Picked up by the Protagonist of a Tormented! MC Novel

Chapter 45: chapter 16

The inhabitants of the entire city of Prosperity all had a nightmare in their dreams. In their dreams, they were bitterly bitten by the devil chasing.

The terrible black death spread, their beautiful homeland became a **** on earth, the corpse was everywhere, the smoke of burning the body and the burning smell of protein were disgusting.

Xi Wei's cold eyes passed a trace of confusion, and then he recovered to the Qingming. He did not see the **** on earth. However, for him, every day in Ye Xiaocheng's childhood is equivalent to struggling in hell.

This level of illusion can be confusing but the lucky one who grew up in a peaceful and prosperous place.

The black snow covered the holy city, and the vagueness seemed to echo the screams of the ghosts, and the claws tried to devour all the creatures.

Even if it is a plague demon, it is too much to do such a thing in the Holy City.

Even if the top powerhouses of the Red Moon continent disappeared, the temple would never have a card, so the temple that detected the demon invasion quickly responded.

The blockade magical array over the holy city disappeared, replaced by another layer of multicolored defensive tactics, a gift that the goddess of light left to the world to purify evil and protect her people.

At the moment when the multicolored magical array was about to close, no one noticed that there was a faint white light that quietly flew out of Pro City when the blockade of the defensive defensive defensive array was not fully activated.

Xiwei, who had broken the ice, had no delay. He hid aside and saw that Belle had passed by, and even the huge snow sculpture in the yard disappeared without notice.

However, all this has nothing to do with Xiwei, he just came to find something as important.

The yard was quiet and dark, and Hevi slowly gasped. He looked carefully from the leftmost room. The small courtyard was not too big. There were only three rooms, and the main house was the home of Belle. The left and right sides are used for stacking cultivation and other sundries. It is not difficult to find someone.


Xiwei quickly checked the two rooms on the left, but did not find any traces of children. If Belle hid them in a dark room, it would be troublesome.

This kind of worry didn't last long. When Shiwei turned the circle on the right side, he found that there was a broken rope on the left side of the chair, and the other chair was unconscious on the back. It is a rose Princess Joniya who disappeared with Chino.

Xiwei's pupil contracted a little, and he squatted and touched the ropes that seemed to have some warmth. Obviously, the poor insects tied to the rope did not take long.

Since Joniya is here, then it is obvious who is still missing. When Belle goes, Xiwei looks clearly and is a person. It is definitely not taken by her. So, the little guy is in the end. Where have you been?

Xiwei's face was as cold and calm as ever, but the fists were pinched, and the nails had broken into the palms. The red blood ran down the fingers and was absorbed by the pattern of the ring on the finger. It seemed to flash a glimmer of light, and then it was silent.

Evan was in a hurry, and Sivi had been in the tiger's dens for a long time. There was no news at all. He couldn't resist the greed of the plague demon and couldn't help but immerse himself in the illusion.

When Xiwei appeared with Joniya, he saw a mad prince, and Evan's mind became fascinated. He saw them as strangers, and even his eyes were faintly red.

Xiwei: "..."

Xiwei did not say a word, he just walked to the back of Evan, screaming at the time when he was not awake, he stunned Evan, and then stunned Evan, and then he and the two brothers One of the shoulders went back to the student dormitory.

So where is Chino going?

On the outskirts of Pro city, a woman with a very neutral beauty holds a "sleeping" little girl hurriedly walking on a narrow forest trail. The ground of the forest is very uneven, so she walks and sometimes stops. She gasped twice, her body followed by a man nearly 30 years old, the man's face was intolerant, and from time to time the woman's sight was full of disdain and disgust.

They walked for a while, and finally the woman stopped and walked back against a camphor tree and sat down on the snow-covered ground, not paying attention to the cold.

The man who has been behind her seems to be unable to hold back. "Miss Lilith, although you are the leader, I have to obey unconditionally in accordance with the rules, but you abandon our goal, Princess Joniya, but can't beat this gossip. What does it mean to bring out the little devil, should you think about how to explain to the Duke?"

Lilith smiled and said, "I naturally have a way to explain."

