Picked up by the Protagonist of a Tormented! MC Novel

Chapter 79: chapter08

Xiwei is not right. This conclusion is the beginning of the mercenary trade union competition. Chino has carefully observed that there is nothing wrong with it. For example, he does not allow Chino to go to find Blood Ji himself. He must be accompanied by him. Even if I can only stand and listen to the pharmacy knowledge that I don't understand, in fact, apart from being forced to separate from Xiwei, basically they have been inseparable since they met, or when it is a small baby, it is a little bigger, no matter what you do. Together, after the reunion, it was not so sticky. After all, there was no way in the college. The accommodation could not do whatever it wanted, so it gave Chino an illusion that they could get along with each other.

Yes, the illusion, I don’t know what I was doing, touched the sensitive nerves of Shiwei, and let Xiwei pick up the desire to control him.

It is not a mistake in words. It is indeed the control of desire.

In fact, there was such a sign in the past. Xiwei had instinctive distrust of people since he was a child, but there was a very hidden and extremely small loneliness in his heart. All readers thought that he was born with ruthlessness and innate coldness. In fact, he could not To trust in things beyond his control, how can a person feel unconditionally dependent on someone he does not trust, so he tempted, he let others betray, stared at them, until they finally exhausted all the meager expectations. , pulling everyone to perish together.

Only Chino, because the first encounter was a baby who was completely ignorant of human affairs, Sivi gave him extraordinary gentleness and patience from the beginning, because a baby without a father and a mother would not hurt him. And leaving him will not survive, he can completely control and control.

In fact, according to Chino’s current situation in which Hevibi loves himself deeply, this **** and control does not feel annoying. Instead, there is a kind of faint joy. This means that Shiwei attaches importance to him, is persistent, and perhaps Not very normal, but who is qualified to judge their relationship, after all, are irrelevant people.

Xiwei thought that he should shave his head. He would be a five-year-old monk. Hevi arranged everything for him. He would follow it without any doubt. Hevi indulged him because he did not touch Shiwei’s sensitive line.

It was the previous Chino perceived, but never the same thing, Xiwei wants to control everything, he will fully deliver himself to the other side, subconsciously want to follow Xivi’s nature, give him want The eager sense of security, will never betray, always belongs to him, this is the way to love Xi Xiwei.

Now that this love has changed, it has a more romantic and sweeter meaning. Chino still does not hate Xiwei's control over him, but he does not want to let this control.

He can accept, but this is unfair to Xiwei, and it is not conducive to Xiwei's response to his feelings, which must be changed.

Chino thought thoughtfully about this in his head, and went back to see Xiwei, his eyes full of determination and determination.

Xiwei didn't know what he was thinking. He only thought that Chino didn't go to the place he couldn't see. It was good. Chino was still safe and harmless.

Chino, who is "safe and harmless," is quietly grinding his claws and starts running on the avenue of death.

In such a mind with a ghost, the study of Blood Ji has a look, and some theories are universal in all the world. If you only extract the ingredients that have a role in fever, it does not affect its other effects. People don't need to eat the whole medicine and waste the rest of the ingredients. It can be said that the way of waste utilization, Chino is very excited. With this success, the rest will soon progress, I believe I can't pass. How long does it take to give the world a big surprise?

Chino seems to have foreseen that he became a rich and handsome man, greeted ceo (Xiwei) and embarked on the road of life's peak.

But... how is the objectivity cold? The Xiwei in the book is still a million years until he died. Because of his growing environment, his psychological shadow is too deep. The mother sold her body and was killed in bed. There are still many men and women who want to achieve their goals. People, then the next second, the knife is facing each other, how many people die in bed, and die between the bed, so Xiwei has always rejected the relationship with anyone.

However, one reader said that it is not unreasonable. Those who go to bed can not fall in love, but those who love can't go to bed. This is an unchanging truth, unless Chino intends to follow him Plato forever.

Wool! Normal men can't stand it.

Just in the midst of a ghost, the comparison of the mercenary unions finally opened the curtain. The first round was commonly known as the sea election, which screened out most of the crowds in a big chaos.

Belle also came, there is a small dance, this pure light constitutional Master, her injury is not a problem, but the eyes that are occasionally handed over, repressed and bloodthirsty, but did not do anything extra.

