Picking the stars

Chapter 12

The worker who moved the furniture had Pei Ji's number because she left the number in the store on the day of ordering the furniture so that she could be notified when the furniture was delivered downstairs.

She was about to explain to Song Er when the door was knocked.

Pei Ji swallowed the words that came to his lips and turned into: "Go to my room and stay."

After a while, there are workers coming and going in the house, as well as large pieces of furniture coming and going. Pei Ji is worried that Song Wei will arrive, and that the noisy environment will scare her.

When she finished speaking, she touched the back of Song Er's hand. Song Er now knew that this was what she meant to lead her away, so she fumbled for the hand that Pei Ji sent to her, and she took her away. .

Song Wei entered Pei Ji's room for the first time. She stopped as soon as she entered the door, first turned her ears to listen, and then became a little cautious.

The door was knocked again, Pei Ji motioned to her to let go, and said: "Stay here." So he went out and closed the door.

Song Er was left alone in the room.

The door was closed, and it became a closed space, which was completely filled with Pei Ji's taste.

In fact, there is no fragrance on Pei Ji. If he must say it, it is a very clean breath, like wind, like clouds, faint, very pure, but difficult to capture.

There were messy footsteps outside, and a man’s voice was saying: “First move the furniture inside, and then move in new ones.”

Then there is the sound of furniture moving, and occasionally sounds such as "careful" and "don't knock" appear.

Song Wei listened carefully, but didn't hear Pei Ji talking.

She was probably standing on the side and watching. She was so cold, radiating ice rays indiscriminately, and there was no need for her to say anything. The workers must have been nervous to death, and wanted to move out as soon as possible.

Song Er smiled, she touched the ground with her guide stick and walked carefully in the room, as if she had begun a period of exploration to satisfy her curiosity.

But she didn't touch the things in the room randomly, and finally sat down on a vacant chair.

Changing furniture is a big project, especially since these furniture are not small pieces.

It was noisy outside, and I had been busy for almost three hours, and it was all done at about twelve o'clock.

Song Wei had been staying in Pei Ji's bedroom, and she made a few phone calls. A few days ago, Shen Zhizhou went to Pei Yi's house to look for her, and found that she was not there. He was almost mad and called her frantically until she was sure that she was fine.

Shen Zhizhou is her agent. He is almost forty years old. He has a son who has just entered elementary school and is particularly troublesome. Probably it was honed by her son. Shen Zhizhou was very patient, caring a lot, and had a strong aura. He had a peculiar temperament of being both a mother and a strict father.

Song Ye suspends all work, but Shen Zhizhou is not free. She is busy handling many aftermath incidents for Song Ye. This time it is the promotion of the movie "Long Night". As I said before, Song Er will participate in several offline roadshows of "Long Night".

"The schedule for the past few months is not very good. The producer has negotiated with the theater, and the schedule is set in December, and there will be about half a year. How are your eyes? Does it hurt during this time?"

Song Wei leaned on the chair, his eyes drooping slightly, and his tone was light: "I don't know, let's check it again."

"Hey." Shen Zhizhou sighed, and had to give her a life, "Xiao You, you have to have a snack, you have to have a plan, your eyes..."

The accident in Song Er's eyes is still a secret. Few people know that it happened so suddenly, even if four months have passed, everyone is still in a state of shock.

"I have plans." Song Weiyan said, as if he couldn't get any interest, "It's really not good, I can still be behind the scenes."

"You are still so young and developed so well." Just now, Shen Zhizhou was still urging Song Er to have a plan. Hearing what she said, he couldn't bear it. "Look again, don't be discouraged."

Song Er was silent for a while, and said, "I will trouble you with the outside affairs."

"Between us, it is not troublesome to say anything is troublesome." Shen Zhizhou said with reproach.

After they said a few more words, they hung up.

Song Er held the phone, her head was lowered, her face hidden in the shadows, her expression could not be seen clearly. After a while, the movement outside gradually diminished, disappeared, and the usual quiet here was restored.

