Picked up by the Protagonist of a Tormented! MC Novel

Chapter 18: chapter 18

"Primary mercenary badge." Chino, who did not consciously say that, quickly grabbed his mouth and sneaked a peek at Xiwei. Fortunately, the protagonist seemed to be thinking, and did not notice the abnormality of the little one.

The mercenary badge is very well-recognized. The primary is gold, the middle is silver, the high is purple, and the patterns are the same crossed swords.

This badge is naturally impossible to be a little dance that a little girl who is only ten years old can think of and get it. It seems that it is Xilen’s account.

The mercenary trade union is the largest trade union in the Red Moon mainland. It belongs to the free organization. Anyone can join as long as they want to, of course, they need to pay a commission for gold coins.

Xiwei often heard about the union. He also often passed by the branch of Ye Haocheng, but the threshold of a gold coin would be turned away from the people like Xiwei.

If you can become a mercenary, it is equivalent to having half a career. At the very least, you don't need to worry about your hungry every day. This is indeed a very exciting choice.

But why should Silen help them like this? Is there really a good heart in this world for no reason?

Xiwei hesitated, don't know if he should believe the weird man.

Chino is very hopeful that the protagonist can accept it. Being a mercenary can get rid of the current situation. They can rely on labor for food, so they don't have to go to the garbage bin to discuss life.

Mercenary unions have a variety of tasks, ranging from finding missing cats to challenging dragons, there is always something for you.

Xiwei took the box and walked outside the cabin. If he wanted to, let go of the hand, the junior badge that was not so delicate would fall into the water and splash a small spray. This thing can be done as if it didn't happen. Over.

Chino went up with him, pulling the trouser legs of the protagonist, trying to pull the main character back.

The little force on the leg was really insignificant, but he succeeded in stopping Xiwei. He looked down and saw the splendid little point of the smile. The little mouth still contained sugar, and his mouth squirmed. The head is still habitually squatting.

Xiwei’s fingers couldn’t be opened. Finally, he folded the badge as if he had compromised, and hugged his little head and walked out.

Mercenary trade unions come and go very busy. Most of the people here are very rough and not very gorgeous, but they are enough to make all the people feel indifferent.

Xiwei quietly stood not far from the gate of the mercenary union, and he refused to take a step. For humans, this is only a few steps away. For Xiwei, this is another Children who are precocious in life will feel uneasy and fearful about this. This is human nature.

The protagonist has not yet cultivated to the realm of not being invaded by all means, and will hesitate to hesitate to be normal. However, Chino is even gratified for this, although the protagonist of the cold is very cute, but obviously the protagonist is better now. Getting along and getting closer, Chino hopes that Sivi will live as a person, not as a **** alone.

From the position of their station, it is actually possible to see the scene of the mercenary union hall. There are several platforms like bank counters distributed in three directions. There are many tables in the center of the hall. There are piles of piles at the table. Warriors, and sometimes a few physically strong women, are discussing passionately.

Chino pulled the collar of Xiwei and asked Xiwei to return to God from his meditation.

Finally, Xiwei still lifted his foot to the glamorous door that was incompatible with their ruin.

"Charles, when is your task schedule going to be handed?" The hot Nami slap on the table in front of Charles, the bearded man, stunned Charles half.

Charles smirked and squatted with his hands to bargain. "Oh, cute Nami, you are more beautiful today than yesterday. As for the **** task list, can you help me write, oh no, can you let me two late? Tianjiao?"

Nami's gorgeous face showed a smile. When Charles hadn't had time to be happy, he was turned to the ground by a beautifully-looking slender leg. The seated stool also fell over. "Charles, I warn you, your task list has been dragged. It’s been a week, and if you don’t pay, just wait for your contribution points.”

Charles’s wine suddenly woke up and screamed in his mouth. “Wait, wait, I will pay tomorrow, I will pay tomorrow!”

There was a burst of laughter in the hall, and it was obvious that this was not the first time.

Nami snorted and patted her hand back to one of the counters and sat down.

Not long after sitting down, a dirty hand lifted a golden badge to Nami's face, then gently placed it on the table and then shrank back.

Nami had a glimpse, but there was no one in front of him. The front bezel of the mercenary union’s counter was very high. It was about the chest position of an ordinary adult man. She stood up and saw a ten-year-old child standing outside the counter. He wore a ragged, very thin body, and his short black hair covered his eyes and couldn't see the face. Surprisingly, such a thin child still had a small hand in his hand.

This little bit is more funny, and it looks cute and cute. It is that there is no bare hair on the top of the head. The body is wearing a half-length dress with only the top, and it is not enough to describe it.

After staying for a moment, Nami remembered her duties and asked, "Is there anything?"

Xiwei’s answer was very simple, “come to be a mercenary.”

There was a bit of tangledness on Na Meiyan’s face. She looked at the badge on the counter with some hesitation and looked at it. It seemed to be true. She sat down again and started to register information. “No. 1008610010, what is it?”

Xiao Yan hung his head, what is it, what is his name? The name has been forgotten for too long, and it is hard to pull out the two words from the depths of memory. Hevi’s rare hesitation, “Xiwei.”

Nami couldn't see his expression across the counter bezel. After remembering the name, she also praised it. "Xiwei, the name of the elf tree, is really a good name. I will write it and sign it."

