Pirate Alliance

Chapter 211: little misunderstanding

This kind of meaningless behavior of throwing trash to each other was soon forced to stop. After all, the number of cannons was limited, and Qiubai quickly threw them all away.

At this time, the vice admiral opposite also stopped, and even he seemed to be reprimanded by his subordinates.

When the two ships crossed horizontally and in parallel, the other party raised a tin horn to his mouth, and then shouted in a full-bodied voice:

"Hey, can you hear me? Qiwuhai across from me, this old man... I've got the wrong person, and I'm sorry for interrupting your mast."

Qiubai is a reasonable person. Although he made a mistake, it was only a dazzling moment... If other admirals say that they are dazzled by the pirate flag, they are definitely lying, but this one is not the same. , if he said so, it could probably be regarded as a fact.

Besides, everyone has apologized, what else do you want?

"Old navy man opposite, it's okay, pay attention in the future, I'm sorry for blowing up your dog head." The behavior just now was too irrational, and Qiubai still wanted to be civilized and polite to become an advanced pirate.

"Hahaha..." The brain over there was probably a little unresponsive, and he just laughed.

After a few awkward chats, the innocent warship and pirate ship dragged their ruined bodies away from each other, and after getting a little farther from the unsound old man, Qiubai stopped the ship again... They at least wanted to slant it off. This mast of ' was erected and connected.

In the past, when Qiwuhai held a meeting, the location was often chosen to be Marlene Joya, the "Holy Land" of the World Government. Some people enter the hometown of Tianlong people, and God knows what kind of brain-breaking things he will do.

After all, he had threatened the world government with the personal safety of the Tianlong people before.

Because he had a little fight with Lieutenant General Garp, and he broke the mast and repaired it, Qiubai is the best place to reach the Qiwuhai of the Navy Headquarters. The front entrance of Mary's many is Crescent Bay, but only warships can dock here, and Qiubai's ship bypasses here and stops behind the island.

"This... what is this thing?" Just after turning to the back of the island, the first thing that caught Qiu Bai's eyes was a thing that looked like an interstellar battleship.

If it was a ship, it was too big, much bigger than Moria's terrifying three-masted ship, like a floating city.

"Brother Doflamingo doesn't look as miserable as he imagined." Qiu Bai raised his head vigorously, and finally saw the pirate logo on this boat... The smiling face indicated that this was Doflamingo's boat.

Just rush this boat, Doflamingo is more than good, that's pretty good.

After Doflamingo was expelled from Dressrosa, he could only devote all his energy to marine operations, and this time he must not be so stupid. Some very interesting devil fruits were sent to the auction. , such as... golden fruit or something?

With such a calculation, Qiu Bai is always worried that when he meets Doflamingo, what if he has to thank him shamelessly?

Well, he himself knows that it is too optimistic to think so, don't think too much about being a man...

The Balubatos slowly docked on the shore, and at this time there was already someone waiting for him there.

"Pay attention to Doflamingo's ship, I'm going to the leaders' global summit." The global summit is a ball, he is here to join in the fun, but his reminder is still necessary, with them and Tang Ji The friendly relationship of the Hod family, even if the two pirates are filming in the Navy headquarters, it is not surprising.

For someone like Qiu Bai, the person in charge of receiving him is not an ordinary lieutenant general. He just got off the boat, looked at the people standing here, and said:

"This eldest sister, you are amazed by your bones, you are born to be a pirate, do you have any plans to join us?"

His behavior of openly digging the corner of the Navy in the Navy headquarters is really a bone surprise.

In theory, the person in charge of receiving Qiu Bai should have received a certain degree of advice and a certain degree of immunity to nonsense, so she only cares about leading the way.

"Rejected? Okay, but haven't asked your name yet?" He didn't want to wake up and introduce himself to him, didn't he?

This is really worth it, so the female lieutenant general reported her name without looking back: "Peach Rabbit."

"Name, I asked for your name, not your nickname..."

However, the other party didn't pay any attention to him anymore, and only cared to lead the way in front. Her level of combat power is staring at Qiubai's side, and her intention is very obvious. If this guy is honest, everyone will be at peace, but if he really has any bad intentions, the navy around him must at least stop him. Or hinder his strength.

This eldest sister is obviously not so easy to settle.

Lieutenant General Taotu took Qiubai around, and finally came to the conference room. Thanks to Qiubai's cooperation, her mission was completed.

Qiubai opened the door and looked in. After sweeping his eyes, he first felt disappointed. The famous pirate queen of the Nine Snake Pirates, Boya Hancock, was not here.

There are only Joracol Mihawk, Don Quixote Doflamingo, Bartholomew Bear, Moonlight Moria, Jinpei and Admiral Sengoku.

As the last one to arrive, everyone's eyes were naturally fixed on him at this time.

Then Qiubai turned his attention to Brother Doflamingo, he smiled and waved in greeting, "I came to the city where you were, walked the way you came, and imagined how you would be without me. loneliness..."

Qiubai just wanted to sit and chat with Brother Doflamingo, to see how he changed recently, not to talk about the past, just to greet him~lightnovelpub.net~ long time no see, but unfortunately they never returned. to the past.

"Qiubai!" The blood vessels on Doflamingo's forehead bulged like a spider web, and he called out his name through gritted teeth.

In the next second, he completely ignored the situation and launched an attack on Qiubai... Naturally, it was an attack full of killing intent.

"Wait a minute, what's the matter? Dover, I think there may be a little misunderstanding between us." Qiubai dodged, but he didn't forget to continue to stimulate Doflamingo.

But the question is how could there be any misunderstanding between the two? When the navy assembled to besiege Dressrosa, Doflamingo almost urinated, okay?

Even if it was a misunderstanding, it would have to be solved after Qiubai rushed to the street.

However, Doflamingo was the only one present who had misunderstood Qiubai, and Moonlight Moria directly joined the battle group.

Qiubai is angry, we played well, what about you... well, there is also his business, Qiubai almost forgot, he also kidnapped Moria's capable generals before.