Then the door was knocked three times and opened from the outside. Song Er raised his head.

"Okay, come out." Pei Ji said while standing a little far away.

Song Er stood up and walked towards the other side. She was not walking fast, and the guide stick touched the ground. A few steps later, the guide stick encountered an obstacle. She heard the person in front of her knock on the door of the side room gently, beckoning her to stop, she was about to hit her.

Song Er stopped. She still lowered her head, ready to wait for Pei Ji to turn around and leave first.

But Pei Ji did not move.

Song Wei was a little strange. She raised her head and tilted her ear slightly, trying to hear what Pei Ji was doing and why she didn't move.

"Unhappy?" Pei Ji opened his mouth.

Song Yi was startled and did not answer.

Pei Ji seemed to sigh, and changed his question: "Are you bored?"

Song Er shook his head.

The small chat suddenly fell silent and refused to speak. Pei Ji was a little embarrassed. She thought she would go out first. It was time for lunch. Just turned around, Song Wei said: "Number."

Pei Ji stopped. It took a second before she remembered what number Song Wei said.

Three hours have passed, and she has not forgotten this one.

Pei Ji glanced at the phone in her hand and said, "Give me the phone."

Song Er obediently handed it over.

Pei Ji took it and entered her mobile phone number.

"You report the number again, I want to remember." Song Er said again.

Request so much. Pei Ji glanced at her and reported it as she wished while storing the number in the address book.

Song Wei listened attentively, read it silently twice, and remembered it in his heart.

After saving the number, Pei Ji returned her mobile phone, but Song Wei did not pick it up. She whispered: "I still want your WeChat ID, QQ number, and I want to follow you on Weibo."

She is beginning to gain an inch.

Pei Ji glanced at her, took out his mobile phone from his mouth, opened WeChat, called up the QR code, scanned it with Song Er's number, and added friends, as did QQ.

"I don't have Weibo." She returned her phone to Song Er.

This time Song Er did not refuse, but took it. She feels like she has seen the moon over the clouds, and she is getting better, complaining about Pei Ji: "Yes, maybe you don't even know what Weibo is."

Pei Ji pursed his lower lip, took a bit of patience, and said calmly: "I know."

She doesn't use it herself, but she has seen it used by students and colleagues.

Song Wei smiled. She lowered her head and fiddled with her mobile phone, her fingers still flexible on the screen. Pei Ji couldn't understand how she could be so invisible and able to use it so skillfully.

With the intelligent voice assistant in the mobile phone and the reading screen function specially designed for the blind, you can basically use the mobile phone like ordinary people.

Seeing that she had no other demands, Pei Ji turned around and walked out.

Song Wei followed her and said very quietly: "Pei Ji, you can sign up for a Weibo, and then we will follow each other."

Pei Ji will not adopt such meaningless suggestions.

"After you activate it, you must remember to be the first to pay attention to me. This way everyone will definitely admire me, and you can pay attention to each other with the famous immunologist Professor Pei Ji." Song Wei continued to meditate behind her.

Pei Ji still ignored her.

"Okay," Song Er continued.

Pei Ji began to order takeaways.

"You don't suffer, I also have a lot of fans." Song Er still tried to convince her.

Pei Ji sat down, and Song Wei sat next to her. This time, she stopped talking, but sighed gently, accusing Pei Ji of ignoring people: "You are so cold."

But she did not have to force her to register for a Weibo account.

After the new furniture was changed, the effect was very good, and Song Er was soon able to walk away from the guide cane at home.

She is getting used to it here. Pei Ji was also relieved a lot.

Now that Pei Yi will take care of Song Er, Pei Ji will do his best to take care of her.

On Tuesday afternoon, Pei Ji finished his class at L University and came out.

It was only half past three, and she planned to go to the research institute to see if the half of the experiment in the morning was fruitful.

Coming out of the teaching building, Lu Man's voice came from behind: "Pei Ji, wait a minute."

