege were stunned.

"What is this?"

"Chaos! This is chaos!" Someone once had a chance to enter chaos, shouting at this time, "How did he keep chaos?"

Some people quickly reacted: "Don't let him make a move! Fast, join forces to kill him!"

All kinds of radiant waves, countless magic weapon blades, all come to Xie Xing Shen Fei.

No one keeps his hands, knowing that if he can't kill him, he will never be there anymore.

However, they ignored it, and there were individuals after Xie Xing was dead.

The green light is flourishing, the vines are extended, and the greenery that rises in the blink of an eye surrounds them.

The greenery of Lu Mingshu is almost integrated with Shenmu.

At this moment, she is Shenmu, and Shenmu is her!

The congregation of the repairers arrived, and the stars suddenly stopped turning, and the stars came out.

The fastest Jianguang arrived in front of Xie Xing, and he slammed and everything was over.

In the silence, Lu Mingshu’s faint voice sounded: “Where should you show up? Lord of the Skywheel!”