Picked up by the Protagonist of a Tormented! MC Novel

Chapter 19: chapter 19

"Can't you see it?" The boy seemed to be unintentional. Chino listened to his ear but was a guilty conscience. He quickly slammed his left eye and took two steps pretendingly, pretending to be holding two eyes. Only invisible, continue to deliberately hit the table legs, sitting on the ground and hurting his forehead.

Xiwei turned a blind eye to his stupidity, but he was serious about how to bathe the cat.

The young man couldn’t get a little answer. He put a hand in the direction of Chino, and bent down and fumbled for the child who wanted to help him down. Chino climbed and grabbed the warm fingers of the boy. .

The teenager asked again, "Can't you see it?"

Chino stunned and looked at Xiwei with his right eye, and then said "righteousness", "Brother, you look good."

The young man stunned and then apologized. "I'm sorry, I thought you bumped because you couldn't see anything like me. I used to hit the table legs like this when I was young."

It is said that other people whose eyes are invisible will become very sensitive. This is really true. This boy can not see the general situation, guessing eight, nine is not separated.

Chino thought that this is the true aristocratic demeanor, humble and courteous, and humbly treat others.

But how can such a person often live in Ye Lancheng?

In such a chaotic place, people with a little identity will not be willing to stay here, but whether the employer has anything to say is not the content of the mercenary who comes to bathe the cat. Chino can only kill his curiosity. in stomach.

Xiwei is a silent person. The young man is not an outgoing and sociable character. Chino is too young to say too much. The so-called more mistakes are not a joke. After a while, the house is quiet.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for this kind of silence to be interrupted by a "squeaky" call. A white shadow fell on the teenager's shoulder in a light and swift manner. The teenager smiled happily and reached out to explore the little things on his shoulders. Under the care of the fur on the back, the tone is very pet, "Kaka, said many times, do not go out alone, what if you are caught?"

The white cat screamed twice, licking the boy's cheek with a wet tongue, and the tail swayed, and apparently knew the owner's favor.

The young man shook his head helplessly, and took the fur of the small white cat's neck, which was only the adult's palm, and handed it to Xiwei. "I am bothering you. Please help me to take a bath for Kaka this naughty bag."

Xiwei looked solemnly and solemnly to take over his first job. Who knows that the white cat sensitive to the bath quickly breaks away when he hears the words of the bath, and jumps to a safe distance in a blink of an eye. The employer could not grasp him at all, and the juvenile’s eyes could not be seen, and he could only stand in the same place.

Chino’s small body can’t do anything else, and it’s more than enough to close the door. When Xiwei and the employer’s teenagers are still optimistic about giving the cat a bath, they can see the white cat’s bad nature. Just walking to the door, so the sound of a crisp "咔哒" door lock, opened the curtain for this cat war.

"Kaka, Kaka, you come out, good." The young man called softly.

Chino shuttles between various tables and chairs, giving full play to the advantages of his own small man, struggling to capture the first line of the day, it is time to perform real technology!

That is not a cockroach, it is the iron rice bowl of him and the protagonist in the future!

In the eyes of Chino, who are full of money and money, there are only white shadows running around. Although they are looking at the weird but still clean clothes, they are all floor ash. Fortunately, the employer is a rich man. Wooden floor.

Xiwei is also very busy, he has no time to take care of him. Everyone is trying to catch Kaka, but the cat is smashing into the corner of the drill. The figure is small and flexible. Go to it a few hairs.

The blond teenager was helpless and couldn't help but apologize to Xiwei. "Sorry, Kaka is too naughty, except that few of them can catch it, but even if it is me, it is difficult to take a bath."

Chino finally stopped trying to do nothing. He climbed out from under the table and took off a white hair on the shiny little bald head. He scraped it into the employer. "Sir, is Kaka eating?"

The white cat seems to have felt the sinister plan that Chino is doing. He screamed, and the whole body's hair was erected, and Chino was smashed on a chair.

Chino's smirk, mock, can't stop you.

The employer’s teenager suddenly realized that he was smiling at the airway. “Kaka, the fish platter that didn’t bathe at night was given to the little brother.”

Kaka was not willing to jump two times in the same place, and he skipped it.

The blonde teenager reached out and grabbed Kaka, scratched his chin, and then "seeing" Xiweidao with his eyes without a focal length. "Come with me."

Xiwei has never been a curious person, but this scene is beyond his cognition. In his impression, the cat is as dirty as their little cockroaches, with a pair of green eyes in the night. Grab the mouse to turn the garbage, shuttle in the dark alley, someone will raise the cat to make a pet, spend money to hire someone to bathe the cat enough to surprise him, and this cat can still understand people's speech is really terrible !

"Cat, can you understand?"

Hearing the problem of Xiwei, the blond boy groaned. "Ah, although Kaka looks like a cat, it has the pedigree's blood, not an ordinary cat, so I know everything."

Xiwei no longer asked, he vaguely felt that the world seems to be different from his previous knowledge of more than a decade, but it can be different from the specific ones.

Chino routinely pulls the hole in the legs of his protagonist. Hevi does not hold him all the time. When he goes, Chino will do this, preventing it from being lost, in case he is separated from the protagonist. Where did he cry? Who can accompany him to an identical Xiwei?

