Picking the stars

Chapter 33

On the car outside the airport, Shen Zhizhou wondered if there was a problem with her ears, and if she had auditory hallucinations.

"Xiao Wei..." Shen Zhizhou couldn't believe it. She wanted to ask to understand. The driver in front said: "Mr. Song and Ms. Xia are out."

Song Er immediately fumbled to drive the door. Shen Zhizhou had to swallow what he said, and got out of the car with the driver. The driver went to meet Song Er's parents. Shen Zhizhou walked around to Song Er's door and helped Song Er get out of the car.

Song Er's mother Xia Qing is a violin player, and her father Song Jueming is a businessman. The two people looked haggard, Song Jueming was still better, but his expression was extremely low, Xia Qing had already written all the worries on his face.

They saw Song Wei being helped by Shen Zhizhou to get out of the car. There were tears in Xia Qing's eyes. She walked over quickly and shouted, "Little brother!"

As soon as Song Er stood still, his eyes turned red when he heard his mother's voice.

Xia Qing hugged Song Wei, not knowing whether she was angry or anxious, and patted her back with her backhand. While crying, she said, "Why don't you tell your family about such a big thing!"

Song Er and her family talked on the phone every week, and Xia Qing also asked her why she hadn't worked for such a long time. Song Er only said that he was a little tired and wanted to rest for a while, but he also had some thoughts that needed to be settled. She spoke naturally, without revealing a trace of strangeness in her voice, which kept her from her home to the utmost.

"You and Dad know, they are also in a hurry." Song Wei tried his best to calm down, but when he opened his mouth, tears fell.

Song Jueming stood by, looked at them for a while, and patted Xia Qing on the shoulder: "Go home first, go home and say."

The driver has loaded their luggage into the trunk.

Xia Qing retreated a bit, and looked at Song Er carefully. Seeing that her complexion was pretty good, she just felt relieved, but she saw her eyes that had lost their light, and tears kept falling, making her feel distressed. Can't do it.

Song Jueming took her shoulders and shook her head, asking her to restrain her emotions and not to worry Xiao Wei.

Song Wei found that his parents stopped talking suddenly and felt a little uneasy, so he said, "Let's get in the car."

Xia Qing nodded, and was about to say yes, but the tears were falling more and more severely. She covered her mouth and couldn't make a sound at all. Seeing this, Song Jueming calmly said, "Okay, get in the car." As a result, his voice was hoarse, with moist tears.

When Song Wei heard it, he was suddenly at a loss. Shen Zhizhou stood aside and quickly opened the door to greet: "Get in the car first, get in the car first." They got in the car. Shen Zhizhou sat in the passenger seat.

Fortunately, the car is spacious, and there are three people in the back row, but it is not crowded.

Song Wei was between Xia Qing and Song Jueming, Xia Qing did not speak, but took her hand. Song Jueming calmed down for a while, and began to say: "I have contacted a few doctors, and I will be there tomorrow morning at the latest for you to have a consultation. Don't be afraid, Dad will find the best doctor for you. The eyes are healed."

"Yes." Xia Qing also said hurriedly, "Now that medicine is so advanced, there is always a way."

Shen Zhizhou listened in the front seat, a little unbearable.

Song Er just smiled and said, "Okay."

Xia Qing looked at her, tears slipping down again. She turned her head to the other side, raised her hand and wiped her tears.

She knew, and Song Er's father knew too. Song Er is not a child. She is independent and capable. She must see all the doctors she can see when she encounters such a big thing as blindness. Did not tell the family, it is only possible that all the doctors failed to give a good treatment plan.

"Mom, I have a lot to say to you." Song Er said again.

Xia Qing immediately answered, "Okay, you can talk to your mother slowly. Mom will accompany you."

Song Er smiled. Xia Qing looked at her smile and felt as uncomfortable as being pierced by a needle.

At home, Shen Zhizhou has asked the housekeeper to clean it in advance, the bedding has been changed in the guest rooms and bedrooms, and the refrigerator is full of food.

Xia Qing is very particular about life, especially the details. As soon as she entered the house, she could see that the house was too neat and tidy. Although everything for daily use was prepared, they were all set up.

Song Er did not live at home during this time.

She didn't ask, her attention was on Song Er's eyes, nothing else was important.

The driver helped take the luggage to the guest room. The nanny poured water for them. No one has the mind to drink water, and no one has the mind to sit down and speak calmly.

But they all understand that irritability, anger, worry, and worry can't solve anything. After all, they still have to control their emotions.

Fortunately, Song Jueming and Xia Qing's emotions calmed down this way.

Song Er drank his mouth water. The first reaction was that the professor didn't like the taste of boiled water. She felt it was bland and tasteless, very strange.

"In the future, you must tell your family if you encounter any problems." Xia Qing repeated his instructions.

