Picking the stars

Chapter 24

Song Yi felt that Pei Ji was like a mountain.

The mountains are majestic and timeless. Song Ye looked up at the mountain and approached her step by step, but rarely expected that the mountain would come to her.

However, the fact is that the mountain does not move, but she watched her with calm, gentle and reassuring eyes, giving her the motivation to persevere.

Song Er told Shen Zhizhou about the appointment with Professor Li Shengbai, which prevented her from continuing to drill the camp in pain.

Shen Zhizhou was very surprised when he learned about it. After the surprise, it was inevitable that he was surprised: "I didn't expect the relationship with Professor Pei in the end. Strangely, I also have people in the medical field who have looked at them. The dean of L University Affiliated Hospital sincerely agreed I'll try it later, and..."

She counted them one by one. According to the theory of six degrees of separation, it would only take a little effort to really get involved with someone who has nothing to do with them. Shen Zhizhou spent so much energy, almost tried all kinds of angles, but it was useless, all of them broke and settled in the sand.

"Professor Pei is still very good, so thank her." Shen Zhizhou is in a good mood, and he can say all the beautiful words. "People who do scientific research are calm and reliable. The most important thing is enthusiasm and kindness. You didn't tell her. She did things silently. We need such scientific researchers with conscience, humanity, care and ideals to explore the future of mankind."

Song Wei was very proud of it, and said in a tone of "My family is praised, it is necessary to be humble, but he feels that what Shen Zhizhou said is correct, so he finds another angle to be humble." It's too boring, you don't know, she can't say a good thing, it's especially anxious."

Shen Zhizhou heard something wrong, but he still said something nice for Pei Ji: "Geniuses are always a little weird."

Song Er said: "Not a genius, she is still young, she has only made small achievements in the field, and there is still a lot to learn."

Shen Zhizhou: "???" Why doesn't this sound like a complaint, but rather a proud look?

In her mind, many years ago, when she was in school, in the Chinese class, the Chinese teacher told her words such as "remarks and praises", "to promote first suppress" and other words. She also remembered that when she had a small gathering with her girlfriends last week, her girlfriends used one. In a particularly sweet tone, he complained to her that the person was not caring enough and was too straight.

"I will thank her." Song Er said again, "Then I will hang up first."

The tone is normal.

Shen Zhizhou suddenly felt that he was thinking too much, and said hurriedly: "There is still something else, no one sang the theme song of "Long Night"."

Song Er was very interested: "Didn't it mean that the capital recommended someone?"

"Recommendation is recommended, and the opportunity is also given. It is true that I am not satisfied. I heard a friend say that Director Jiang went crazy in front of the singer yesterday, and asked directly whether this song cost three yuan to get on the road. I bought it at a side stall? I didn't save her a bit of face." Shen Zhizhou's news has always been very good.

In fact, at the beginning of the theme song of the movie "Long Night", Jiang Chengcheng wanted Song Yi to sing. No matter in terms of popularity, accomplishment or understanding of the movie, no singer is more suitable than her. Halfway through the filming of the movie, Jiang Cheng mentioned it to her verbally, not very formal, and asked if there is a schedule in the near future, and I want you to sing a song.

I didn't say which song it was, but the meaning is very clear.

As a result, within a few days, the management forced people to come, wanting to support a small singer. Jiang Cheng is not the kind of director who doesn't have the right to speak, and calls his father behind the management to ask others to enjoy a bowl of rice. He is the first generation of filmmakers to bring Chinese movies to the world. He has no shortage of awards and box office. Of course, there is no need to worry about investment.

However, there is no need to worry about returning, and there is no need to drag people everywhere to offend people. The management has repeatedly assured that the singer's musical literacy is very good, and he also asked Song Wei to compare, saying that it is not much worse than Song Wei.

Jiang Cheng only agreed.

"Director Jiang called me personally in the morning, wanting to ask if you have any schedule." Shen Zhizhou probed carefully. "Director Jiang probably feels embarrassed too, he said very politely. Although it is quite uncomfortable, it is also It's really a good opportunity. You haven't moved for more than four months and have no works."

Shen Zhizhou actually didn't hold much hope. After Song Wei went blind, he never touched the piano, never wrote songs, and rarely asked about work. She seemed to reject the applause of flowers that she had before her blindness.

"You tell Director Jiang for me..." Song Wei said, Shen Zhizhou already sighed in his heart, most of them asked her to tell Director Jiang that she had no schedule, "I'll take it."

Shen Zhizhou didn't react at first hearing it, but after reacting, he immediately said: "I'll call Director Jiang!"

After speaking, he hung up, as if he was afraid that Song Wei would regret it.

Song Er grabbed the phone, and the electronic female voice read out the content on the screen: "You have received a WeChat."

Song Wei opened, and the electronic female voice continued to read: "Say, don't thank you."

She just said to the professor, thank you professor! Pei Ji's reply to her.

Song Wei smiled and fell into curiosity again. When the system reads the content of WeChat, it is read together with a nickname. For example, a message sent to her by Shen Zhizhou will have the prefix "Shen Zhizhou said", but the professor has only one "say", and her nickname cannot be read.

