Picked up by the Protagonist of a Tormented! MC Novel

Chapter 78: chapter07

The feasibility of the plan was conceived in the brain, but the word was still missing. Chino did not intend to tell Xiwei so early, to give him a big surprise.

After Fang Fang and Xi Wei greeted each other, God went to mysteriously dragging a misty **** jade.

Asked about the direction of the alchemy shop, while walking, telling Blood Ji, "Wait a minute to see what those alchemy agents can cure the disease."

Blood Ji wondered, "Is the little man sick?"

Chino lowered his voice. "I am not sick. Let's go and see. You do as I said, go back and tell you."

Blood Ji did not think too much, concentrate on following Chino, and give him the knowledge of various pharmacy.

As a powerful magician, Chino does not say anything else. The memory alone can compare the vast majority of people, and even if they don't even use notes, they can remember everything that Xue Ji said.

They smashed the day in the alchemy shop, the owner did not have any opinions, and from time to time came over to talk with the **** Ji Jinqin, but in a moment this kind of diligence became awe.

Blood Ji’s alchemy knowledge is terrible.

As the largest alchemy shop in the capital of the Violet Empire, I have never seen any alchemist have such knowledge. Regardless of the remote medicine, Blood Ji can answer in detail, and even list other things that have not been heard.

This kind of awe is at the apex of knowing that Blood Ji is the teacher of the School of Alchemy at the Pro Academy. After all, the founder of the Pro Academy is Princess Asil from the Violet Empire, and her statue is still in the palace.

They are studying here in harmony and learning well. I don’t know that the mercenary union is performing a good show.

Xiwei gave a gauntlet to Belle.

The name of Xiwei is not stranger to the mercenary trade union. The person who issued the s-level mission more than three years ago, one of the great heroes who destroyed the plague demon not long ago, is now publicly released a few days before the official test. Fight a girl.

There is no change in Xivi's face. If there is no deal with Belle, and Roland is forbidden to fight, he will not fight Belle in full view.

Belle has disappeared for so many years, and Colin’s principal has never given up looking for her, so her reward magic is like in the mercenary guild’s task bar. She stands on the high platform in such a high-profile manner, and soon someone recognizes it. It’s coming out, and after a while, it’s all whispering.

"Is this Miss Belle, who was taken away by the plague demon, the former Sanctuary candidate? It seems that this was saved."

"Isn't it, but Siwei and her have any enmity to challenge the stage. This is no matter how life or death is, and it doesn't understand pity."

"Emma, ​​Miss Belle is so noble and glamorous, it looks much more beautiful than in the magical image, the goddess marries me!"

"Cut, what is the candidate for the saint, who can be purely caught by the devil, and now the saint is Miss Mai."

The two protagonists on the stage were not moved by these gossips.

Belle’s mouth sneered, “How, forget our deal?”

Xi Wei lifted Shen Yuanjian away from her slender neck. He is now able to use Shen Yuanjian skillfully. "Fair is more than a test, you dare not?"

"I don't dare to provoke me. I am afraid that when you get there, you will beg for mercy and destroy the image of your hero."

At first thought, this man was killed by the sword, and Belle felt angered. If it wasn't for him to bring the sword of the gods and the blood of the royal family, how would the later events happen, and the interception would not become like this.

For the stone of gas transportation, she has been forbearing. Since Xiwei is going to be sent to the door, she will certainly not be polite, and it is necessary to give him a good lesson.

The atmosphere is on the verge.

The invisible airflow is rolled up, and the murderous air lingers in every inch of space on the stage.

Under the subtle changes of the Lord of the Rings, Xiwei's physique is already very strong, and the elements of any attributes can be accommodated. Therefore, Belle's bright attribute magic has a much smaller effect on him.

Chino thought well. In this book, Shiwei is not the perverted opponent of Belle. Now, Belle is more perverted to accommodate the power of the demon in advance.

However, Xiwei is not the original Shiwei in the original book. He got the Lord of the Rings five years in advance, and also entered the Pro Academy in advance. He also had the Shen Yuanjian bonus. Hevi’s change and growth are not the same.

Because of the hidden power of the Lord of the Rings, everyone does not know his hidden power, although sometimes he feels that his performance is beyond the actual realm, it is just a bit strange, not thinking deeply, after all, the Lord of the Rings is held in addition to the past The person himself, others cannot speculate and the existence of contact.

Evan squeezed his head and squeezed into the front position. The oncoming murder was so intense that his hair was erected. He rubbed his arm and looked at Belle on the stage without surprise. The fragile neck was pressed to the ground by Shen Yuanjian, and there was already a blood line on his neck, and the blood was flowing to the stage.

Xiwei is as cold as ever. "You know why I am going to challenge you."

All the audience under the audience raised their ears.

Evan was excited and quickly took a magic crystal ball to record the next picture.

Belle lost the tragic, his face was ugly and silent.

