Picked up by the Protagonist of a Tormented! MC Novel

Chapter 77: chapter06

When Chivi came back, Chino’s tight spirit relaxed, and when she came back to sleep, she slept until noon, blinking, and Sivi was no longer in bed, looking around and seeing the table sitting alone.

Chino then slammed his bed and went to Xiwei behind the ghost, with the intention of "sneak attack", but a magician wanted to attack a warrior by meat and body ability.

Xiwei didn't have to look at him. The powerful hand screwed his wrist, dragging his wrist and making it hard to let Chino fall from the air to the thigh he sat on.

Chino struggled with conviction. "Not counting, you cheated."

Hevi did not let go of him, still pressing him on his knees, admiring his vain twisting.

Twisting and twisting, Shiwei’s eyes changed, and Chino’s chin was lifted up, and Chino’s painful “squeaky” sounded.

Underneath the chin is a **** mouth, and the neck is also a five-finger print of bruises.

Because of the posture problem while sleeping, there was no first time to be discovered.

Chino stunned his neck with guilty conscience, but he still knew the time and took the initiative to explain. "I, I saw you going out yesterday."

Xiwei’s eyes are terrible, but his expression is still faint. “Oh?”

Chino said, "I was wrong, I shouldn’t be impulsive to find Belle." I thought, "Why is the egg so handsome!"

Since opening the door to the new world, Chino has changed from a simple brain to a beautiful brain.


To a certain extent, Xiwei’s intentional or unintentional “color and lure” is still effective.

However, in the face of the conscious state of Xiwei, Chino did not have the thief to go to the people.

There are any means to be willing to make it, provided that it is really useful for the guy with the aura of the protagonist.

In the end, I still insisted on selling the messy one hundred years without shaking. Although Xiwei had already seen through the essence of his inconsistency, he was too lazy to dismantle him. He just remembered to write a piece of Belle in his heart.

I took the alchemy pharmacy from the Lord of the Rings, took the medicine of Chino’s chin, and deliberately made a little effort on it. Chino’s heart screamed in pain, and the face had to pretend to be “It doesn’t matter if I don’t hurt”. Man is a distortion of capital.

After the medicine was finished, Chino also refused to eat tofu, and even ran to the floor to wash it, while secretly pondering in the heart, how can I get Xiwei.

The so-called Lingyun Zhuangzhi has everyone, how difficult it is to achieve, determination is one thing, it is another matter to go to the Raiders.

After washing and licking the roaring belly, and looking at the sky, Kino turned to the kitchen and touched the snacks. He went back to the house and asked Xiwei. "What is the monster?"

The hand of Shi Wei’s book was paused. “Why ask this?”

Chino chewed a snack in his mouth, and the voice was a bit vague. "Oh, that, Belle said you want to know."

Hevi gaze deeply and gaze at him for a while. "The demon species is the material of the Mozu's taboo magic. It is also the Mozu who was born under special circumstances. It can provide the conditions of the taboo magic and create a demon king. ""

Chino forgot to eat snacks, "sacrificial?"

Xiwei nodded.

But this demon is going to make the demon king...

Chino sneaked a glimpse of Xiwei, and what the demon king is, hehehe.

But still not right, "What does it have to do with us?"

Xiwei did not look at him. "The magic species is born of the power of the Lord of the Rings. It can't leave the Ring of the Rings for more than five years, otherwise it will become increasingly weak and eventually lose its ability and life."

The implications of this hint are obvious.

The snacks in Chino’s hand slammed into the ground. He thought that Tang Yu had to bring himself back to the aliens. The voice was a little trembling. “So...so not only the Mozu want to catch me, but humans will not let me go? ”

Xiwei’s answer seemed to be hard to squeeze out.

Chino tried to digest this fact and suddenly felt that he had been stepping on the tip of the knife and dancing in the past, and his heart was cold and cool.

He can only comfort himself. It doesn't matter. Others don't know where the ring is. As long as they can't find the ring, there is room to operate.

However, the feeling of restlessness is lingering. Both Belle and Tang Yu know his identity. Such a large handle is held in the hands of others. It is not beautiful to eat and not sleep.

I have to think of an idea.

But now that Tang Yu has not come tough, Belle has a deal with Xiwei, and it is still safe in a short time.

So I patted the snack scum on my hand and said seriously, "I have something to tell you."

Xiwei "hmm" gave a voice and gestured to him.

Chino organized the language. "In fact, is that Tang Yu not a pure-blooded family? She said that my mother is her aunt, and you must believe me. Belle is a particularly bad person. We can't beat her now. I have a chance to find a solution to her in the future."