Song Er nodded: "I see."

Song Jueming sat next to Song Er, thought for a while, and asked, "What did the doctors you saw before?"

Shen Zhizhou had already prepared his medical certificate and he had seen many doctors. The examination reports of various medical certificates were already piled up in a thick pile.

She took out the medical certificate and handed it to Song Jueming and Xia Qing. Song Jueming opened it, but Xia Qing didn't move. He listened to Song Jueming.

"Dr. Li Shengbai's diagnosis is that surgery is necessary to restore the eyesight, and the success rate of the operation is 65 percent."

Song Jueming still didn't know the meaning of Li Shengbai's name in this field. He heard the 65% success rate, his heart beat, his face sank, and he subconsciously comforted Song Er and said: " Don't panic, see another doctor again."

Song Wei was silent for a while before saying, "He is already the best doctor."

Xia Qing insisted: "Look at other doctors again. It will be here tomorrow. I have already contacted a private hospital. Not far away, we will have an examination there."

If you don't see the result with your own eyes, you will always have hope in your heart. So did Song Er. When she first went blind, although she was scared and unacceptable, she always had a fluke, thinking that she wouldn't be so unlucky, she really went blind completely.

Then I went to see the doctor again and again, and heard the bad news again and again.

Even so, after hearing so many times, when Li Shengbai gave the results, she still couldn't accept it.

Then, had to accept it.

Song Wei nodded, obediently: "Okay, let the doctor show me tomorrow."

Xia Qing didn't know Song Er's thoughts. Seeing that she agreed to read it again, she felt a little relieved. Medicine is so advanced, there are so many good doctors in the world, and life is always full of hope. Sixty-five is sixty-five percent, and there must be room for change.

Song Jueming and Xia Qing flew on the plane for more than ten hours. They didn’t eat anything and didn’t close their eyes, but they still didn’t want to go to rest. They stayed with Song Er and talked to her. Xia Qing told her where she was going to perform. What do you mean when you encounter something, and which music master you have exchanged with, and what inspiration have you gained?

Song Wei has always been interested in these topics. She used to communicate with her mother some of her insights in music and some moments of inspiration.

At this time, she still listened very seriously, and she told her mother that she was writing a song: "The theme is a person looking for the stars alone in the long night."

Xia Qing understood immediately: "Ah! This is your movie."

They talked about this movie before, and Xia Qing also found a very famous dancer for Song Ye, and let Song Ye learn the posture and dance steps from that dancer for a period of time.

"Yes." Song Er said, and couldn't help telling her parents a little bit of her thoughts, "not just movies, but also some, um, my recent feelings and directions."

She spoke very implicitly, but her face was already red. Xia Qing was very keen and immediately understood. She and Song Jueming looked at each other, and there were smiles in each other's eyes.

Song Jueming coughed lightly and said with a smile: "Then, when will Mom and Dad see your star?"

At this time, the atmosphere became slightly lighter.

However, Song Er actually fell down. When could she bring the professor home? Before, she would still think that if the mountain is not just me, I will be the mountain. She bravely fought for it and tried hard to get closer to her. But now, the professor and her seem to be farther and farther away.

In the evening, Song Jueming and Xia Qing went to rest in the morning to recharge their energy. After all, there are still many things to do tomorrow.

Song Er stayed in his room.

It was obviously his own home, but Song Ye was not quite comfortable with it. She knew that she could not hear the cicadas when she opened the window. She also knew that there was no pond, no willow tree, and no breeze with the fragrance of lotus leaves.

Song Wei was uneasy, she couldn't help thinking, what the professor is doing now, should be at work, then she will miss her a little bit, or she is relieved, thinking that no one will bother her at all.

Song Er couldn't be sure, so he was even more disturbed.

At nine o'clock, her door was knocked, and Shen Zhizhou was outside.

Song Er was mentally prepared, and she raised her voice: "Come in."

The door opened.

Shen Zhizhou walked in, Song Er got out of bed, and walked to the outside of her bedroom together. There is a small meeting area, which hasn't come in handy, but today it is suitable for conversation.

Shen Zhizhou still didn't understand, she said straightforwardly: "I really didn't expect it." Her tone was particularly puzzled.

"Don't say it's you, I didn't expect it myself." Song Er said calmly.

Shen Zhizhou looked at her. She thought about the words for a long time, stern and gentle, but at this moment, sitting in front of Song Er, she couldn't tell. Finally, she had to ask her: "Are you willing? "

After she finished speaking, she took out her phone and clicked on a video. Song Er's voice came from the video, and she was singing. This is her first time to sing on stage, and she sings a song she composed herself.

Song Er was in a daze. It was three years ago. From that concert, she started her musical journey.

The video is playing, and Song Er was singing three years ago.

Her voice is unique, and her singing voice is full of emotion.

