Picked up by the Protagonist of a Tormented! MC Novel

Chapter 42: chapter 13

In this way, the kidnapper reached an agreement with the employer to complete the criminal underground transaction in exchange for Chino.

In the third era, Pro City was one of the main battlefields with the demon war. Due to the weakness of human beings, some detours had to be taken. So, at that time, the complex underground passages and the underground darkrooms that were well-connected were built. Where the perpetrators are.

However, these tunnels have abandoned an era. Many places have collapsed and there is no way to form effective connections. Ordinary people will not come to this dark, unventilated tunnel. Some people even transform their own underground tunnels into the mantle. Used to store things.

Belle is actually very clever. The hiding place she is looking for is almost absolutely safe. In such a big city, its underground is empty. Even if someone thinks of it, it is difficult to search for a small in such a complicated environment. Several people come.

This provides excellent time for transfer and hiding.

Of course, unless they never plan to come out.

Even if she is not willing, but as a kidnapper, Belle has to hold Chino personally, walking in the dark tunnel, her cold and beautiful side face is printed with the dim light in the tunnel, which gives birth to a cold feeling. .

Lilith followed Belle in the intricate tunnel and walked and sighed. I don't know what a spectacular scene is in the Third Age.

Walking, they passed an unusually tall and wide passage, and even the track-like things on the ground, Lilith couldn't help but say, "Miss Belle, why is it different from other tunnels here?"

Belle is still in a high position, and the message is as if the alms are generally replied, "It is said that this is a road in the Third Age that is called a magical train. It was an important means of transportation, just like us. The transmission matrix is ​​just as important, bringing important supplies to people who are hiding in the tunnel against demons."

For the first time, Lilith heard about such a novelty. When she grew up in peacetime, she couldn’t help but feel a bit fascinated by the last epoch.

While these kidnappers were talking about the legendary past, in the dim underground passage, suddenly, a song was heard.

This song is so abrupt, so strange, echoing in the uninhabited tunnel, people feel cold without any reason.

Chino only felt that a chill came, the hair was straight, the lyrics were very vague and unclear, and the sadness in the song was coming.

Belle hated, "These disgusting dark elves, the guys who can't see the light, will cleanse you all morning and evening."

Chino can't be seen. He can only judge the situation through the words of the people around him. He knows that the seemingly soft and comfortable embrace he is now is the femme fatale Belle, and that Princess Joniya is backed by the space magician. On, and the temporary destination is Pro Academy.

Belle intends to bring them back to the Pro Academy and then arrange for the city. I am afraid no one will think that the kidnappers will hide in the principal's residence.

Chino was anxious, and the female magician must have given them magical potions to suppress their vision. The feeling of not seeing anything was too passive.

But he really dare not act rashly. The original Belle is a terrible existence. She is no more than two years older than Joniya, but when Joniya can only force two wind blades, the light The candidate for the Virgin has already had the power of a great magician above the Master of Clark. This talent is simply incredible.

It also means that Chino is unlikely to escape with strength.

It took a lot of time for Belle to take him back and not to kill him directly. It must have a purpose. Before it can achieve this goal, there will probably be no danger to life.

In the current situation, I am a knife and I am a fish, I can only take a step and take a step.

After a long journey, Chino felt the light coming, and then heard the voice of the female magician. "Miss Belle is really daring, actually brought us to the Pro Academy. Are you afraid of your father, the highly respected President of Colin found out?"

Chino's ears suddenly stood up, Pro Academy!

Belle said, "What's so scary, at Pro Academy, I can't do anything I want to do."

The words are full of self-confidence. Of course, she also has a confident capital. Colin’s principal is indeed very trusting and loving her, and she has placed a lot of hope on her.

Chino closed his eyes, his eyes twirled under the eyelids, and he continued to pretend to be asleep, and stayed in the arms of Belle.

Belle grinned and threw Kino into the chair with a look of disappointment. He clap his hands. "You come with me, as long as you are honest, you will naturally send you out of the city after dark."

When she said such a sentence, Lilith opened her mouth and closed her mouth, and her face changed with a vigilant expression, and Gard hid behind the screen in the room.

Just when they were just hiding, the voice of the maid came from outside the house. "Miss Belle, there are guests visiting."

