Pirate Alliance

Chapter 13: destination

Qiubai was picked up again...Although this is actually the first time he has been picked up, there seems to be nothing wrong with using "again" here.

Of course, one of the main reasons why Qiubai and Qiubai were rescued was that one was kindness from the other party, and the other was that the two of them didn't seem to be a threat... Don't save people casually at sea, because the crew is likely to be caught Those who were rescued were killed.

After all, there are so many pirates in this sea, and the methods of robbery are varied and imaginative. If they are not well protected, there are those who pretend to be victims.

This actually proves the importance of appearance again. If Qiu Baichang is fierce, no matter how much he asks for help, no one will betray him.

Fortunately, he is very kind and has a sister... Women are often easier than men to reduce the vigilance of strangers.

After the two were rescued aboard the ship, the captain was in the room.

"So the little brother's ship was attacked by the previous 'hail'?" The captain of this ship was named Grisha, and it was his decision to rescue Qiubai and Ain.

Captain Grisha is a middle-aged man in his forties. He doesn't have the agility of a traditional seaman, but his physique is a little thin.

There were about 30 crew members on the whole ship, men and women, young and old, most of them were thin and thin. They also don't look like they're sailing, they're making a big move.

As for the name of the boat at Qiubai's feet, it seems to be called "Giant", but if I really want to say it, this boat is not a "giant" at all. It is actually not much bigger than Qiubai's boat, and it is even older. .

There are more than 30 people in such a boat, and the degree of crowding can be imagined.

However, the captain's room is a little better than other places. At this time, Qiubai and Ain are here to receive the captain's question. Besides the captain, there is also his son Ellen. Only a ten-year-old boy.

As for Qiubai's death experience, there is no doubt that it will make people feel jaw-dropping. Captain Grisha has encountered all kinds of people at sea. If the young Qiubai is classified, he feels Should be classified into the ranks of those looking for death.

This person is a little too underestimated by the new world, right? If you think so, maybe saving him was a wrong decision?

"If you are a frequent sailor, you should have some understanding of this sea area. The occurrence of 'hail' is actually somewhat regular, and skilled navigators can judge by the shape of the clouds." Grisha said.

However, it is obvious that Qiu Bai is by no means a person who sails often, nor is he a skilled navigator, so he will not sink a ship.

But again and again, after the two shipwrecks, Qiubai finally came to his senses—it seemed like a wrong decision to go out to sea by himself, or he should seek other more reasonable ways to get to his intended destination.

Although he should have done this in the beginning, it is not too late now.

"But you are very smart, and you know that you have been staying on the route all the time, and at the same time, you are relatively lucky, and you will meet our ship soon, otherwise, you will either be lost in the sea forever, or you will be exhausted because of physical strength. And buried at the bottom of the sea..."

"Next, we will put you in the nearest port. Bad luck is always present. I hope you will not sail blindly next time. This is a new world."

The purpose of Captain Grisha's conversation with Qiubai was just to reconfirm whether he was dangerous or not, and the result was very satisfying to him.

Qiubai was just an ordinary victim.

Besides, with his small body, he can't even loot ships, right?

This is definitely the captain's mistake. Although there are many of them, they are just a boat of ordinary people. If there is any malicious intent, Qiubai will be able to overturn them all.

"Thank you very much, but take the liberty to ask, where is the destination of the captain's ship?" Qiu Bai suddenly asked again.

This question may arouse the ship's vigilance, but at this time he should feel that Qiu Bai and the two are already "harmless", and it seems that it is not harmful to chat about the issue of broad price comparison.

"In general terms, our destination is the same as the one you just disclosed... We are also going to Beihai."

Qiubai and the others are also going to Beihai.

Hearing what the other party said, Ain subconsciously glanced at the recording pointer in his hand... Although the captain said he was going to the North Sea, the course of the ship was contrary to the pointer.

You can't go to the North Sea like this, can you?

To briefly explain, if you want to go from the new world to the four seas, you need to sail along the great route. First, you have to go west to reach the red earth continent, and then enter the first half of the great route through the fish-man island below the continent, and spend the first half safely. After that, it is possible to enter the four seas from the Upside Down Mountain... But now the direction of the giant's progress is obviously not like this.

Because you are going to the port to drop the two of you?

Without going into this first, after UU reading www.uukanshu.com heard from many sources that he had the same destination as himself, Qiu Bai's eyes first fell, and then he looked directly into the captain's eyes again, "Since the destination is the same, I don't know. Will Captain Grisha allow us to..."


Before Qiu Bai could finish his words, Grisha neatly rejected his request... He seemed to be very taboo about taking "hitchhikers".

"Believe me, this is for your own good. In fact, we are in a hurry now. We must enter the North Sea in the shortest possible time. It is extremely difficult to deliberately adjust the course to put you in the nearest port." No need, but the captain explained it anyway.

The implication is that the rescued people don't need to ask so much.

"As soon as possible?" Qiubai became more and more suspicious. If he traveled from the New World to the four seas, the time spent was calculated in years, so is it meaningful to fight for so much time?

"The route."

At this time, Ain suddenly reminded Qiubai of these two words, and showed him the record pointer.

Only then did Qiubai discover the problem, "Although I don't know the reason for the captain's refusal, but if you go to Beihai, you seem to have seriously veered off course."

Captain Grisha smiled.

"It seems that you didn't go out to sea without knowing anything." The captain's tone was slightly mocking. After all, it's easy to notice that the ship is yawing.

The captain sighed, and then continued, "Forget it, let me explain the reason for rejecting you. After that, whether you believe it or not, please disembark at the next port."

As he spoke, his expression became serious, which seemed to be an ultimatum.