Picking Up a General is Good For Farming

Chapter 559: Zhao Qishan admits his mistake


"Zhao Qishan, liking someone is not a domineering possession, nor is it asking her to do what you want. I know exactly what I am doing, and I will naturally be responsible for the consequences of what I do. In the future, what you do, I won't interfere with you either. I know that what you do must have your own reasons. Your hobbies, your everything, I will not interfere. "


   "Okay, I won't tell you, I hope you can figure it out. If you keep interfering with what I do, I don't think it's interesting to be together."

  Han Yingxue dropped these words and turned to leave.

   On this day, Han Yingxue didn't say a word to Zhao Qishan.

   She hopes that Zhao Qishan can figure it out.

  Like a person, not to interfere with a person, not to overbearingly possess her everything, let her do what you want, what is the difference between that and raising a pet. If in order to accommodate Zhao Qishan, she should not do what she likes, then she would rather not be with him.

   What exactly is Zhao Qishan's body, she doesn't know, but it's definitely not simple.

   She yearns for freedom, and if she binds herself with him in the future, then she may give up.

   On this day, Zhao Shi Qishan also thought a lot.

   Maybe he was really wrong, liking someone, not interfering with everything about her. Cher is smarter than anyone, she will protect herself.



   Mr. Pan was lying on the bed and talked with the fifth Han family about going to the town to see a doctor.

   "Do I need to see it too?" The fifth member of the Han family was also stunned.

   "Xueyatou said, the doctor in the town said that not having children is a matter of two people, so you have to go and see! Let's go and have a look, if cured, maybe we can have children!"

   The fifth member of the Han family was also very excited when he mentioned having a child. It was always his regret that he didn't have a son. Since there is hope of having a son, whether it is successful or not, we must try it.

   "Okay, then I'll go to town with you tomorrow, the work in the fields, come back in the afternoon and do it again!"

   "Well, I hope we can have a baby this time."

   As soon as Mr. Pan finished speaking, the fifth member of the Han family couldn't help but press him up.

   "Mian Erniang, we have to do something to have a baby, otherwise where will the baby come from." The fifth member of the Han family whispered in Pan's ear.

   Pan's face blushed.

   "Father Meier..."

   "Wait a minute, let's be quiet, don't wake up Meier!"

  The old Han family lost his words, and started to help Pan untie his clothes.


   The next morning, Zhao Qishan walked over to Han Yingxue to admit his mistake.

   "Xue Er, don't ignore me, I won't interfere with you in the future!"

  Han Yingxue smiled and said, "Just figure it out, I forgive you!"

   The two looked at each other and smiled. Even though they had a conflict yesterday, the relationship was actually closer.

   The relationship between the two people is too smooth, and it is inevitable that there will be a little friction. Overcome these, two people can really go on.

  Han Yingxue took a jar and filled it with wine, ready to take it to the town. When VIPs order, give them some. If you want to drink again, you can only buy it with money.

  If the response is good, I am not afraid that these wines will not be sold.

   "Xue'er, Shen, I'll get it for you!" Zhao Qishan took the jar from Han Yingxue's hand.


   Looking at Han Yingxue's smile, Zhao Qishan also smiled.