Pirate Alliance

Chapter 96: like me (middle)


A young sailor naturally stopped Qiubai, who was heading towards the naval stronghold.

It has nothing to do with knowing that he is a pirate, but any navy who has a sense of duty will do so. The place ahead is where the young, "weak" person in front of him should not go.

And his attire is still the same as that of a waiter in a five-star country hotel... At least he should carry a knife behind him.

Of course, the place where Qiubai is going is not a "core area", but an open area or "information sharing area" for specific professional groups.

"In front is a special area that only bounty hunters can enter. It is not open to ordinary citizens. If you have any business, please come to..."

The naval soldier took a friendly attitude towards "ordinary citizens" like Qiu Bai, and did not have the "contempt" in the legend.

The navy is a rather large institution, not only in the nature of the "army", but also sometimes has functions similar to the "police". The navy is also the coast guard, with civil departments responsible for maritime inspections and so on.

When Qiubai came to her door, it was very likely that she came to "report the crime" after losing her brother, sister, brother and sister at sea.

"I'm a bounty hunter."

But Qiubai gave an unexpected answer, and he looked very serious at this time, it was easy for people to realize that this was not a joke.


Although there is no age limit for bounty hunters, but... the young sailor wanted to ask again, but another older sailor next to him who seemed to have seen the door for at least 20 years stopped him and gave Qiu a simple answer. Bai gave way and signaled that he could go in.

This is the difference between old fried dough sticks and young people. Pirate hunters have neither licenses nor grades four or six. There are only a few people with names and surnames, and most of them are just to deal with children. The navy stipulates that only bounty hunters can enter here, and since this person has indicated that he is a bounty hunter, it is in line with the regulations. As for other things, it is better to have less.

The longer people live, the more they will know something like "the gap between people is bigger than the gap between people and dogs", a young but strong bounty hunter like a monster, People who have experienced a "career" as long as an old seaman will have met at least once.

If you haven't seen it, you should have heard of it.

If you haven't even heard of it... Maybe the person in front of you is?

The evaluation of bounty hunters in the public is not much better than that of pirates. In theory, there is no value of impersonation. Besides, there is no confidential information worth stealing in such a place similar to "public announcement".

Fortunately, what Qiubai doesn't need is anything classified. The information he wants is quite popular.

After bypassing the navy guards at the gate, he walked in... um, the matter wasn't over yet, after walking a few steps, Qiu Bai was stopped again.

The opponent is still two sailors, but they are indeed female sailors. It is easy to see that this is a unit engaged in civilian work rather than combat missions.

"Bounty hunter? First time here?" She is obviously a woman who is more likely to win favor, but her attitude is too business-like, and she is not as kind as a rough guy from outside - but the navy does not need to be kind to bounty hunters .

"Yes." Qiu Bai nodded and simply admitted that it doesn't cost much to pretend to be a bounty hunter anyway.

"Then please register your name and basic information."

Qiubai took the other party's pen and form without thinking, and filled out the items one by one according to the above items... This is probably the rare management of the navy for bounty hunters, and the questions are nothing more than names and ages. , gender, birthplace and other information... Anyway, what Qiu Bai filled in was just made up.

Just when Qiu Baibao had such an indifferent idea, he suddenly felt that something flashed...

"...Camera? Taking pictures?"

Correction, pretending to be a bounty hunter still requires a certain cost. As a pirate, it is a bit unpleasant to be photographed by the navy, right?

"It's a photo shoot, is there any problem?" the other party asked coldly.

"No, but at least I hope you can play around with me. To be honest, I'm not very used to old-fashioned cameras without beauty filters." As he spoke, Qiubai waved his scissors.

"This is the established procedure for new bounty hunters or new bounty hunters... Well, you can go in." The female sailor didn't even think about figuring out what a filter was. After the routine was over, she sent Qiu Qiu. White left.