The little dance was shocked when I saw the very heavy Belle, and the trauma was the second. The meaning of humiliation and dignity was even heavier. It was just that the inner lungs were really a mess. If it wasn’t a small dance, it was a saint who was blessed by God. It takes an average of a year and a half to get her to heal, and the little dance is very confusing. In the end, there is such a big hatred of Belle's sister and Sivicino, so it must be so bloody.

She also asked Belle, but Belle certainly didn't tell her anything, and she wouldn't tell her that she was the essence of the devil. She asked Shiwei, and Sivi was also closed to ensure that Chino's identity was not exposed. Needless to say, the little dance can only helplessly, but it will not question Xiwei or favor the Belle for this matter.

The little dance is kind and good, not stupid. Xiwei is not a person who likes to take the initiative to get into trouble. Even if he does not see it for a few years, the little dance can be sure, but Belle is also very good to her, she has a heart, and will not go. Blaming Belle, I had no choice but to remain silent on this matter.

Without any suspense, Xiwei and Chino easily saved themselves in the chaos. As for Belle, even if the injury is not good, this initial selection is hard to beat her.

The next big thing is to go to the main event. The number of people left is probably less than one hundred. They will be in groups of four and go to the Saitama Wilderness to find the task props. The leader of the mercenary union is there.

The president, Thunder, has a big belly to give them mobilization before the battle. "The warriors and mages, the reward for this year's test is in the Saitama wilderness. It is the president of my mercenary trade union. I am old and need to find a successor. People, I hope that you will not let me down."

The Thunder spoke very fluently, while he said, while he had a glance at Shiwei, but no one found him a small move.

The crowd suddenly boiled, the successor of the union president! This means that whoever finds the token will be fully trained by the Thunder, and the existence of the mercenary union will cover the vastness of the whole continent. Due to the constraints of its founder, Xia Zuo, it will never threaten the major forces of the mainland. Therefore, it has become an object of eagerness and enthusiasm for all countries. As the president, it will stand at the top of the pyramid. This is a temptation to refuse.

Team formation is learned, not only to ensure the ability of teammates, but also to ensure that they will not be smashed in the dark, but also to facilitate their own teammates' knives. It is really difficult to think about it. Chino is undoubtedly with Shiwei. A group, for some tacit reason, Belle also wants to join, then there is one left.

The other mercenary eyes almost fell, they all know that a few days ago, Xiwei was humming and humiliating the Belle, and the two men actually teamed up together, whether they were awake or not. People are afraid of the smashing of Shi Wei, even the beautiful color of Belle has been handcuffed, can you expect to eat with him?

There are also those who are not afraid of death or have no idea. If Xiwei wins, is it not possible to brush up the feelings during the team formation, and there will be a good future in the future.

There are not a few people who have this idea, but without any exception, they have been thrown away by Belle. In the end, there is only one girl with a sly face, looking at it with fear.

Belle pointed to her and said, "I want this."

The girl was surprised. She didn't expect her to be selected. Shevi looked at her. It was also a pure dark body. It was a warrior with more strength than the appearance. Chino is suitable for practicing magic, and this girl is suitable for body. Surgery.

Xiwei did not reveal too many ideas and soon agreed.

The girl lowered her head and a smile appeared in the corner of her mouth.

When the magic circle was lighted up again and again, each team went to the Saitama wilderness. When it was their turn, Chivi caught Chino's hand. After half an hour, they completed the transfer.

Each team will be sent to a different place, they are in the real wasteland.

The vast area of ​​the Saitama wilderness is vast, but it is concentrated in the northwest by the magical formation of the mercenary trade union. There are also wilderness and forests in the northwest. They are lucky and not passed to the woods.

Chino touched the alchemy ring with the things he took from Blood Ji, and silently recited it. "Xiewei, I am sorry."

Looking at the two sisters who were present, Chino thought, whether this can be achieved depends on both of you.

The samurai girl claimed to be Salsa, and she was very acquainted with the fact that she had no evil thoughts on the president’s tokens, and would never rob, or even be willing to make a magic contract.

Conscientiously, Xiwei will certainly not refuse. There are two magicians here. It is not difficult to set a magic contract.

Sasha said with a serious look, "My Sasha Meinshiri will never **** the president's token with Xiwei. If there is a violation, I will be driven by the evil spirits and break into the Mozu."

Each of Sasha and Hevi drew a drop of blood into the magical array in the air, and the contract was established.

After the contract is completed, Sasha's look is much easier. It is about the trust of teammates. You don't have to be on the other side at all times.

Chino glanced at her without a trace, and Belle just shook her head silently and sneered. 2k novel reading network