Neither Song Er nor Shen Zhizhou spoke, only the video was playing. Song Wei still remembered that he was on stage confidently and nervously, but he was determined to win.

A quarter of a song, she finished singing.

Song Wei knew that she was standing on the stage at this moment, waiting for the judges to comment.

Shen Zhizhou looked at her: "Don't you miss it?"

Song Wei was about to speak when Ms. Meng Changxi’s voice came: "This is a professional singer. This timbre is too rare. She combines classical bel canto and pop singing very well. Dive into the night with the wind, moisturizing things silently. The feeling she conveyed, like a spring rain, is unconsciously in your heart. When you find out, you are already in tears. She has an attitude and ideals towards music. The Chinese music scene needs such creators and singers. It's great, she must be popular!"

There were comments from other judges later, but none of them were as excited and kind as Meng Changxi. Shen Zhizhou shut down the video, and then asked: "You don’t need money, you don’t have contacts, and Ms. Meng gave you all her contacts in the circle. Yours. For the first album, Ms. Meng served as the producer and used her own team for you. How many years she has not made an album for others, and how high the quality of this album is, I don’t need to say. She is not lacking. Name is not short of profit, so strenuous, what do you want?"

"And you, in the past few years, you have been working and hardly took a day off, but you never said that you are tired. You are walking steadily and making great strides. You are doing what you like, and you are doing what you like. Your ideal, you have so many fans, so many people support you, waiting for your return. When you wake up and find that you can’t see, how broken you are, the first doctor we saw said that surgery is necessary, the success rate It’s very low, maybe less than 40%. You agreed with one bite and didn’t want to wait a minute. Now we are constantly changing doctors and looking for better doctors, the success rate has increased to 65%, but you don’t want to do it. Now, why?"

Shen Zhizhou was full of doubts.

Song Wei listened, as if indifferent, until Shen Zhizhou finished speaking, she told her: "I'm afraid of death."

Shen Zhizhou fell silent, as if being pinched by his throat, unable to speak.

After a while, Shen Zhizhou asked, "If you didn't meet Pei Ji, how would you choose?"

When Song Wei was talking to her parents in the afternoon, Shen Zhizhou was not there. She did not hear their conversation, but she guessed where the crux of the problem was. There was only one variable during this time, Pei Ji.

When she found out, Song Er no longer avoided: "Surgery."

Shen Zhizhou guessed it right. She closed her eyes and said, "I know, you are talented and you can write a song. You can simply retreat behind the scenes and become a producer. The studio has also been established. You can also sign new candidates. Okay to sing your song. Your ideals can be realized in another form, and your career will not be interrupted, just a different path. But don’t you think it’s boring? Is it what you want?"

She has a deep understanding of Song Ye, and everything she says is stepping on Song Ye’s most unstoppable point. She didn't stop, and then asked: "There is also Pei Ji. After your eyes can't be restored, do you still dare to approach her? You dare not, you think there is a gap between you, and you think that even if you barely arrive, there will be someday She will find you cumbersome and annoying."

"Suppose one day, she likes others, then you have nothing. You can't be on the stage again, and you lose the qualification to stay with her. Then, what will you do in the future?"

This was the last sentence Shen Zhizhou said. After speaking, she left, leaving room for Song Er to consider.

Song Wei is sober. She knows that Shen Zhizhou is selfish, because Shen Zhizhou is betting the future on her. The studio has been built, but she is the only artist who can sustain it.

If it is Shen Zhizhou who needs to face the choice now, Song Yi is sure, she will definitely choose not to have the operation, because she does not dare to gamble, she is afraid of losing the gamble, what will her son do? Her son is only in elementary school and needs someone to take care of him. She will also be afraid that she will never see the one she loves again.

But just now, Shen Zhizhou avoided the possibility of death and analyzed with her one by one. When he stepped on her painful foot and pressed her to ask her, Song Wei did not ask, if it were you, how would you choose.

Because it doesn't make sense.

Probably it was infected by the professor, and if it didn't make sense, she would have no desire to express.

Song Er stood up and walked in the small living room.

Does she want to turn on the lights here? Should be driving, Shen Zhizhou would never talk to her in the dark. Which one is opened? How bright is it? Is it dazzling when looking directly at the light?

She raised her head to look at the light, but didn't even know where the light was.

Pei Ji felt unwell since entering the house. She sat down to eat, washed dishes and chopsticks, and went to work in the study as usual. She also sent a few emails to arrange various work arrangements for the next stage.

The night was very fulfilling, and no minute was wasted.

She followed the schedule strictly. At 12:20, she finished washing, lay on the bed, closed her eyes, and was about to fall asleep.

Then, she found out that she couldn't fall asleep anyway.

Song Er appeared in her mind frequently, and she had not yet said goodnight to her.

