Pirate of Darkness

Chapter 179: Redart

   Near the Kraken Kingdom, Kanosfa Island where the Kingdom of Tirisfal is located, there are many islands, most of which are unmanned dangerous islands. This is also because Kanosfa Island is located close to the windless zone.

  The windless zone has a special magnetic environment. In addition to being the nests of the sea kings, there are also many beast islands. There are even some legendary beasts hidden in them, which are extremely dangerous.

Among today’s legendary beasts, the more famous is the legendary North Sea giant monster, the eight-foot crow living in the South China Sea forbidden area. These creatures have a history of hundreds of years or even longer. They are no longer in the sea, but they The legend is still circulated in the sea.

   At this time, on an island near the Kraken Kingdom, some uninvited guests arrived, and three pirate boats slowly approached and stayed on the shore.

   "It's almost a day, and the captain is still exercising. Let's go down and take a break. There should be some beasts on the island. Be careful." Wallace glanced at the dense jungle and said to the others.

   However, it is a bit embarrassing that many members have already disembarked and left. Nelson is wearing a black suit and a gentleman hat on his head. The figure has appeared on a tree, looking into the distance.

Peter is in a black denim suit, tilted underneath his dark blue beret, with white wavy short hair, nibbling on small dried fish, leaping gently, jumping out of the boat, and walking slowly into the forest. go.

   Newly joined Lafitte, one hand supported the brim of his top hat, with a slight smile on his face, holding his walking stick, and walking out of the boat at a weird pace.

   The two bald-headed little monks jumped off the boat excitedly and ran quickly towards the forest.

   Xiao Yapuf had butterfly wings on his back, and fluorescent blue and purple scales revolved around him. The wind was a bit strong, and his clothes **** against his body and fluttered towards the back.

The one who ran the farthest was Gal. There is no shadow anymore. He wants to release his desire to hunt. In normal times, he goes to the sea to release his desire, but the feeling of being somewhat restricted in the sea is far from it. Be at ease on land.

   "Roar!" From afar, one can hear a beast roar. It was Gal's voice. There was a hint of excitement in the roar, and there seemed to be a hint of relief.

   "Hehe! Let's go down too, not too late." Wearing a black trench coat and holding a handkerchief, Kos, who wiped his favorite gun "Colt" carefully, looked at Wallace and smiled faintly.

   "Yes." Wallace nodded, and a smile flashed in his eyes. He was wearing a long-sleeved white shirt with no buttons, revealing the strong muscles inside.

The two got off the boat together, but Huiye remained on the boat. On the boat, except for the rest time, Huiye has been exercising. In the time of daily exercise, Huiye is second only to Tic, and only sleeps four times a day. Hours, get up early to exercise, basically exercise to the latest.

  A new island, a new adventure. Whenever you come to a new island, this uninhabited island, Titch is not there, and they have nothing to do, so they have to visit this island all over.

  Some people act alone, while others act in pairs.

   Not long after, in the middle of the island, there was a huge movement, which seemed to be the movement of fighting. People who were close could feel it, and walked quickly towards the center of the island.

   back to before the incident.

   In the middle of the island, on a boulder, a handsome man with long purple hair, more than three meters tall, is wearing a purple noble robe with some strange patterns on it.

   Suddenly, he seemed to feel something. He raised his head and looked in one direction, "Someone is coming?" Redyat muttered to himself and frowned slightly, "Is it from the Kraken Kingdom?"

   This island can be said to be the territory of the Kraken Kingdom. In this world, there is no territorial waters. However, the Kraken Kingdom’s warships rule this sea area, and the Kraken Kingdom’s warships are often patrolled.

  Although the number of warships on board is not as high as that of the navy, the number of warships in the Kraken Kingdom is also as high as more than 20. Compared with those kingdoms without warships, they are already very powerful.

   After all, the firepower of a few warships can destroy an island.

   He has already felt it, and there is a strong breath approaching quickly, seeming to be chasing a beast.

   But luck seems to be a little bad, and the direction he approached is exactly here.

   But he was not in a hurry, nor did he move, he was a little curious about who appeared on this uninhabited island.

On the other side, a black panther with a body length of five meters is no longer the posture of a hunter. It is very panicked in its eyes. It does not dare to look behind itself, because it knows that the scary guy is behind, closely following itself. .

It has already used all of its own solutions, its fastest speed, the overlord of the jungle, the king of speed, this time seems to have become a prey, it feels fear for the first time, but no matter how full it is, it can’t get rid of it. The guy behind this.

   On its waist, blood was constantly bleeding, a huge wound cut by a sharp weapon, from top to bottom, a little scary.

   Behind, Gal, a white lion breed, holds a sharp double-edged hunting knife in his right hand and a shining vajra claw in his left hand.

   The blade on one side of the hunting knife was stained with fresh blood, and it tore the wound on the panther's waist.

Followed closely behind Black Panther, keeping a certain distance, no more, no less, with excitement and killing in his eyes. This was not the first prey he encountered, but it was the most valuable one. Seat on the island.

   The prey has to struggle. The more this black panther struggles, the more excited he is. First give it hope, and after the hope is extinguished, give it a fatal blow.

   For the weak, this is the only way to bring him fun, and for the strong, Gal only needs the blood of the strong, not so complicated.

All the way to the center of the island, there was a clearing. The huge black panther jumped out from the jungle. It was already a little unsupported, because its blood was lost too much. On the way, on the ground, its blood remained. .

