Picked up by the Protagonist of a Tormented! MC Novel

Chapter 41: chapter12

There are only two or three kittens in the guild hall, but the basics are all focused on the task board. After seeing the blue font representing the s-level task, they are all surprised and look at the other s level. The task, and sure enough, found that the progress of the task followed by it has been accepted.

Who is the recipient is self-evident.

At the same time, the mission system of the mercenary unions updated the news simultaneously, and all the people above the second level equipped with the mercenary union of the mission crystal board saw it.

The name of Xiwei was actually known in this way for the first time on the mainland.

The task level of the mercenary trade union is divided in this way. The s-level task is issued to the trade union itself. It does not need to be hired by another hiring person. The ss-level task is issued to the mercenary, and the ss-level task is issued by the trade union. There is not much relationship, just like the difference between picking a star and two stars from the sky.

Anyway, it is difficult.

After the mission was released, Xiwei silently looked at the relevant instructions for the s-level tasks. This is an exquisite booklet with few texts, more patterns, designers are very intimate, and the texts are easy to understand. of.

The title page of the booklet introduces the origin of the division of tasks above the s level, but it is only a few pictures of comic books. The general content is that in the last era, the founders of the mercenary trade unions in order to integrate the armed forces of the mainland against the invasion of the Mozu. This system was created. At first, the trade union's task was to hunt the devil. Later, the Mozu retired, and the free organization such as the mercenary union left behind and became one of the giants on the mainland.

The rules for the release and acceptance of s-level tasks are, in the final analysis, actually just a kind of goodwill.

The founder believes that if a person wants to do something that is worthy of his own life to exchange, then as long as it is not damaging, let us help.

When people are desperate, this selfless goodwill can be imagined how important it is. After all, there are always things in the world that are more important than life.

Therefore, this regulation has been passed down, and many people call the founder a true good.

Evan is obviously familiar with this rule, but he did not expect that such a thing would happen to him and have a relationship with himself and his sister.

At the same time, he also feels regret and embarrassment. Unfortunately, Xiwei may die in the sss level mission in the near future. What is embarrassing is that this thing may be due to Joniya, but let Xiwei This paid the price of life.

The plague demon, that is also the fierce existence of the devil in the devil, not to mention the junior warrior like Xiwei, even ordinary gods are not necessarily his opponents, and those that existed in the first era, once sealed the plague The devil's gods have long since disappeared.

On the far side of the distant western border of the nightmare forest, a brown-haired warrior-like man frowned and sat up from the bed, saying to himself, "Someone took the task of sealing the plague demon, it was in Pro What about the city."

Then the man disappeared strangely from the place.

The registrar is recording changes in the mission. Tonight, there is a new s-level task born in his own hands that makes his heart beat very fast. His hands are full of intense sweat. He has been a registrar for many years, to be honest, Suddenly it is not certain that the process of the s-level task is really like this, will it be wrong?

He repeatedly looked at the registration form, blocking the city of Prow was a big deal. If he made a mistake, his life would be over!

When the registrar was so entangled, I only felt that there was a cold wind blowing in front of the forehead. I couldn’t help but shrink my neck. When I looked up, I suddenly had a young brown-haired man.

The registrar was shocked and some stuttered. "This...sir, what's the matter?"

The brown-haired youth put a purple badge on the table, and the registrar suddenly awe-inspiring. The purple badge is held at the level of the union manager. Only those who have made significant contributions and held some important positions can own it. This young man seems to be young, but apparently a big man.

The young man said, "Tell me the latest news about the s-level mission, and then bring the publisher of the new mission to see me."

The tone is not arrogant, but because of his identity, the registrar will also be regarded as the sacred.

Xiwei is studying the booklet carefully. He can't see the face and face it. He is afraid of not being afraid. The registrar is really a weirdo. Isn't it a crazy madman?

However, he still coughed and caught the attention of Xiwei, and then tried to use a formulaic tone. "Primary mercenary Shiwei, the details of the execution of your s-level mission, you need to confirm with our manager. I can register for you in such a big event as Fengcheng, but I don't have the right to execute it."

Xiwei nodded silently, put the book aside, and got up and followed the registrar. In fact, God knows that he just didn't see anything, and the whole mind was empty.

The brown-haired man looked up at the crystal plate on the ceiling like everyone else. He looked at it and didn't know what he thought of. The corner of his mouth was vaguely exposed, and his cold face was softened a little.

The registrar came to him with respect and respect, "Sir, the mission publisher has come."

The man nodded and said that he knew it. However, he turned around and was still a young accident to Xiwei. I didn’t expect that such courage was actually a teenager who seemed to be only a teenager, although the young boy’s calm temperament is not like his age. There are.

The brown-haired warrior waved his hand, and the snoring in the hall suddenly disappeared. Hevi responded to the dangerous atmosphere of the man in a reflexive manner, and felt the shudder and fear involuntarily.

Surrounded by a transparent energy field, they separated the others, and the brown-haired man raised his finger to the ceiling. "Do you know what the mission of the plague demon means?"