Pei Ji opened his eyes, reached out his hand for the phone, and glanced at it. There was no WeChat from Song Ye and no phone number from Song Ye.

Pei Ji put the phone back, closed his eyes, and continued to sleep.

The bedroom is very quiet, Pei Ji’s breathing is regular, as if everything is okay, she finally returned to her normal routine, and the rest of the time can be strictly according to the schedule, without being often disrupted by Song Wei. .

After half an hour.

The living room lights up and Pei Ji is mopping the floor in his pajamas. She was expressionless, staring at the ground, not letting go of any dust.

She saw a piece of hair, and judged it to be Song Er based on the thickness of the hair.

Pei Ji frowned, got up and threw his hair into the trash can.

After wiping the floor, she wiped all the furniture. After wiping the furniture, she re-arranged the furniture that was neatly arranged. The bowls in the cupboard were neatly aligned, and the cups on the table were placed on the table. In the middle, the most standard axisymmetric pattern is formed on both sides of the table with the middle line as the central axis.

She also went to the study room to sort out the bookshelves, and changed all the books from the thickness according to the specification to the order according to the subject area.

Pei Ji has no sleepiness.

She came to Song Ye’s bedroom door in confusion, looked at the door, and decided to call Song Yee tomorrow and tell her that she would say goodnight to her every night at 12:20, otherwise she would not be able to sleep.

Pei Ji made a decision before returning to the bedroom. It was already three o'clock in the morning. She closed her eyes and decided to give herself a compulsive sleep.

Five minutes later, the phone vibrated, Pei Ji immediately sat up, turned on the light, and took it over to see that it was Song Er's WeChat. She hurriedly clicked, Song Er sent her two words: "Professor"

No punctuation.

Pei Ji realized that her heart was beating a little faster, she thought she should be more enthusiastic, because she waited for Song Wei all night, so she quickly replied: "?"

"Are you still asleep?" Song Er asked again.

Pei Ji enthusiastically replied: "Yes."

She stared at the screen of her mobile phone, earnestly and rigorously, as if she was reading the most cutting-edge academic report.

After about half a minute, Song Er called.

Pei Ji wanted to answer, but suddenly found that her palms were a little wet with sweat, so she took out a tissue and wiped it, before picking it up.

Song Wei was already lying down, but couldn't sleep, so he sent a WeChat message to Pei Ji, but he didn't expect that Pei Ji was also awake.

"So busy today?" Song Erwen said.

Her voice is very gentle. Pei Ji felt inexplicably that it shouldn't be too bright at this time, so she turned off the light and lay down.

"Not busy," she said.

Song Wei was lying on the bed, her eyes closed, listening to Pei Ji talking in her ear.

"I'm not at home, are you happy? I'm finally annoying you." Song Wei said with a smile, but his heart was astringent.

"No." Pei Ji gave a negative answer.

Her words were short and her voice was cold, but she seemed to bring a kind of trustworthy power. Song Wei listened quietly, she couldn't help but said to Pei Ji: "I miss you very much."

After speaking, tears came out.

She is constantly turning back to herself. She wanted to stop the operation, and stop pursuing Pei Ji, just be her friend, better than failing the operation and never seeing her again.

But she still couldn't help saying ambiguous things to her, wanting to get closer to her, hoping that her eyes would fall on her, hoping that she would respond to her thoughts.

After a while, Pei Ji said: "Yeah."

Song Wei smiled, thought about it, and asked boldly: "Then do you miss me?"

If she asks do you miss me? Pei Ji will answer without hesitation. From the moment she stepped into the house, until the second before Song Wei found her, she was thinking of her.

But Song Er asked about missing it.

Pei Ji is very new to this word.

There was no voice on the other end of the phone, and Song Er was a little disappointed, but she was not so disappointed. She was mentally prepared. This question is probably really meaningless to the professor. The professor would most likely ignore her.

She was about to say something else, to extend the conversation in the middle of the night, and then listened to Pei Ji's cautious voice: "Couldn't you define the miss accurately."

She asked dumbly, but so seriously.

Song Wei froze for a moment, didn't he even know what he missed? She also had a smile in her tearful eyes, but the next second, the distress suddenly filled her heart.

What kind of repressive growth environment can make the professor not even know what he missed.

Her voice softened, both gentle and as if she had the temptation only in the dark: "Do you want me to teach you what you mean?"

Pei Ji is still very serious. She is like a clean child who knows nothing, and sincerely said: "Yes."

Song Er raised the corner of his mouth and said softly: "Then you have to call me Teacher Song."

"Teacher Song." Pei Ji called without hesitation. To make herself look more sincere, she said again, "Please teach me."

Appears urgent and dependent.

In the silence of the night, Song Er squeezed her phone tightly. At this moment, she really wanted to teach her all the things related to love.

Teach her to miss her, teach her to like her, teach her to love her.

Teach her and possess her.