"What guest?"

The maid’s answer was respectful and respectful. “It’s the little dance lady in the temple.”

Belle moved slightly. "You will call her first, and I will wait until the past."

The maid quit, and Belle stood up and thought about it. Yu Guang swept the Chino who was still sleeping. I think there are still two people here, and a child of a few years can’t turn any wind and waves. After telling Lilith a few words, I went out to receive the guests.

Belle's footsteps are in a hurry. It seems that this little dancing lady is a particularly important figure. It makes the Belle of all the eyes so hearty.

The transmission array in the courtyard was bright and dark. After that, there was another girl in the magical array. The girl was about fifteen or six years old, full of vitality, and Belle refused to be a thousand miles away. She saw her. There is a kind of intimacy, and people can't help but feel good.

Belle barely pulled the corner of her mouth, revealing a suspicious smile, and the voice was softened. "Little dance, are you not going to participate in the practice of the Master of Light, how come back so soon?"

The little dance smiled happily without heart and lungs. "Because I miss you, Belle's sister."

Belle stepped forward and handed a hand to the little dance, pulled her down from the magical array, and smiled, and looked around and walked to the room of Belle.

There was still a man in the room of Belle, and she could let her go. She immediately stunned the hand of the little dance and said, "Small dance, you haven’t come for a long time, and my father missed you very much. Come with me to see him."

The little dance did not suspect him, and nodded to show his consent.

Who knows that people are not as good as days, at this time, Colin’s principal and his voice sounded, “You don’t have to be so troublesome, the little dance is coming, stay with Belle, this child is cold, and you are such a good friend. When you are away, she is very lonely."

Belle's face changed slightly, and she couldn't think of a rebuttal. She just looked at her toes and looked at the current countermeasures.

She can't refuse because of her feelings. For the sake of the present, she can only find ways to take the little dance out and not let her enter the house.

But how does Belle have a lot of wisdom, and there are things that can't be done, such as a little dance, which is a factor she can never control.

The little dance caught a smile, and Chong Kelin’s principal took a ceremony. “Uncle Colin, I haven’t seen you for a long time.”

Colin smiled a little. "How is this year's Guangming Master's practice course ending so early?"

The face of the little dance was a bit unbearable. "Because the plague demon broke the seal, the priests rushed back to the temple to find a solution."

Colin nodded thoughtfully and asked, "So, did the gods release new gods?"

The little dance looked blank and apparently knew nothing.

Colin asked a few more questions and left in a hurry.

The little dance was relieved and I got to the side of Belle. "How about the little unicorn you raised with Belle's sister?"

As everyone knows, unicorns love pure and beautiful girls, so this one that Belle raises is still well-behaved, and the little dances like it too much.

If it is normal, let her go to see it, but this will be a special situation, Belle does not want to expose a few people in the house, let the little dance know that it will only be more than right and wrong, then began to wonder how to send her off.

Who knows that the little dance explored the head of the room in the direction of Belle, and frowned. "By Bellie, how can you have such a strong dark atmosphere in your house?"

When Belle’s heart glimpsed, she forgot how the little dance was special and the sense of darkness was very strong. The little devil was a natural dark body, and it was troublesome.

This god, the little dance has already walked to the door of the house. When she saw the little devil who was "sleeping", the surprise on her face could not be hidden.

It’s hard for everyone to know that Belle’s high cold is inaccessible. It’s too ridiculous to have a little devil in her house.

Before she asked, Belle took the initiative to "interpret" the words. "This is brought back by Vera."

The simple little dance is not suspicious of him. When I saw the school uniform of Chino, it was relieved. Although it was a dark constitution, it was a college student.

This "little girl" looks very cute, and the little unicorn vera will be understandable.

After smashing for a long time, I finally sent a small dance for a while. Belle began to think about it. It is a safe choice to leave these people in college.

On the other hand, the little dance that left Bethle’s residence, while admiring the snow scene of the college, said to herself, “Weird, I seem to have seen the children of Belle’s sister.”

The little dance didn't find out. There was a student with a very low sense of presence walking by her side. I happened to hear this sentence, and my body shape paused, then I quickly left with a low head.

The author has something to say: I am innocent to help more monarchs ==2k