Over time, it became a habit.

The treatment of Kaka's cat is indeed enough to make 90% of Ye Haocheng's eyes red, and Chino, who is cranky and wants to shift his hunger attention, accidentally hits Shiwei's leg. It turns out that he did not notice that Xiwei has stopped. Down.

This room dedicated to bathing cats is really well-equipped, small baths, brush combs, everything, the employer groped all kinds of unhappy white **** in the bathtub without water, and then began to direct how to do Shivi .

Xiwei did not meticulously follow the instructions of the employer to complete the task, including where to get hot water, then cool the water, keep the water temperature moderate, then gently pour the water onto the white cat, do not splash, etc. Wait.

The whole process made Kino open his eyes. It took a lot of attention to take a bath for the cat. Before they came to think about it, they were probably simple.

The little one is on the side to help the cat, this is the big summer, the two people are all sweaty, the cat has been struggling to splash water outside the bath, so of course, Chino and Hevi’s clothes are wet. It is.

After waiting for the towel to be handed to the owner of the Kaka bag, Chino couldn't help but breathe out his tongue by his own protagonist. Emma is really not a simple job, and thanks to Chivi, he often gives Chino. Bathing, so it's still a bit of experience, it won't be too embarrassing.

According to Nami, the reward for each bath is ten copper coins, and Chino’s fingers count. Oh, it’s about two days without hungry.

The blond teenager face to the front of her face, holding a towel in her hand and gently rubbing the card with the wet hair, and then groping for a comb with a comb, with a gentle smile on her lips.

Chino took a small hand to give himself a fan of the wind, but found that the hand is too small to fully function as a fan, but had to wipe the sweat on his face, and then blinked to silently clean up the bath's own protagonist, picking up the toes Wipe him also.

Xiwei’s hand was paused, and there was no change in his face with a lack of expression.

When he was about to pack it up, the employer opened the door again. "The good reward with the mercenary union is ten copper coins, but this is the reward on the bright side. You have helped me a lot and won't let you. Going back, when I prepared the house for Kaka, I thought about it. There is another bathroom next door. You can take a shower."

The blonde teenager paused and shouted again. "But I didn't expect to have two small mercenaries, so I can only grieve you to wash."

Xiwei did not react, Chino was small, he was not big enough, enough for the adults to use the bath to accommodate them more than enough, but this time not a wash one but two wash together.

Xiwei easily brought in the hot water, tried to test the water temperature and went to help Chino take off his clothes. Chino’s protagonist threw his own light into the bathtub. At first he felt a little awkward because he had to let others help bathe. If you have more times, you will get used to it.

However, taking a bath with the protagonist is still the first time, Chino has a sense of excitement with zero contact with the idol.

Xiwei looked very thin, but the amount of exercise was quite a bit, and the transformation of the magic ring was actually not the weak one. It is not a problem for him to play three. It is a waste of physical strength. Can not eat as a meal, Xiwei never bothered to do it.

Chino silently praised his protagonist.

Xiwei hangs their semi-wet clothes on the window sill. The summer sun is very sinister and will dry quickly.

Then Sivi first brushed the Kino from head to toe before he began to wash himself.

Chino yawned, licking the only right eye that he could see. He did not count the large scars on his shoulders. He thought that the scars were men's medals, and they were very handsome. It’s gone.

"This is the reward I promised." The boy handed Sivi a small bag.

"I don't want to." Xiwei's low, cold voice refused.

“Why?” The teenager seemed to be very surprised.

Xiwei said, "We don't want money."

Chino blinked and habitually grabbed the neck of Chivi and turned to look at the employer.

The employer looked at him with a smile. "I am helping you to prepare these things really not to pay less commissions." Then I seemed to think of something sighing. "What do you want?"

Xiwei looked at the cat that was hostile and moved Chino up and lowered his head. "Fish."

The young man took a moment to realize what Sivi was saying, his face opened a smile, and even a shallow dimple, nodded.

Before leaving, the blonde teenager said, "Is Xiwei? My name is Xia An. If you like, can you make friends with me?"

Xiwei did not answer.

Xia An "sees" them by the threshold, and muttered to himself. "You didn't really lie to me, thank you."

Chino, who was shocked by the name of Cheyenne, began to be messy again. Whenever he forgot the existence of the plot, the plot would jump out and brush the sense of existence.

Cheyenne? Isn't that the name of the first small boss that the protagonist has pushed down? It's just a coincidence that it's just a coincidence. It's so clever, the small boss is blind.

The only doubt is that the boss is cruel and ruthless. The boy named Xia An looks quiet and beautiful. It is a creature of two dimensions!

What happened in the middle of the years, what made Xia’an temperament change?

Xiwei was accustomed to Chino’s daze, and the weather would be late, speeding up his steps back to the mercenary union.

Nami has been waiting for them, even after running from the counter to the hall to wait, seeing them come in front of the eyes, the money came over, "Little handsome guy is back, the mission is completed?"

Sivi nodded.

Namei’s hand spreads, “Take the task list so quickly.”