Xiwei said to himself, "First, this is the neck of your neck that you injured Chino last night, the second..." He said that he removed the sword and stepped on Belle’s elbow. The muffled sound of the bones shook, "This is what you blaspheme, third..." Shen Yuanjian, like a mountain, pressed on the calf bone of Belle. "This is more than three years ago, you kidnapped me." Daughter', return it to you."

Hevi rarely said so many words, and said it was slow and cold, without a trace of affection, even the eyes of Belle looked chilly.

For the first time, she felt that she chose a person who should not be provoked.

Evan sighed in his heart, and he knew that it was like this. He thought that Xiweiduo was so generous that he was retaliating with revenge, and in such a bright and honest way, he challenged Taiwan and died, even if the other party was a woman, the rules were rules. He is a sword to kill Belle, and others can't say anything.

Belle is too big, and she did not expect the wastes of the people a few years ago. Today, she can insult her after her death.

Belle's painful cold sweats, sweat soaked the clothes, outline the seductive body shape, the sound of the throat swallowing.

Xiwei looked down on her, and their position was completely reversed. He whispered the last sentence, "I don't kill you because you still have value, don't challenge my bottom line."

Chino is his bottom line.

Xiwei left, the thunder of the thunder rang, the raindrops of the beans fell, and Belle was extremely embarrassed. However, she broke one hand and one foot, and the hair was cluttered to the cheek, and there was a kind of abuse.

The five big three under the stage began to move, and Belle's expression calmed down. It was her carelessness. After hitting the memory, she suffered too much shock, which made her want to go crazy, which led to the current embarrassment. She lowered her eyes and moved pale. The lips, slowly read the name of Xiwei.

It seems as if the two words are chewed on the tip of the tongue.

Evan took the crystal ball and sent a message to the little dance.

Sorry, he always hates Belle, especially the current Belle, who does not want to be the Father. He just thinks that Sivi is so strong now, only his body's blood is boiling, can't help but want to scream and scream. Roland City ran for ten laps with heavy rain before slowly calming down.

Xiwei drove down the street in the rain, ignoring the squad and approach of the mercenaries, just thinking that it was raining, and the sky was dark.

Unconsciously went to the alchemy shop, Chino was looking at something in front of a shelf, his eyes sparkling, and Sivi’s eyes softened.

At this time, Chino seemed to make up his mind, carefully holding the things on the shelf and going to the counter. The owner saw what he bought, and his mouth was pumping, but he carefully wrapped him up.

Chino yelled inside, "Blood Ji, it’s raining outside, are you going with me or are you going back to the union?"

Blood Ji panicked and sneaked out of his head, accidentally aiming at the outside of Xiwei, I don't want to think, "Go back first."

Then quickly shrunk back.

Chino went out on his own.

Only when he stepped out of the door, he was pulled to the side with his arm. When he looked at it, it was Shiwei. Chino felt his heart swaying and asked with a sigh of relief. "Come to pick me up?"

Hevi touched his soft hair and nodded.

Chino is even more beautiful. It is clear that he can cover the rain with his mental power. He is useless. He hung his head and shouted with Shiwei and ran back to the palace.

Just sitting in the room, rubbing his hair with a towel, Chino couldn't help but go to Xivi, kicked him with his toes. "You guess what I bought!"

Xiwei took his ankle and prevented him from moving. He was very cooperative. "What have you bought?"

Chino opened the small bag that was well protected in his arms. It was a crystal clear medicinal material, shaped like a woman, and it was a "snow woman."

At that time, they almost sold out for a snow woman, and now I see that this kind of thing is a sense of human beings.

However, Xiwei is Xiwei after all, he does not think that Chino bought this for nostalgia.

Surely, Chino said with great enthusiasm, "Although we can afford the alchemy materials, many people can't afford it. The snow girl is a basic material for many alchemy agents in addition to the fever. So it will be so expensive, and there is not only a fever in the world, but the medications needed for other illnesses are more complicated."

Indeed, if the civilians are sick, it is not expensive to buy alchemy pharmacies or to find the light of the Guangming water system. Shiwei quickly found the key point in his words, "Do you want to lower the price of the pharmacy?"

Kino nodded hard, and the world’s magical civilization was developed. In contrast, the natural sciences at the bottom were suppressed into the dust. If new natural sciences could be discovered, in addition to benefiting 80% of the mainland’s population, the reputation among them And the benefits will be extremely impressive.

Not to mention anything else, the single piece of human medicine is a great blessing. Although magic is good, it is not something that everyone can enjoy.

However, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. At present, I don’t want to be so far away. I still have to study whether it is feasible. Before I was in the alchemy shop, he discussed it with Xue Ji. Many ideas can be implemented.

Xiwei looked at the radiance on his face and suddenly realized that there was no way to look at him as a child. This is an independent person who has the ability to take responsibility. Hevi suddenly felt like a soft cotton plug in his heart. Uncomfortable and unable to start, but he does not know why. 2k novel reading network