Picked up by the Protagonist of a Tormented! MC Novel

Chapter 21: chapter 21

The first winter snow has not stopped for three days. On the third day, even Ye Haocheng, a city that has been dead for years, has begun to feel a little angry.

Because today is the new Yuan Dynasty, the day when the new era was born. At the end of the last era, the Mozu ravaged the mainland. The first warrior of the mainland, Xia Zuo, Yulia, and his wife, Princess Asir, joined hands to resist, although the last era was still destroyed by force majeure. But it also brought a new era of relative peace and stability.

Since then, the third day after the first winter snow of the year has become the new day, which is as important to the people of the Red Moon as the New Year of the Sun.

This year is no exception. The vessels on the criss-crossing waterways are becoming more and more dense. The business of these special vessels is better than ever. Everyone who comes and comes has more or less a smile on his face. The mood of a whole year was released on this day.

In faint, there is a hint of madness and awkwardness in the celebration.

Chino is actually very afraid of this feeling. He is not willing to stay in this city because he is a public, because it is a decaying and sick city, like a dangerous building without foundation, it may fall at any time. People seem to understand this truth as well, all ugliness is exaggerated and magnified, free and unconstrained.

However, Chino did not dare to act rashly. Sometimes, it is not a good thing to open a God's perspective, because he deeply understands that in three years, Sivi will leave here and begin his legendary thrilling but also prepared. A tormented adventure.

Leaving is just a matter of morning and evening.

The pure white crystal snow falls, this snow is bigger than in previous years. On the New Year's Day, the thickness of the snow even piled up on the calf of Xiwei. They are lucky because they still have a simple but simple Not to be sheltered by heavy snow, every day on the way to the mercenary union, Xivi can see new faces fall in the snow and never stand up.

But he has no extra power and compassion to give to others. Everyone in the world has to be responsible for his own life. It is sad, not unfortunate, to have no ability to live.

Their situation is not optimistic. In recent days of heavy snow, the mercenary trade unions have been able to provide more tasks to Xiwei, so they can go back early every day and go back to sleep hungry.

Xiwei held Chino habitually and bowed his head in the street, and when he turned a street, something caught his ankle. Hevi glanced at the ankle, a thin and thin Hand, hung with Xiwei, the owner of the hand seems to have only one breath, and the voice weakly prayed to Xiwei. "Give me something to eat, beg you to order it for me."

Xiwei, faceless.

He pumped his own feet, but he did not pull it out. He wanted to know the physical fitness of Xiwei. Even he couldn't pull it out. It can be seen how much strength this person has. The big one is not like a hungry and dying person.

Chino looked at his protagonist's face and became cold. He knew that he was not happy. This person is also true. He doesn't pretend to be like a point. Even if he is lying on the snow, he is still lying on the top. The snow on his body is obviously just falling. It’s not like going for a long time, and there’s no way to starve to death. It’s not more than five minutes outside, and even Chivi and Chino have more snow than him.

The man saw that Xiwei’s face was indifferent, and he did not know that he had already been exposed. He still screamed, “Give me something to eat.”

Xiwei even tried to pull his feet out, but he still had one in his arms. He couldn’t do too much action. Actually, there was no way to take this person for a while.

The man’s eyes flashed, and he thundered with lightning speed. A sharp object arrived at Xiwei’s waist. “Boy, hand over your money and food, otherwise you and this small The life of the guy is here."

Xi Wei’s eyes flashed with ice and cold, and he was unmoved.

Chino was shocked by his sudden violence. He thought it was just a pitiful deception. The result was actually a wolf in sheep's clothing! The person who fell to the ground stood up, and Chino saw his appearance, and it turned out to be Old George.

The fact that the drunkard Bob had tied Chino was impressive. After that, Chino fainted and woke up and was safe. He left the two kidnappers behind, perhaps unintentionally, maybe just forgotten. The **** scene of Bob’s own wall.

I didn't expect Old George to go all the way with Bob, and even escaped and ran into a robbery.

Although Old George can't beat Bob, he feels more than enough to deal with two children who are not enough. He has been watching Xiwei for several days. He should be a lot of oil in the mercenary union. You must know that you can enter the mercenary. The trade unions are all required to pay a gold coin commission. For these wanderers, it is an astronomical number!

Thinking of this, the fierce light in the eyes of Old George is even worse, and the tip of the knife is a little forward. Hevi took a breath and abdomen. He can even feel the dull pain of the tip of the knife into the flesh, but he It’s a calm, as if it’s not being poked, and holding Chino’s hands is calm and powerful.

Old George's eyelids jumped and he looked at Shiwei's eyes more, and he felt a little chill in his heart. He felt that he seemed to underestimate this seemingly useless little cockroach.

The mercenary trade unions are all rude guys. The task is to call and drink. Xiwei has never resisted. He has been silently completing his task. No matter how others crush him, he has no complaints or dissatisfaction.

Because they don't know, this is the best life he can have for Xiao Xiao, and Xiwei cherishes it.

Confrontation is a psychological war. In fact, when the robbery is not only nervous by the robbers, the robbers are also the same nervous, and if the robbers do not even have the slightest panic, then the robber will be nervous to the extreme.

