Phoenix Destiny

Chapter 99: Last battle

Xie Wenhan also played, and there is only one person left.

Everyone put their eyes on him.

If even he loses, then Lu Mingshu is the first person in the well-deserved integration of the Jiu Yao Palace.

Lu Mingshu turned to the man: "Yu Shishu."

Just now she had seventeen games in Lien Chan. Yuxin had been standing and watching. At this time, he said: "You are in a 17-year battle, and the state is very bad. I will give you half an hour. When you have enough rest, we will fight again."

Lu Mingshu nodded, she really needs a break now. Even if the potential is stimulated, there are meditation formulas to help, and energy consumption can't be avoided.

"Thank you for your uncle."

She walked to the platform, sat down on the spot and took the medicine to adjust her interest.

The door-to-door paused, and the disciples who watched the battle under the squadron of the squadron screamed and screamed, exchanged views on the war situation and predicted the next game.

"It must be the uncle Shu won! Lu Mingshu, although strong, but her status is so bad, how can I beat the uncle?"

"You said that just now. What happened? I think that this Lu Shijie can't follow the common sense."

"Before, just now, the uncle's theory is still not as good as the uncle's! Uncle Shu is about to hit the realm. Lu Mingshu is just entering integration. How big is the gap between before and after?"

"If the theory can produce results, we still have to fight for it? Lu Shijie has already gone on! I still keep my opinion."

"Okay, then we are waiting!"


Fu Mingxi rushed into Qiongyu Palace: "Mother!"

“What are you talking about?” Zhou Miaoru slowly stepped out from the corridor.

Fu Mingxi grabbed her sleeves forward: "Mother, you don't know, Yu Huafeng..."

"I know." Zhou Miaoru sat down, took the tea handed by the servant, took a sip, and calmly said, "Isn't your sister winning a game in a row?"

"I don't have a sister!" Fu Mingxi was mad, "What do you mean by Niang? Do you want me to recognize the wild species as my sister?"

Zhou Miaoru smirked and said softly: "Do not let you hear this, no matter what, she is carrying your blood, you are licking her wild seeds, isn't it even yours?"

"Hey!" Fu Mingxi twisted the beginning, obviously not right.

"Mingxi, you have grown up." Zhou Miaoru said slowly. "Some things, no more willfulness."

"I don't care, telling me to recognize her as a sister, impossible!" Fu Mingxi finished, and remembered one thing, "Right, there is a small sister, I have never seen her, I will ask."

"In the wing."

When Fu Mingxi’s **** just lifted up, he heard Zhou Miao’s voice and looked at her mother in surprise.

Zhou Miaoru said faintly: "The left hand was broken, the right hand meridian was abolished, and the sword could not be taken in the future."

Fu Mingxi was shocked: "What happened?" and angry, "Who did it?"

"It's your sister." Zhou Miaoru's voice couldn't hear the anger. "You took a break to intercept her and the result was killed."

Fu Mingxi blinked and violently jumped up: "I went to the aunt and said, look for her to settle accounts!"

"You know."

Zhou Miaoru’s words prevented the pace of Fu Mingxi.

"Hey know? Then why... Oh, I understand, the battle of Tianmen is not over yet, and when it is over, I will definitely avenge Xiaoxiao!"

Zhou Miaoru sighed with a sigh: "My daughter, why don't you think about it, for the young nephew to find a daughter to avenge, is there such a thing under the sun?"

Fu Mingxi was told by her, and immediately said: "He won't stand on her side!"

"Yes, if we want revenge, you won't take care. But why should we take revenge?"

Fu Mingxi doesn't believe what he heard: "Mother! That's Xiao Yan! How can we not avenge her? Is it... you want to recognize her as a daughter?"

Zhou Miaoru smiled softly and looked at her daughter. Her smile is very gentle, gentle to make Fu Mingxi creepy: "What is it - not?"


Half an hour has arrived.

Lu Mingshu opened his eyes and stood up.

I’ve been waiting for the sword to wait for the light in my eyes: “Well?”

"Time is up."

"If you haven't had enough rest, I can give you some more time."

Lu Mingshu shook his head: "It's too late."

Yu Xin nodded: "If this is the case, let's get started." He picked up the giant sword and stepped to the middle.

At this time, under the peak of Yuhua, the crowd surged.

Some people came to see the excitement in the morning, while some people heard that a famous disciple had fought for more than a dozen games and temporarily ran around.

In the seventeen-game winning streak, Tan Yubing and Yuan Ziyang avoided their edge, and they did not fight and became ministers. Jie Wenhan was facing the top and defeated and lost. If you believe in losing again, this time the Tianmen dispute will be recorded in the annals of the Jiu Yao Palace, even if it has been going through hundreds of years, it will be relished. And they will also witness the birth of the legend!

On the high platform, someone sneered.

If the legend is so easy to appear, is it called legend? It’s really unexpected that Xie Wenhan will lose. But the letter is different, he has a deep roots, and after two or three years of polishing, he can hit the realm. Is it so easy to make up for a gap between the two that is about to enter the realm of the gods and just stepping into the integration?

Whether it is, let them witness that this arrogant gimmick is defeated!

Lu Mingshu moved first, the sword streamed, the figure was like electricity, and rushed to the letter.

Yu Xin’s eyes sank, stabilized the plate and pulled out the giant sword.

"Where..." The giant sword turned quickly at his head, and his dexterity was like a chopstick. Huge volume and weight, and the air tore out a low-pitched sound.

"Hey!" Two Jianguang shots. Lu Mingshu's figure turned, and behind him, another sword flashed.

I believe that I raised my arm and then a clear collision.

In a twinkling of an eye, the two have already played for more than a dozen rounds.

Under the platform, Shao Zhengyang slowly frowned.

"If you play this way, you can't win the letter." Yuan Ziyang said softly.

Shao Zhengyang slowly nodded.

Lu Mingshu's current style of play, and Jie Wenhan are similar to Shangyu's letter, using his dexterity to deal with him. There is nothing wrong with this fight. I believe that the figure is tall and strong, using a giant sword, and walking is also a hegemonic path. The problem is that the letter is not a stupid big man with power. His swordsmanship is also dexterous. The solution is that Qi Wenhan’s enthusiasm is that her accumulation is not shallow, and she is not guilty of the letter. Lu Mingshu? Her sword method is good, but Xuan Li did not solve the problem of Wen Han for so many years!

I played in advance, became her stepping stone, and let Yuan Ziyang admit defeat in front of so many people, Shao Zhengyang is now looking forward to Lu Mingshu win!

When I came to the door, I saw Lu Mingshu, who was in a strong position, and Shao Zhengyang realized that he was wrong.

Liu Jizhen is abolished, but Lu Mingshu itself? She is now in a state of integration, with the potential she has shown, will sooner or later fly into the sky! Don't say that God, even if it is a compound, may not be impossible.

He only considered the front before, and his eyes were too short. Therefore, he did not hesitate to give up the previous strategy and decided to help her.

He suspected that Lu Mingshu might have heard his conversation with Yuan Ziyang before. However, in his willingness to be a stepping stone, he should always leave some feelings.

"Do we want to help her?" Yuan Ziyang whispered.

Shao Zhengyang shook his head: "We don't make our own claims. What she wants is not such a victory."


Save the man: Where are you asking me? Lying on the hard drive to sleep!