Hearing the things of Tang Yu, and then associating the magic species, Xi Wei’s body vented a murderous moment and he was well converged.

Chino said that he was particularly serious. During the period, Ai Ai went to Xiwei, and he almost did not hold his thighs.

Xiwei bowed his head and looked at him for a while. "How do you know that I can't beat Belle?"

There is no threat in the tone, and Chino is awkward again. He thought about the fact that Shiwei was not the opponent of Belle at this time in the book. What if Shiwei could deal with Belle, why didn’t he have any signs? Wei has a good impression on Belle?

This speculation makes Chino seem to have a bitter gourd in his stomach. The more he digested, the more bitter he is. He has worked so hard, even he has lost it. It’s hard to make a bamboo basket to fetch water. He swears, "Do you like Belle? ?"

What is the logic? Xiwei can't understand his brain circuit, but, "Can't I like Belle?"

Chino is about to blow up, and he said, "No, you can't absolutely love Belle!"

Xiwei seems to care, "Oh? Who can I like, little dance? Joniya? Blood Ji? Or..."

Didn't hear what he said, Chino hurriedly interrupted, "No one can!"

There was a hint of interest in Xiwei’s sorrow. He did not mention it in the past. It does not mean that he forgot. This Chino thought that he did not know how he had secretly prevented himself from contacting other women in the past.

Although he does not believe in the so-called love, he is not interested in those women.

Chino just thinks that these sisters can't!

I didn’t think that I would kill the danger in the cradle. But he is not a man who can do it. When he comes to lack of ability, the future is just cruel to the death of the book. So he works hard. Change the plot and not let Xiwei have a conflict with them. If there is no interest, there will be no killing.

Who knows that the effort is in vain, and Sivi actually looks "seriously" and asks which one he can like. Chino is simply in love.

Xiwei saw that he was overreacting, and there seemed to be a lot of haze between the eyebrows. "What are you thinking about?"

Chino took the man's hand with his claws sincerely. "These are not good. I will find you the best!"

Sivi swept him from head to toe, meaning it was unclear. "Well, the best."

Chino’s mouth is good, his heart is sneer, he wants to be beautiful, and you don’t think about your “confidante”.

Since the little dance has become a saint and cannot marry, then her sister can also be removed.

The topic was far away, and Chino had to work hard to pull it back. "Where did you go last night?"

"Pink Street."

Kino’s eyebrows, “No... is that pink street I think?”

Xiwei extended his thumb and helped him wipe off the dessert residue on his lips. "That's the one."

Chino is a bit stuttering, "ah...ah...how come here...also..."

“Pink Street has always been the most widely sourced place. To find clues about the magic species and the stone of luck, you can only go there.”

Please do not say calmly that you have gone to the red light district, you are not a child who can not do anything, and give the protagonist a strong psychological quality.

"What news?"

There was some disgust in the look of Xi Wei. "No."

Knowing that his Chino knows that he is irritated, others may not be able to see his emotions from his cold face, but Chino is able to distinguish. "I may know something about the stone of luck."

"you know?"

Chino nodded confidently. "The stone of gas is in the abyss, and Uncle Hill told me."

Sorry, Uncle Hill, take you as a shield.

As a senior reader, how can you not know where one of the two golden fingers of the protagonist is? This confidence is still there.

Unfortunately, Uncle Hill can't be contacted anyway, or you can ask the demon species. Can this kind of magic be changed or can it be transferred or released?

This is definitely very important.

Thinking about it, Kaka slammed in, "喵喵~"

"Cheyenne is looking for us?"

Kaka turned around in a circle, his tail smashed, and he screamed arrogantly as an answer.

When I saw Xia'an, I saw an unexpected person.

"Blood Ji?!"

Blood Ji is obviously very excited, but she is now more sensible than at first, so she just said hello to them and spoke as a standard Pro Academy teacher.

Xia An had a moment to caress the Kaka in his arms and watched them acting with great interest.

Blood Jidao, "The mercenary trade unions organized the competition and invited the Pro Academy to arbitrate. I applied to follow."

Originally, Huang Ji was worried that if the owner blamed himself for not being optimistic about the small owner, even the people were gone. Now she is relieved to see the two masters together.

When Chino saw Blood Ji, he remembered something that he wanted to do long ago.

Rome was not built in one day. Xiwei lacked the toxic network of relationships brought by many sisters. Chino had two thoughts in his heart, but he needed the help of Blood Ji.

If done, it will be a great help. 2k novel reading network