Pei Ji glanced back, did not stop, but slowed down.

Lu Man followed, she walked in a hurry, panting a little.

It was raining outside, the heavy rain washed down, the water was full, and the weather was damp and stuffy.

It has been raining all day, and there is still no stopping the trend.

"It seems there is a typhoon." Lu Man said casually.

Pei Ji took out the umbrella and opened it, Lu Man followed, and came under her umbrella: "I happen to have something to go to your research institute. On the way, you take me for a ride."

Pei Ji has no objection.

Lu Man is her university classmate. They have known each other for ten years and keep in touch all the time. Pei Ji went to school at a young age and kept skipping grades. When he was admitted exceptionally, he was only fourteen. She didn't know many things, and Lu Man helped her a lot.

When they got into the car, the corners of their clothes were a little wet from the rain. Lu Man took a paper towel and wiped it.

On a rainy day, the car is not easy to drive. Lu Man understands Pei Ji's reluctance and only speaks a few words along the way, mostly because he cares about Pei Ji's recent life. This is like a habit. Since they met, Lu Man often took care of Pei Ji, and she still cares about her.

Pei Ji will answer, but it is very brief.

Lu Man didn't care either.

A red light turned on at the intersection and Pei Ji stopped the car.

"Is that a blind person?" Lu Man said, looking out the window.

Pei Ji looked over subconsciously, and saw a middle-aged man in the rain curtain, holding an umbrella in one hand, and poking on the ground with a guide stick in the other. He was walking very hard, and there was a man younger than him. Trying to support him, it should be his friend.

"It's so pitiful, eyes can't see, nothing is convenient, the world is all black." Lu Man shook his head and stopped looking.

But Pei Ji didn't look back, until the green light came on and the car was restarted, she said, "It's not black."

She looked at the road ahead and said seriously: "We will think that the world of the blind is black because the world after we close our eyes is black. But closing your eyes is only because your eyelids block the light. You are still looking, so you see the black. People who are blind cannot see, nor can they see black. Their world is nothing."

Pei Ji will be more serious about some more professional issues, Lu Man knows, but this time, she seems to be extra serious.

Lu Man asked, "What is nothingness like?" She was a literary student, and she always thought that what blind people saw was black, and this was the first time she heard such a statement.

"You only close one eye, and then look straight ahead. That one closed eye sees, almost." Pei Ji replied concisely.

She began to think about Song Er, to be precise, she was worried about Song Er.

The blind person just now caused Pei Ji to worry. She thought, she must take good care of Song Er and absolutely not let her walk outside in the heavy rain.

"Pei Ji..." Lu Man looked at Pei Ji, with a vaguely weird feeling. When she was about to say something, Pei Ji's cell phone rang.

Pei Ji glanced at the screen, and Song Ye's name appeared on it.

This was the first time Song Wei called her last Saturday after getting her number. Pei Ji frowned and picked up the phone.

"Professor." Song Er's voice came from the phone, soft.

Pei Ji simply replied: "Yes."

Song Er was not as active as she was usually. She seemed to hesitate for a while before asking, "Are you off work?"

It was less than four o'clock, of course it was not off work, but Pei Ji heard the low tone in Song Er's tone, and she was very unhappy.

So Pei Ji replied: "Yes."

Song Er seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, but his voice became more cautious, begging Pei Ji: "Then can you come and pick me up, I'm in the hospital."


First of all, I want to apologize to everyone. You are my unfavorable title. Because it sounds negative and has a bit of misconceptions, it is not allowed to continue to use it. I had to change one and replace it with the current one.

The copywriting has also been slightly changed, to the point.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience caused to everyone.

Blame me for not being thoughtful, I didn't expect that the name of the article would go wrong.

Then, the title was changed, but the content of the novel will not change. The content of the novel is fixed. The outline is very detailed, and nothing will be changed.

Please rest assured to read.

Rest early, good night.