Picked up by the Protagonist of a Tormented! MC Novel

Chapter 20: chapter 20

"Then give me the task list."

Nami smiled beautifully, her hand was not so delicate, but looked very powerful, spread out in front of Xiwei and Chino, urging them to hand over the task list.

Xiwei touched the task list that was still exposed to the outside world, and it was brand new. It was the same when it was picked up from Nami.

The young and illiterate protagonist and Nami are looking at each other. Nami can only sigh with frustration. "Little handsome guy, don't look at me like this, the task list is for everyone to pay, otherwise you can't calculate the contribution point. And pick up the next task."

Xiwei was not scared by her, "What do you want to do?"

Nami felt that she was a little poorly connected with this young boy, but she didn't know how to express it.

Silently spit out the attributes of his protagonist who did not understand the euphemism, Chino decided to go into battle personally, so he continued to throw the festival group to the corner, and sold it to Nami. "Sisters help me to write, It won't be."

I don't know if it is an illusion. Chino always thinks that when Xiwei heard this sentence, he used his eyes to give him a compliment. Sure enough, his protagonist doesn't care about the so-called face. It is a good way to reach the goal!

Nami smiled bitterly. "The guys who wouldn't normally write the task list are all asked by the employer. But you have a special situation. The employer is a blind person. For this special case, the union does have a remedy."

Nami obviously wants to stop talking.

Xiwei did not ask, he knew that this woman would say it herself.

Surely, Naomi saw that he had no reaction at all. The disappointing "啧" shook his head and said, "But the union will not help in vain. Each task list is based on the price of the union. Five percent."

This price is actually very expensive. It is a percentage fee rather than a fixed coin. The person who sets this rule is really a profiteer.

Because of the special nature of the mercenary mission, the more commissions, the better the confidentiality, the average person can not complete the task list, will be willing to hand over to the union to send a task to write.

Xiwei clenched the paper bag in his hand, where the fish chops that Xia’an had loaded them.

Nami saw that he had no action, and the nth helpless reminder, "Little handsome, do you want to hire me to help you write the task list?"

Chino couldn't bear to turn his head and silently turned around. He really didn't know what reaction Nami would see when the commission was a bag of fish.

Xiwei handed the paper bag to Nami, "commission."

Nami took over some oil-dyed paper bags, and there was a kind of ominous premonition. This Mr. Xi Lun’s special greetings gave her too many surprises and surprises, so that she had a three-level warrior strength. I didn't dare to open it.

Sure enough, there are only ten golden fish steaks in the paper bag. Even if it is cold, it is still fragrant, and Nami, who has not eaten dinner, can't help but swallow.

However, she quickly remembered the situation in front of her, and she couldn’t smile. "Little handsome, is the commission the fish?"

Xiwei nodded without pressure.

Nami snorted, unable to spit out and swallowed. The rule of the mercenary union was to charge 5 percent of the commission. There was no provision for money. She could not find a reason for the refusal.

What is the fifth of the ten fish steaks? Half a fish steak?

In the end, Nami licked a piece of fish in her mouth and muttered to fill the task list. At the end, she gave the paper bag and a copper coin to Xiwei.

Because the market price of the fish chops is two copper coins, Nami feels that she is dying.

After doing all this, the twilight has already arrived. Xiwei’s arms are licking the fish chops, and his right hand is holding Chino, walking on the road of “going home.” For the first time, there seems to be something called hope in life. .

Chino clutched Shivi's fingers and licked his stomach without any traces.

A fish raft arrived at Chino's lips, and Siveli Baba had no mood swings, "eat."

Chino side of the side, Nunu mouth to indicate that Xiwei first eat, in the night, Xiwei's brow seems wrinkled, cold voice, "I don't want to eat?"

When Xia An said the fish raft, this little guy stared at Xia’an for a long time without moving his eyes.

Obviously happy, Chino licked his eyes and his nose was sour.

He licked the fish chops and chewed it in a cover-up, and he couldn’t say anything about it.

Shiwei left behind in the mercenary trade union. He is young and has few tasks for them. Most of them are mixed and errands.

If the road is far away, Xiwei will use those cloth strips to tie Chino to his back, so that it will not affect the work, nor will Chino have the risk of losing.

Chino licked a towel in his hand, holding an old kettle in his arms and wiping his sweat to the Xiwei.