Qiubai just shut his mouth, and then thought of a room further inside and walked in... Although taking pictures is a bit bad, of course he can't have any obvious or excessive reaction. If so, doesn't that mean that there is no silver 300 taels here?

In that case, even if there was nothing at all, the navy would treat him as a suspicious person, so... even though there was nothing he could do, Qiubai wouldn't find trouble for himself.

The room inside is a data room for bounty hunters to use freely. The information is just a collection of things routinely released by the Navy, so it is at most a system. Bounty list, some well-known North Sea, basic information about the Violent Pirates, etc.

And the one who occupies the most conspicuous position here is undoubtedly a man with yellow hair and feathers in sunglasses-Don Quixote Doflamingo, who is the most dangerous pirate in the North Sea.

At the same time, the entire Don Quixote family also occupies a considerable area. Of course, a small person like Qiubai who has no reward on his body is not among them, otherwise he will not be able to enter here in a grand manner.

But after removing Don Quixote, the pirate flag that Qiubai was looking for was easily identified by him... This pirate flag is also quite conspicuous, and even Qiubai listened to it more than once. to its name.

It's just that he never thought that he would interact with each other as an individual. Sure enough, the sea is really magical, and it is easy to connect unrelated people.

Qiubai easily confirmed the specific identity of the enemy who attacked him that day - the Komodo Pirates.

No wonder he felt the pirate flag somewhat familiar. He had seen it before, but the problem was that after a simple count, Qiubai found that the total bounty of this pirate group exceeded 500 million Bailey.

Simple, but also troublesome.

It's simple, because after the target to be dealt with is determined, the rest is of course simple, and the trouble is because that pirate group seems to be a little beyond Qiubai's ability, but... it doesn't matter.

Although someone like Qiubai seems to be giggling, he is actually very stubborn, and sometimes the reasons for his actions are incomprehensible, but no matter what, what he has decided will not change.

There are other bounty hunters here, and they are surrounded by something similar to an announcement. Qiubai temporarily went over there to take a look, and found that it was a notice from the Navy admonishing the bounty hunters to reduce their activities in the near future.

The general reason is that the navy has recently dispatched a large force to clear up the pirates. They hope that the bounty hunters can be honest so as not to be accidentally injured.

Such activities of the navy are not too small, and the pirates will be cleaned up in a large area almost every once in a while, and this action may be related to the previous series of gaffes of the North Sea Navy.

Last year's Meow Galapas incident and this year's Lieutenant-Admiral's ship sinking incident were all humiliating to look at the North Sea Navy for a while, so even if it was just to save face...wrong~www.mtlnovel. com~ is to maintain the prestige of the navy and they will take action.

The actions of the navy will definitely limit the scope of activities of the pirates. During this period, the wanton scurrying around is probably hanging... This is probably a good thing for Qiubai, and there is a great possibility that the Komodo Pirates will Being stranded in this sea area, if you want to find them, Qiubai can start from where the incident happened that day.

After clarifying this idea, Qiubai turned around and took the two bounty lists in his hands... But this simple act made him attract the attention of other bounty hunters.

Because picking up such a bounty list means that the young bounty hunter is eyeing the big man among the pirates:

Kuntukuka, with a bounty of 220 million Baileys, commonly known as the "Thorn Tree", is the captain of the Komodo Pirates.

Yamodaru, with a bounty of 105 million Bailey, commonly known as "Iron Wall", is the deputy captain of the Komodo Pirates.

So...is this person poor and crazy? Don't you think it's so easy to get the money?

"Hey, little brother, do you want to attack Komodo? Would you like to form a team with us?" someone said.

No matter how many meanings there are in this sentence, at least there is no sincerity of "cooperation" in the tone, nor the basic goodwill between colleagues.

"Sorry, next time, I want to come this time." Qiu Bai folded the two reward slips and stuffed them into his pocket.

"Huh? You think you have more to do..." However, the man's mocking words stopped abruptly before he finished speaking.

Because he just met the eyes of the young man.

"Any questions?"


This guy, all the murderous intentions leaked out.