Pirate Alliance

Chapter 134: ONEPIECE(2)

Luo was not at all surprised when Qiubai said the words "Leaving Don Quixote", because from the previous Mignon Island incident, this has been obvious.

But looking at the leopard from the inside, we can see from Luo's own experience that leaving Don Quixote is by no means an easy thing. Let's have a hard fight with the opponent.

"Don't worry, Brother Doflamingo won't care about me soon." Qiu Bai seemed to see what Luo was worried about, but he didn't make it clear.

"What do you think of this country?"

Even if he succeeded in winning Dressrosa, it would be enough for Flamenco to be too busy afterwards. If nothing else, just one point... How can his status as a "king" be recognized by the world government? You can't attack the gold ship again, can you?

So when the time comes, he won't care about Qiubai's little "running away from home".

"This country? Dressrosa? Peaceful and prosperous .

Qiubai's question is endless, but Luo's answer is just right, but the ending after Dressrosa is still much better than Luo's hometown "White Town" Frevans - controlled by pirates, It's better to be the center of gravity of the world's underground trade than to be destroyed outright.

Then, Luo learned something from Qiubai's words:

"Is Doflamingo going to attack this country?"

Qiubai nodded very simply, and then said, "And it's going to be done right away."

Luo opened his mouth, but said nothing. In this kind of matter, neither he nor Qiubai was "powerless".

No one can stop Doflamingo.

After being silent for a while, Qiu Bai put the box containing the sugar cubes on the side of the table in front of Luo's eyes, and then pointed to the coffee cup beside him:

"Can you swap these two things?"

Luo wasn't stupid enough to use physical contact to directly reach out and exchange the two things. Although he didn't understand why Qiubai knew about such a thing, he understood what the other party wanted him to do.


He hangs one hand over the table, and a strange spherical space then encloses the box and cup.

Then, quite abruptly, like a space jump, the two things switched positions.

Or should not be said "like space jump", this is space jump.

This exchange is one of the abilities of the "surgical fruit," which Luo calls the "slaughterhouse."

"I really did it... I have to say that it's a really convenient ability, so there's nothing wrong with that." Qiu Bai stretched out his hand and swiped the ball created by Luo, but he didn't feel anything.

Only in this "ROOM", Luo can exert the ability of the fruit of surgery, and this space is equivalent to his operating table, and its dominance ability directly increases exponentially.

"That day... Will Doflamingo use that move?" Luo knew that Qiubai wouldn't let him do such a demonstration for no reason, and he remembered what he had seen before.

"That move? Oh, you mean 'birdcage'... it should be possible." Qiubai said.

After the operation begins, Doflamingo will of course block the entire Dressrosa.

However, the blockade of the "bird cage" is useless in front of Luo's ability, which is the same as putting Kuroko in a cage... that Kuroko of Academy City.

In fact, there are at least two ways to leave the cage, using the abilities of Ain and Peibo respectively, but there is no doubt that Luo is the most suitable, because the other two methods except him are to use First "shrinking" and then "drilling", the escape posture is somewhat unsightly.

Luo's ability is somewhat risky to him... but there is probably no problem here.

"What will happen to the country after that?" Luo asked again.

If Doflamingo uses a "birdcage", what is he doing in this closed cage? Certain scenes can be guessed by mere imagination.

Qiubai put the sugar cube box back in place, then pulled the coffee cup back and drank the black liquid in it..." Doflamingo wants to be the king of this country, and if he wants to take it for granted What do you think is needed to 'replace' it?"

This is a question, Qiu Bai doesn't need Luo's answer, "There are many things that are needed, but the essential ones... should be iron and blood."

Doflamingo's plan is very simple. He will appear directly in front of King Liku and threaten as "Shibukai": the country must pay him a huge sum of 10 billion Bailey, and the deadline for raising is only one day. , if he fails to do so or reveals his existence, he will loot here.

The character, habits, subordinates, etc. of King Liku have been mastered by the Dover coefficient, so the reaction of the other party is not difficult to predict: in order to avoid killing, the king who "loves his people like a son" will beg the whole country for "contribution", And with his prestige, there will definitely be a considerable number of citizens who will really take out their belongings.

In any case, the identity of the blackmailer has actually been transferred from Doflamingo to King Liku.

And will Dover keep his word? Although 10 billion is a huge amount, his purpose is not this money at all.

After that, Dover will use the "parasitic thread" to control the king and his guards, and kill the citizens who have paid large sums of money...

Therefore, the situation can be easily parsed out: the king takes the money, and then kills the citizens who paid it.

The image of the faint-hearted king was immediate, and the prestige accumulated by the Liku royal family instantly overturned.

At this time, Doflamingo will come again as a "savior", he will stop the riots in this country, so he will become a "hero", plus Don Quixote was originally the royal family of this country...

By manipulating "public opinion ~lightnovelpub.net~ Dover will directly become the new king of the country.

This plan is very practical, and Qiubai has no way to change Dover's script, but he also has his own good things, such as...

Flip the table or something?

"What Doflamingo wants to do, under the framework of Don Quixote, neither you nor I can change it, so some things in this country are destined to happen."

It is natural for Qiubai to leave Don Quixote. The question is whether certain things can be fulfilled, and whether such a long working trip can be rewarded as it should be?

"But I'll say hello to Doflamingo, and after this this country..."

He didn't say the second half.

The country may change for the better after that.

Or maybe it will be the next "white town".