Picked up by the Protagonist of a Tormented! MC Novel

Chapter 81: chapter10

After a night of sleeplessness, Chino was more melancholy. He was reluctant to make up his mind that there was still a little expectation, but Xiwei told him by action that there should not be any luck, to cure the old illness, only the next狠 Manual knife, remove the cancer, in order to have a complete healing.

The next day, the atmosphere was obviously more dull. In front of it was a not too big canyon. Chino suddenly spoke. "Xiwei, can you explore the road with Miss Belle?"

Then quietly in Xiwei's palms: "I have something to say to Sasha, can't let her find trouble, rest assured, I know her weakness."

Xiwei looked at him and swept a good-looking salsa. Maybe he couldn't face Chino. So he evaluated Sasha's ability and confirmed that he would not be dangerous to Chino. He nodded.

For Belle, in order to get the stone of luck, she can still cooperate with this little thing, but it is a way to explore.

Then there is only Chino and the newly recognized Salsa.

Sasha didn't know what they meant, and he didn't move.

Chino stared at the back of Xiwei, and suddenly asked Salsa. "Do you think he is good to me?"

Sasha had a question mark on her head. I don’t know why the teenager suddenly asked her about it. Then she cautiously replied, "Well, is he your senior?"

"So if it were you, would you betray a person who is true to you?"

Sasha was shocked, "I... I just met you..."

"Then will you forgive the betrayal of someone you unconditionally trust?"

Sasha simply closed her mouth and felt that Chino was nervous and asked some questions about God. They were not familiar at all.

The so-called shallow talk is not a lack of mind is a picture.

Chino finally regained his gaze and turned his head to salsa to reveal an inexplicable smile. "Let's work together."

Sasha was shocked and asked without a voice, "What cooperation, cooperation to find a messenger? We were originally teammates."

Chino didn't care about her dodge. "No need to be stupid, Salsa cousin, oh, no, maybe I should call you Tang Yu Cousin?"

Sasha finally changed color, and Huo Ran got up and stepped closer. Senran said, "How did you know?"

Chinobo is not surprised. "Do you know what? Are you a Tang Yu thing? Or are you a cousin rather than a cousin?"

"Sasha", no, it should be called Tang Yu. The look on the face changes a few degrees, and finally it is calm. "So, are you all clear?"

Chino stretched out and didn't care. "Cousin doesn't have to be nervous. I will know that someone told me that you can come in successfully because I let Xiwei agree. If I didn't guess wrong, you should be Come for my magical species and the Lord of the Rings."

Tang Yu’s face was ugly, and he squeezed a sentence from his teeth. “Who told you.”

In fact, there is no such person at all. Chino will know that it is because he has seen the "Curse". He knows that Tang Yu is a man dressed as a woman. He is also close to Xiwei to rob the ring, and also pretends to be a girl warrior named Salsa. For the **** shadow family, changing the shape is not a laborious task. This is their talent ability.

As for the candidate for this back pot, Chino also had plans, so he told Tang Yu mysteriously, "The person who said this to me, he claimed to be Asir."

Tang Yu finally couldn’t help but be shocked. "You actually saw your majesty!"

Only one person will be called the Majesty of the Mozu, and that is the king of the Mozu.

Chino was also greatly surprised, but he would not let Tang Yu find out that Uncle Hill is more complicated than he thought.

But this is good for him and continues to maintain an inscrutable expression. "Tang Yu cousin, I am showing you a showdown against you. In fact, I also have the willingness to return to the aliens. As long as you help me get rid of Xiwei, I already have Plan, as long as you help me wholeheartedly, it is a win-win situation, even I can help you find the whereabouts of the Lord of the Rings."

Tang Yu’s letter of doubt and association with those inexplicable problems before Chino could not help but hesitately ask, “Do you want to betray Xiwei?”

Chino lowered his eyes and firmly said, "Yes."

Tang Yu heard this answer without hesitation, and felt a hint of excitement rising and licking his lips. "How can I believe in you?"

He does not play the aunt's family card, so the direct conversation is more in line with the Mozu's heart.

Chino’s vision captures the slow return of Shiwei and Belle, and finally said, “I am the blood of the Mozu after all. If a man has something to do with Tang Yu’s cousin, what will his cousin do? ?"

Tang Yu understood, and thought of the two people's intimate manners, pushing themselves and people, and instantly understood Chino's "true meaning."

Although Tang Yu likes to dress up as a woman, in fact, the heart is the first in the universe, and does not accept men at all.

So he took a step back and returned to his original position, becoming the original well-behaved silence, and then: "Complete."

Tang Yu answered this question. He didn't know that Chino had dug a hole for himself and pulled him down.