Being beaten back by her, the masculinity was hard to open.

How can you despise the illegitimate daughter of the Duke, who now has the status of a space magician, and Garr can only be indignant in his heart.

Lilith looked at the "little girl" in her arms, and she was a little embarrassed. In order to achieve their purpose, she had to drag the child in. This is not Lilith’s original intention, but after all, it is because of her. And up.

The reason why I brought this child out instead of Princess Joniya is that there is a reason. Lilith, as a space magician, has a very limited ability. She can’t do Joniya’s close-to-adult girl from Protea. Transferred to the outside of the city, and the plague devil destroyed the blockade of Pro city only for a short time, no time to redraw the law, in desperation, Lilith can only choose a roundabout way to achieve her goal.

Since Belle wants Chino, take Joniya to change it. Lilith silently praises her wit~

The fact is really like Lilith's plan, it is very reasonable, if Chino is just an ordinary child.

In the city of Pro, the Hill who was on vacation and the brown warrior around him looked at each other and saw the dignity in the other's eyes.

Hill is impatient. "Why are humans always so bored to die?"

The brown-haired warrior shrugged and gave him a look that didn't matter.

Hill: "...I know that we can't interfere in the process of the world, and naturally we can't solve the plague demon, but I have to find the child."

The brown-haired warrior frowned - but he did not raise any objections.

So when Lilith thought leisurely about how to express her opinion to her after switching Joniya, she did not find out when the surrounding atmosphere became a bit wrong.

The forest is still the forest, but it seems to be quietly caged with a layer of black fog, gradually bringing a coolness into the bone marrow.

After all, Lilith was a space magician. She soon noticed that something was wrong. She stood up alertly, and she had already buckled a magical mark in her hand, ready to send it at a short distance to avoid this danger.

Two figures came in the dark fog, and gradually approached in front of him. Lilith found that this was two men, one looks pretty and the other is slightly indifferent, but no doubt they look very good, of course this is not The focus is on the pressure of their uploading – that is what the top powers will have.

Lilith slowly took a breath and showed a slight bitter smile. At the moment when these two people appeared, she found that the subtle connection between herself and space was interrupted.

Retreating from the road, Lilith, as a magician who knows the current affairs, is also waiting to see what the two men have to say - can not run horizontally, do not listen to advice.

It was Hill and the brown-haired warrior. Hill scratched his head and his tone was mild. "Give this child to us."

However, he was gentle again and did not converge on the strong atmosphere. Lilith had no choice. She was shocked first. I don’t know what the child is. So many big people must catch him. Then, only I can put Chino's hands on it.

Lilith was eager to change her baby's arms, and she was very unwilling.

Chino has been sleeping, and there has never been a time when he hates the body of his weak child. He can only be at the mercy of others. At this moment, he is easy to change.

Hill put Chino's head on his shoulder and didn't make it difficult for Lilith. It was so quiet and quiet. Just walking, while on the Chino Road, "Oh, don't pretend." Can't you hear my voice?"

Kino’s eyes turned around under the eyelids for two laps. I always felt that the voice was a bit familiar, and I thought for a moment, and then carefully confirmed, “Hil... Uncle?”

Hill’s chest shook a bit and seemed to laugh. “It’s hard for you to remember me.”

It’s really Hill. Chino’s eyes smashed round--even though he couldn’t see anything, he still felt the luck of the rest of his life. Hill came to save him. He must have nothing to do!

At the same time, the troubled brothers and sisters returned to the dormitory of Xiwei, found a very conspicuous black crystal plate on the table in the living room, inside is a message, he opened according to the magic express, the pupil could not help shrink a bit.

Hill's face appeared on the crystal plate. "When you saw this image, Little Kino was saved by me. Since you are too weak and have no ability to protect him, I decided to take him away. Take care of yourself. If you can survive the sss level mission to eliminate the plague demon in five years, I will return your child to you."

With a slight smile, the black crystal plate regained its silence, and the cold black seemed to laugh at his incompetence.

Xiwei stood in the same place, with a blank in his mind.

His child, his cumbersome, really, disappeared. 2k novel reading network