Song Er thought, is it a certain symbol? She was even more curious if she couldn't think of it. When her eyes regained their eyesight, she would be able to see it with her own eyes.

Song Er is full of expectations for the restoration of Ming. Before, I wanted to go back to the life of the past, but now I want to go to a life where Pei Ji can be seen.

She changed from being nostalgic for the past to looking forward to the future.

She was blind, but was also walking forward.

She originally wanted to write the theme song of "Long Night", but it seemed that there was no chance of cooperation before, so she decided to wait and write it as a single.

She has a close relationship with Pei Ji, this is what Song Wei thinks unilaterally, and Pei Ji doesn't know.

She had met Pei Ji before she took over the movie "Long Night".

The plot of "Long Night" is based on the clue that a dancer fell in love with a returning physicist. At that time, ideals and love were always in dust, and the ending of the story was sad and beautiful. It was the kind of beauty that echoed in people's hearts for a long time after a long tragedy.

As soon as she got the script, she felt that the physicist in this story looked like that person. At that time, she still didn't know who she was, what was her name, they didn't even say a word, but she just had a feeling, and she felt very alike.

She was fascinated by the film and tried her best to perform it.

Later, at the dinner, I learned her name and her occupation.

The two are more alike.

In the second half of the filming, she was in very good condition, and even Director Jiang was shocked, saying that she was making rapid progress, and she must make more movies in the future, otherwise it would be a shame.

But only she knows, because she has completely substituted herself into the dancer she plays in her heart.

She was deeply involved in the play, and she often burst into tears, so that Shen Zhizhou was worried and secretly contacted the psychiatrist.

And the most amazing thing is that once she thinks of Pei Ji, she knows clearly that she is Song Er, not the dancer. Pei Ji is Pei Ji, not the physicist.

She distinguished the two clearly.

This feeling of sinking in the play and being sober outside the play is so magical as if she touched a musical note for the first time in her childhood, and her soul trembled.

She is curious about Pei Ji.

Pei Ji was attracted to her.

She really hoped that Pei Ji could know this, but she didn’t want to just narrate it dryly. She wanted to one day, or the snowy sky, or the pear blossom garden, she sat beside the professor, holding her hand, Tell her in a tone of no greatness: "Actually, I have coveted you for a long time."

She could see it, or she could still be blind, but after speaking, she wanted to nest into the professor's arms and smell the cold and clean breath of her body like a glacier. It would be better for the professor to kiss her hair.

But if their fate has been exhausted, the professor will never be able to like her. She will bury these things forever, and she will become a friend who is always present, reliable and informed in the life of the professor.

On Wednesday, Pei Ji took a long time off to accompany Song Er to see Li Shengbai.

Li Shengbai's schedule is very tight, and most of them cannot be postponed or cancelled. It was also an hour that was squeezed out of the gap between many trips to check Song Er.

Pei Ji drove, and Song Wei sat in the passenger seat: "Professor Li is very busy, you are very free, don't you have a good job?"

"I have." Pei Ji said.

Song Er said "Oh", saying that he didn't believe it.

Pei Ji did not defend herself. She thought of something, as if she endured it for a while, but failed, and said to Song Er: "Next time, don't buy so many ingredients."

In the past few days, Pei Ji is cooking at home every day, because the ingredients are too much to be thrown away is wasteful.

Song Er was very obedient, and said obediently: "Listen to the professor."

Pei Ji didn’t believe it very much. She looked at Song Nei and found that Song Nei’s expression was not sincere at all, so she was even more distrustful. She was in a very good mood for the next dinner, and Pei Ji decided not to emphasize it again.

If Song Er is happy, then listen to her.

When the car drove to an old street, the large camphor trees on both sides were tall and dense, and the leaves were densely connected, blocking the noon sun.

There was a red light at the intersection and Pei Ji stopped the car.

A group of elementary school students lined up outside, whispering passing by, wearing the same clothes, wearing the same hat, and bright red scarves, jumping on the sidewalk.

A boy was very naughty and pulled the girl's braids, so he exclaimed. The boys and girls laughed and quarreled, and the teacher kept order loudly on the side.

The picture is disorderly and noisy. Pei Ji looked back, the traffic light turned green, and she started the car.

"Is it a kid?" Song Er asked.

"Elementary school student." Pei Ji said.

Song Wei seemed to be curious about everything: "Are they over from school?"

"It's possible." Pei Ji said.

Song Er didn't speak any more. Pei Ji thought this topic had passed.

No, after a while, Song Er suddenly said, "I also want to be a primary school student."

Pei Jiyou was surprised by her weird ideas. In her opinion, the elementary school textbooks are too shallow, and there is no value in sitting in the classroom to study.

"School is over." Song Er said again.

Pei Ji ignored her.

Song Er also quieted down.

After about five minutes, Song Er spoke again: "Why don't you come to pick me up?"

"Don't you come to take me home after school?"

"Then I will be laughed at by other kids."

"Are you really not coming to take me home?"

"It's dangerous for children to go home by themselves, and they may be trafficked."

She said more and more pitiful, wronged and lost.

Pei Ji had been quarreled and couldn't bear it. He said stiffly: "Didi, the car is parked outside the school gate. Please kid Song Wei get in the car quickly and don't talk."