They are rushing all the way in the wilderness. Because of the guidance, they are much lower than the difficulty of other teams. When others are still stalking in the wilderness, they sometimes come across the big Warcraft’s death or wandering. The goal is now the seventh day they step into the wilderness.

In front is the territory of an eight-level Warcraft Flame Dragon.

The flaming dragon is the branch of the dragon's blood, inheriting the huge size and powerful force of the dragon, but it is the hegemon of the original.

More importantly, through the excellent vision, you can see the president's token inlaid in its eyebrows.

It was a blue-colored bead. Chino saw the description of the bead in The Curse, so it can be confirmed.

Not only that, but Chino also knows that the beads are divided into red and blue colors, and the colors are alternately displayed. In fact, the two beads are merged together. This is a chance to tell Tang Yu on the road and remind him that he must be in Xiwei. After you have identified the beads, you can separate them. You can cause great damage to Xiwei. As for the timing, he will wait for his instructions.

Tang Yuli’s magic contract is not to **** the tokens, not to destroy the tokens. This is a loophole in the contract, a small loophole.

Everyone knows well.

The flame dragon spurted a hot breath, and the temperature around it suddenly rose.

This is a terrible big guy, but no matter how terrible it is, it is not half as good as the plague demon. Hevi took a step back and took the sword of Shen Yuanjian to poke on the shoulder of Belle. The heavy power of the sword of God will be She pushed forward to the front.

Belle looked a little angry, but the lesson she gave her last time was unforgettable, and she forced the suppression of this anger.

She is a Belle, but it is not the original human girl who is prejudiced, proud and selfish, but also proud to refuse to yield to the devil, but awakened the demon with a short human memory.

In order to plague the demon, she can let go of everything.

Belle's eyebrows are getting more and more intense white light, completely losing the sacred taste, leaving only the paleness of death, she no longer hides the devil's breath.

Chino felt the familiar demon atmosphere, had to believe Tang Yu and his exchange of information, and finally understood the reasons why Belle tried every means to seize the stone of luck.

He feels more distressed and angry, her lover is life, so many innocent civilians' lives? Has been deceived by her, designing the life of the rebellious Xiwei's life?

He will never let go of Belle.

You are not obsessed with the stone of gas transportation, then it will be yours.

Tang Yu looked at the two men so not to see the Belle, but it was interesting. When the scenery was infinite and even stepped on the top of the ordinary royal family, the demon would be so disgusted.

Tang Yu recalled that they had already said that the good part was holding the Xiwei letter and acknowledging the Lord, and pitting a Xiwei and Belle, and then he could return to his father with the magical cousin and the Lord of the Rings. By the way, bringing back the message of the king is really a three-pronged one.

At the beginning, Wang had left the aliens for the wicked human beings of Xiazu, and even condescended to marry as a human princess. After that, the aliens never saw the king again.

Tang Yu feels very happy.

He finally knows why he can't find the ring of the ring around Chino, because the ring is not in Chino, but in Sivina, so many things can be said.

At this time, I would like to thank Xiwei for the idea of ​​"I shouldn't have it". Otherwise, how can I ask him to wait for such a rare opportunity, how can Chino take the initiative to seek his own help?


No matter how the people here have their own ghosts, they haven't affected Belle for the time being. She doesn't even need to sing a spell. She uses the variegated light technique to the huge body of the flame dragon.

The flame dragon spit out the dragon's breath, and did not put these small humans in the eye, but Belle quickly let it feel what is called the paradise of heaven and hell, the mutated light magic contains the dark attack of the devil, two The power of the violent combination of the opposite energy was terrible, and the flaming dragon quickly suffered irreversible damage and was irritated.

Belle's Mu Wu double repair, while casting magic, can also flexibly avoid the various parts of the flame dragon's body attack, looks like a goddess, Xi Wei, Shen Yuanjian quietly wandered to the rear of the flame dragon, Belle attracted attention, and Sivi killed the commandment.

Shen Yuanjian pierced the head of the flame dragon, and the tip of the sword reached the blue bead of the dragon's eyebrow, and it fell off its top.

Xiwei’s long arm at a glance holds the beads in the palm of his hand.

At this point, it seems that the task has been successfully completed.

Everyone has no opinions and the atmosphere is very harmonious.

At this point, the beads hummed, as if to break away from Xiwei’s palm and fly in a certain direction, but Xiwei caught it very tight, and it could not fly at all.

Then Chino spoke up, and there was a complex emotion that no one noticed: "Do you want to try the Lord?"

As soon as the voice fell, the other three people present were staring at him. 2k novel reading network