"So Xiwei, why do you want to block the city of Pro, such a big city, even if it is blocked for a day, the impact is huge."

Xiwei did not evade and confronted him. "The mercenary union, can't you follow the rules set by yourself?"

The brown-haired man stunned. He didn't expect that his words would make Xiwei feel that the union could not do it. In fact, he was just purely curious. He was originally holding someone who took the sss-level task. I didn't expect it to be a very The weak teenager does not seem to be rushing to complete the task.

I think that this boy will die in the near future. It seems that there is still a little regret, but the rules are the rules, and the rules are not meant to be broken.

So the man is right, "Of course not, but you have to tell me the reason for the closure of the city, or the union is not good enough to explain to the city of Pro, and if it is a nuisance, then it will not meet the rules, the union can refuse. ”

Xiwei paused for a moment and seemed to be organizing the language. "There is a child, he disappears, someone is kidnapped, and they can't be allowed to leave the city."

"your child?"

His child? Thinking of a little guy who persisted in shouting for five years, Sivi nodded and admitted.

The brown-haired man asked the story carefully. After receiving a satisfactory answer, he waved and removed the energy field that was isolated from the surrounding area. Then he said, "Do not worry, within three days, you will be sure to give you a satisfactory answer. As for sss Level tasks, wait for notifications, when to notify you, when to go."

Early the next morning, some residents of Pro City were surprised to find that they could not leave the city. They asked the guards of the defending city, and they were also confused. It was only when people discovered the notice posted on the city gate that they suddenly realized.

There was a big cockroach that shook his head and shook his head. "It’s really awkward. It seems that I can’t eat the leaves outside the city today."

There are still many such arguments, but more is the anger of terrorists, dare to tie people in the holy city, it is daring!

Unconsciously, all the residents of Pro city began to pay attention to suspicious people to see who it is, so mad.

In the dark underground passage, Garr groaned angrily. "I know that this woman of Belle is a trouble. How can her task be so easy, it is waiting for us here."

"Lyon" admired his madness for a while, proposing, "It seems that this is the child's closure of the city, and Eden's Highness does not have such a great energy now. It is better for us to return the child back. Everything is solved." ""

Gard’s eyes are gloomy, “Miss Lilith, are you not a space magister? Why can’t you do things like going out of town?”

Lilith smiled slightly. "Pro city is called the Holy City. Naturally, there is his truth. Since it is a city, unless it is God, no one can pass its blockade of magic. Otherwise, is it a joke?"

Garr was pinched by her indifferent attitude, but she took care of this action. Lilith was the leader and dared not to let go. She could only curse the illegitimate daughter of the duke in her heart and never get the family. Recognition.

After a brief silence, Lilith began. "In short, let's first contact Belle to see what a good idea for the future bright lady."

Princess Joniya and Chino, who were in the dark, still groping in the darkness. Joniya was instinctively stunned by the only heat source around her because she was tired. She heard a slang in her sleep and could not hear it. Be clear about what is being said.

Chino squinted, although he couldn't see anything, but he didn't want to close it. After all, Joniya could fall asleep as a vulnerable girl magician. It is very clear that Chino, who is not optimistic at present, is not so wide. Heart.

He can't believe it. The other person is struggling to get the two of them together in order to let them ferment here, and then wait for several years to discover, ah, there are two embarrassing things here.

Sure enough, after a night, Chino felt that their position was changed from the original dullness to a slight flow of air, and then the female magician’s neutral voice sounded, “Oh, the little sister is spirited, always Didn't you sleep?"

Chino opened his mouth and decided to follow her words. "Sister, where is this, why is it always black, I am afraid of black, can't sleep."

Then he reached out and rubbed his eyes, making a tired and tired and afraid to sleep, shrinking to Joniya's arms.

There was a bit of mercy in Lily's eyes. The poor "little girl" fell into the hands of Belle and didn't know what it would be. However, they had to obey the agreement to hand Kino to Belle, otherwise this is not only white. It is possible to catch up with your own life when you run.

Thinking of this, Lilith was stunned and gave way to the Belle behind her, leaving Chino exposed to the future bright lady.

Belle looked impatiently and reached out to pick up Chino's collar and lifted him up. He felt that there was nothing special about it. Why did he move his father and let him accept this inexplicable little devil as an apprentice? ?

Lilith, "Miss Belle, man, I have already handed it to you, when can we arrange for us to leave the city?"

Belle put Chino in her hand, but there was no hard work. It was obviously a double-edition. She wrinkled her beautiful eyebrows and was impatient. "Tonight, I will take this little devil."

The author has something to say: Thanks to Campylobacter, a strain, dead cockroach, and the mine that enters the menu bacteria

Ps: Although some of the comments I saw are also very sad, but I think that the sister papers that will be chasing the text here must all really like my text. If you don’t like it, you will definitely not see it here. Here to bring negative emotions to you, I will insist on writing, thank you for your support (*^__^*)