This is the case with Old George. He was stared by Shi Wei’s cold eyes, and he was a little doubtful whether he had just lost his hand or not, or was it just an illusion of tension?

Chino didn't dare to move if he didn't move. If there wasn't one, the protagonist would have to stumble the old George. It would be a matter of minutes. Many people in his arms were greatly restricted.

Xiwei closed his eyes and looked away from Old George and looked away. "Money and food are not on the body."

No longer sighed with the old George who looked at Shiwei, and urged again, "Come with me."

Sivi nodded and walked in the direction of the boat by Old George without saying a word.

Old George did not relax with the tip of the knife against the waist of Xiwei, while looking around, under the snowy weather, there were few people, their abnormalities were not found by anyone, but in this indifferent city, even if someone I saw it, and I pretended not to see it.

Who cares about the lives of two young people.

Seeing that it was getting closer and closer to the small ship, Chino also began to worry. They had any money and food. The commissions earned by the mercenary unions were barely filled, and the winter was still so bad and thin. Who is saving money?

Old George may have been blinded by the legend of the mercenary and the commission of a gold coin, and there is no doubt at all.

Seeing closer and closer to the river, the old George’s mouth showed a cruel and satisfied smile. The river has always been a good place to kill and abandon the body.

Finally they went to the arch bridge on the top of the ship, and Sivi stopped.

Old George threatened, "Kid, your life is in my hands, don't make any tricks!"

Xiwei shook his shoulders gently, his voice trembled. "Things hang under the bridge."

Old George stunned and finally had a normal "fear" performance, and the uneasiness in his heart gradually dissipated. Of course he would not take it himself, so he said, "You, give me the child in the hand, and then go down and bring things up. ""

Xiwei did not seem to have any objection. In the eyes of old George, he looked at Chino's collar and put him down. The bridge was very thin and the snow was thick, and he almost didn't go to Chino's knee.

When Chino’s face was serious, when George reached out to pull his arm, he suddenly shouted, “Old George.”

When a person is nervously doing something bad, he is called by a person who he should not know. There will be a short embarrassment, and of course, the old George who has not yet cultivated to the extent of daring.

In this short-lived swaying, Xiwei, who had no baggage in his hand, lifted his foot and smashed the sharp knife of Old George with a not-standard but steady front kick.

Old George was turned to the ground by the unimaginable strength, screaming with his arms screaming.

Hevi no longer pretends to be afraid of trembling. He walks silently toward Old George. The young man is not a big body and he has a shadow on the head of Old George.

The falling snow, the knife raised in the hands of the teenager, was fixed in the eyes of old George's fear.

Xi Wei’s eyes were cold and murderous. He did not do it. The hacker who killed his mother in bed was killed in the hands of Xiwei. From the age of eight, his hands had already been stained with blood.

When there is no ability to resist, Xiwei will choose to bear silently, but if the chance of eternal suffering is placed in front of him, he will never hesitate.

Chino ran two steps in the snow, but the snow was too thick, and it fell directly. He licked the snow, and he was cold and cold.

As soon as he looked up, he saw that Shiwei held the knife in his hand and stabbed the blood vessels of the old George's neck without hesitation. For a moment, the old sinful George would disappear into the world forever.

There was a blank in Kino’s mind. He opened his mouth, but he couldn’t say a word. He told him that Xiwei was right, unless they left the city forever, otherwise it would be no different to let the old George go. .

Robbery and vendetta are the normal state of Ye Yucheng. There will be no one to manage. It is your luck to survive. If you die, you can’t blame anyone.

Chino forced himself to look at his eyes. Hevi is always Shiwei, his favorite protagonist. He likes not only the gentleness under the Siwei cold face, but also the coldness and power of Xiwei.

The blizzard was even more fierce. Hevi’s hand fell steadily without hesitation, but a snow group slammed on his wrist and deflected the tip of the knife a few points.

The knife pierced George's chest, but it was not a fatal injury.

Old George was terrible, but the blood that flowed out quickly condensed at very low temperatures, which seemed to be less horrible.

Xiwei stepped back two steps and looked around with vigilance. "Who?"

"A rare New Year's Day, it is not good to see blood. The new year begins with a life-threatening approach. Isn't that a pity?"

As the sound rang, the other side of the bridge slowly approached a young man with short-sleeved trousers. He wore so little, his face was relaxed and his feet seemed to step on the snow. But did not leave a footprint.

Hevi felt the fear from the heart, and unlike the fear put on the face of old George, he could not help but feel trembled in the face of this young man.

Xiwei also involuntarily retired a few steps.

Chino refused to pat the snow on his body. He stumbled and ran to the side of Xiwei, holding his leg and conveying his support with his own tiny power.

Old George looked like a stranger, although he didn't know why he wanted to stop it, but he managed to take back a life. He licked his injured chest and climbed up and ran.

Xiwei wanted to chase, but found himself unable to move, only to watch the old George run away.

Young people put their hands in their pockets leisurely, seemingly slow, but they came to them in a blink of an eye.

He walked closer, saw the faces of the two children, and his face was a little surprised. "You have no blood relationship, and you look so similar."

The author has something to say: Thanks to the mines of the high-rise bacteria in the northwest~

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