Xia’an is still going to go once a week. Every week, there is a cat fight. When fighting, Chino is chatting with Xia’an with his child’s advantage, trying to find out the potential of juvenile blackening. But nothing.

The Elf Queen still sees the end, and the little dance still occasionally pops up to do things that Chino can't do. They finally get rid of the hungry meal, and everything seems to be getting better and better.

In a twinkling of an eye, it was already the second year that Chino came to the world. When the winter snow fell again, Chino realized that the two years had passed so fast.

Xiwei was thirteen years old, because the nutrition was finally able to keep up, and the height began to draw. Before then, Chino could easily grab his finger. Now it is necessary for Xiwei to bend down slightly.

Chino is also two and a half years old. He grows more and more like Shi Wei. When he was a child, the soft lines on his face became tougher. On a rough look, he had a five-point similarity to Xiwei.

The little dance often regrets this. It always feels that the masculinity of the girl is not good. Chino can only beat his teeth and swallow, and secretly wait for the age at which he should be "sensible" to give her a Big "surprise".

But he didn't wait until after all, the first winter snow was very big, and the whole day was still dark. The entire Yeh City was turned into a white one. Shiwei once again helped Kaka to take a shower and left with Xia.

Far away, you can see a pink figure standing on the bridge of the bridge where they lived in a small ship. The little dance has obviously stood for a long time, constantly holding his hands and warming his feet.

Chino loosened the fingers of Xiwei and ran to the front of the little dance. The little dance already had the appearance of a girl, and she gathered a collar at Chino, habitually stuffing a soft candy into his mouth.

Although it is not much different from usual, Chino is keenly aware that her mood is not high. In the mindset of caring for friends and future flowers, Chino asked, "Little dance sister is not happy?"

A little dance, a little frustrated, "Little is not careful."

There was snow outside, and the weather was very cold. Chino pulled the cuffs of the little dance into the cabin, but the little dance stopped him. "You don't have to go in, I just came to tell you two sentences."

Chino’s heart is a little bad foreboding.

"Small, my sister is leaving, Biao said that he is willing to stop doing bad things, so he sold all the industries in Ye Haocheng. He is willing to take me to study martial arts. I will study hard and will become the same as Xiazu." The warriors are famous in the mainland."

Indeed, after a few years, the Knife Man and the Little Dance did not live in Ye Lancheng, and then thought that the knife man said that they would leave here is not a fake.

The little dance doesn't seem to expect Chino to understand her words. She bends down and gives a little hug to the little one. He mutters in his ear. "Small, don't want to grow up soon, go to your sister in the future, don't forget I, don't be fooled by bad guys."

While talking about one side, if she looked at Xiwei, she always felt that the mother who was not knowing where she was was was deceived by Xiwei.

Chino wants to laugh a little and wants to cry. He endures forbearance. In the end, he still didn't complain about his gender. Maybe this is the last one. In contrast, his gender is not so important.

Let the little dance keep this wonderful memory.

When the little dance and Xiwei passed by, Xiwei said in a wild way, "If I want to kill, I don't care if I use a knife or poison."

After saying such a sentence without a head and brains, Xiwei re-engaged Chino and got into the increasingly dilapidated cabin.

The little dance is a slap in the first place, then the screaming screaming, "Who will think of killing like you all day! Pervert! Crazy!"

Then the wind ran away.

Chino help, the protagonist, you must tell such a misunderstanding, obviously want to say, if you want to do justice, why do you care about martial arts or magic.

In order to learn from her idol Xia Zuo, the little dance insisted on learning martial arts. However, her martial arts talent is not as good as magic. Xi Lun is very disapproving, but the little dance looks at a simple speech, actually it is a temper, look for Ten things are not pulled back.

I don’t know how many times I cried for this.

Chino couldn't help but think of the children who had different opinions from their parents when they were in their previous lives. What they wanted was always different from what their parents demanded. He could understand the bitterness of the little dance.

I don’t know if Xiwei’s remarks are made. Can the little dance figure out the meaning.

The little dance is leaving, two years of getting along, people are feelings, and Chino is a little sad.

Xiwei’s indifferent appearance does not know whether it’s a habit or a smug face, or is it really unmovable.

Chino thought, the little dance left, he still has the protagonist. If one day he left Xiwei, he didn't know how uncomfortable it was. The world is big, but there is no place he wants to go. 2k novel reading network