Xiwei shook his head and then remembered that the woman behind the counter couldn't see it, and then he said, "I can't write."

Naomi apparently did not surprise this answer. She nodded and stood up again and handed it to Xiwei for a registration form, pointing to the lower right corner. "You can do it by handprint."

Xiwei, there is no action.

Nami reminded me, "Hurry, I am very busy,"

Little bite his teeth, staring at the thin piece of paper, as if it was not a registration form, but a deed.

Xiwei even had an impulse to escape immediately. However, the hunger sent from the belly and the "tiredness" in his arms prevented him. Hevi adjusted his posture to embrace the child, bit his finger and was heavily there. Press on Zhang Xuebai's registration paper.

Nami, who was holding the ink in her hand, stayed again.

Until she took over the unusual registration form, Nami still had some replies, and eccentrically stunned Xiwei for a while, and then collected the registration form.

"and many more."

Nami went back and gathered her long wavy long hair, and Chui Xiwei threw a wink. "What else is there?"

She is purely a ridiculous movement, without the meaning of seduce and letting go, Xiwei feels, so only bluntly said, "Task."

Naomi was surprised. "Is it necessary to pick up the task just after registration?"

Xiwei did not answer, Chino repeated it for him, "Task."

The seriousness of the little bit made Naomi grin and grin, and began to look for the task.

Chino is actually a bit nervous. Originally, according to the story, Xiwei should be able to replace another person’s identity into the mercenary guild at the age of sixteen, but now it’s unexpectedly changed because of the encounter with the knife and the little dance. It is.

Therefore, he does not know how much influence such a change can bring.

In some respects, it is a good thing. If Xivi’s life trajectory changes from now on, the future development cannot be changed.

All kinds of unreliable plans were running in Chino's brain, and he couldn't help but hold a small fist when he thought of excitement.

Taking advantage of Nami's look at the gap in the mission, Charles came over and was close to Xavier. "Hey, newcomer? Are you interested in joining us?"

Didn't wait for Xiwei to answer, a folder "啪" smashed into Charles's head, Charles held his head to ask for mercy, "Oh, dear Nami, can you lightly, the head of the team said that I am getting stupid. ""

Nami puts her hands on her hips. "Let's make it, let you hand in the task list now."

As soon as Charles listened to the task list, he stumbled and made a gesture of pulling his mouth.

Na Meibai gave him a look, bent over and picked up the folder and handed it to Xiwei. "Little handsome boy, I see you are young, the adventure task can't be answered. There is a long-term task here, helping a cat to bathe every week. The owner's eyes are not very convenient, so you need to hire someone to complete it. Can you pick up?"

Xiwei silently nodded. For him, there are not many choices. What's more, it is not too difficult to bathe a cat, isn't it?

Seeing that he agreed, Nami handed him a note. "You don't know the word." I will tell you the address first. The employer lives at No. 72 Luofu Street. The address is written on the note. If you find If you don't, just take a note and ask someone to ask for a way."

Xiwei’s cold eyes looked at the charming woman, and she finally took the note and then asked hard, “What do you want me to do for you?”

Namei was surprised, "What? I don't need you to do anything, you just have to get the task done, right, remember to hand in the task list." Then he took a shot of Xiwei's shoulder.

Xiwei was stiff and the woman was unable to escape at the moment when he shot his shoulder.

When Xiwei left, Charles squinted and squinted. "Nami, what is special about this kid, is it worth your care?"

Nami sneered, "The badge that Mr. Weston personally applied for him is not enough enough? You should not hit his mind. He is not what we can provoke."

It was only then that Charles realized that he had caught his hair and was glad that he had not gone mad.

Besides, Xiwei, after leaving the mercenary union, went straight to Luofu Street. Luofu Street relied on water. There was only a row of houses along the river. The environment here was clean and tidy, and it was very different from the rental houses that Shiwei lived in when he was a child.

The 72nd is actually very easy to find. Even if Xiwei is illiterate, it is not difficult to find the writing on the note. It is to look at the house number one by one.

The employer lived in a small courtyard, very quiet, and it was not like the place where Ye Yucheng would have.

Xiwei stood at the door and carefully confirmed that the address was not wrong, only raised his hand and knocked on the door.

The door opened a little slow, and it was only a long time before the voice of the teenager came. "Is it a bath for the cat?"

Xiwei lowered his head and lowered his voice. "Yes, the mercenary union received the task."

The door was "Oh," and it opened.

A sly teenager stood in the door, but his eyes were clear and there was no focal length.

He was a little embarrassed to say, "Sorry, my eyes are not very convenient and I walk slowly."

Hevi certainly does not care if the boy is deliberately killed. Even if it is, this is really insignificant.

The boy quickly led them into the house, and Chino squatted around, but did not see the golden cat, not knowing where it was.

The teenager grabbed a cane in his hand and poked it on the ground, groping for a seat on the chair, and then embarrassedly said, "Kaka ran out to play, probably will come back later, you will sit for a while. ”

Xiwei nodded and put Chino on the ground. Chino looked at the young boy's eyes and his heart was awkward. He thought that he would not be blind one day. Although there is a protagonist, blindness will surely be cured. But even if it is only a short period of time, it is not a pleasant experience.

Then he made a few steps in front of his right eye, and he ran into the table leg because he lost his sense of direction.

The teenager is surprised, "Can't you see it?"