   The panther was almost at its limit, and Gal opened his mouth involuntarily, licked his lips, raised his hands, his two weapons were shining with blood, ready to start the final hunt.

   Seeing the desperate figure of Black Panther, he was about to take action.

At this moment, suddenly, in the front right, a ray of light flashed in the eyes, and then, a purple crescent slash flew quickly, and in Gal’s wide-open eyes, the crescent slash struck directly across the panther’s. Body, the body of this black panther was still in mid-air, and then it was divided into two.

  Gal's gaze instantly turned to the direction where the slash was flying. On the huge boulder, a figure stood on it, holding a black long knife in his hand, and he slashed the slash just now.

   However, Gal was very angry. The excitement of hunting turned into extreme anger. He held his weapon tightly and stared at this guy.

   Although you can feel the dangerous aura from the guy in front of him, this is a strong man, but Gal doesn't care anymore.

   exudes a dangerous aura, like a beast, facing the man with a long knife in front of him.

   This made Leitart frown, and there was a hint of arrogance in his indifferent eyes.

   took two steps forward slowly, Gal's footsteps were a bit heavy, and the ground seemed to be trembling, like a volcano about to erupt.

   "You guy, you even snatched my prey." Gal arched his back, bit his teeth, and made a "click" sound.

   Redyat was a little puzzled, but he also noticed that his sword seemed a bit redundant. He looked at Gal, this fur clan, staring at Gal, his pupils seemed to turn purple in an instant.

  In an instant, Gal felt as if he had been seen through, cold all over his body, there was no secret for the man in front of him.

   But it was only a moment, anger had swallowed everything, he only wanted to kill and fight now.

   Redyat couldn't help but nodded. He seemed to understand. Looking at Gal, he said apologetically, "I'm very sorry, I don't know." At the same time, he couldn't help but think of an idea, Dark Night Pirates?

   "It's too late, let's fight with me!" Gal didn't care anymore. If an apology is useful, why should the police do?

"Roar!" He roared, as if to release everything he suppressed, holding his weapon, his legs exploded with amazing power, the figure disappeared in place, a huge burst of air sounded, and Gal's self seemed to be turned into a head. Beast, kill Redyat.

   "Since this is the case, I can only play one game." Retyat sighed, his eyesight could tell Gal's strength.

   But he was also ready to fight, facing the white beast rushing straight up, stroking his black long knife.

   With a light tip to the toe, he raised his sword to resist, and Gall made a powerful knife, and the blade slashed directly at Redyat, but he was blocked by Redyat.

  铿! With a bang, Redart's body flew back, being impacted by Gal's strength, his legs were slightly bent, and they fell firmly on the ground without any injury.

   The next moment, Gal's figure had appeared above Redyat, and his left vajra claw waved at Redyat's head from top to bottom with full force.

Gal’s vajra claws have only two slender and sharp claws. The curved claws actually grabbed two slashes like Titch did. The slash is a technique and an impact, while the swordsman’s sword aura is The power of cutting.

   This kind of impact can be mastered by many strong physical skills, such as the foot in physical skills.

   Jianhao's slashing is more of a combination of sword aura and slashing.

   Redyat saw him, raised his sword and swiped it quickly, and the two slashes were directly divided into two, but the attack was not over yet, and the claws of the two sharp claws slammed straight towards him.

Gal is a strong physical skill. He prefers close combat with fists to the flesh. This kind of battle and hunting can make him more excited. Such slashing is just an accident. It is Gal's powerful force that drives the air with speed. product.

   Facing a claw, lethal, against the claw of his head, Leitart sighed, but he already understood Gal's fighting style and fighting style.

   A sword resisted a claw, and the hunting knife in Gall's right hand had been aimed at Redyat's neck and swung it quickly.

  Gal's eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, like a beast that lost his mind, but in fact, Gal was very sober.

   On the sharp blade, it is accompanied by a black armed color.

  Red Yat met, facing the knife, raised his left hand, the black armed color covered his left hand in Gal's eyes, waved his blade, and was firmly grasped by him.

  Gal stayed in mid-air, using his full strength, "Roar!" He roared again, and under the luxuriant fur, blue veins bulged.

   Lei Teyate's feet, the ground cracked, two pairs of shoes, slightly sinking into the mud.

However, the knife was easily resisted by Lei De Yat, "Heh!" Le De Yat smiled, the next moment, he made a light leap, jumping three meters high, letting go of Karl's weapon, and he was jumping. At the same time, a backflip was kicked out with just one kick. This whip kick suddenly blasted in the air.

   This kick kicked directly on Gal's waist, and Gal flew directly to the left like a puppet with a thread.

   Boom boom boom!

Trees were broken one by one. It was not over yet. Gal's body fell on the ground, rubbing his body against the ground, dragging the soil on the ground, sinking into the soil, and being impacted by this powerful force. It stretched several tens of meters, and then hit a tree.

  Gal only felt that his waist was about to break, and there was a sharp pain throughout his body. Relying on his strength and physique, Gal stood up from the ground, but his hands and feet were constantly trembling. He couldn't even stand still.

   Just this foot, the power contained in it, Garr seemed to see Tic.

"Roar!" Gal stared at Redyat who was standing there from a distance. With just that kick, he knew that he would not be the opponent of this person~lightnovelpub.net~ Facing his pressure, Just feel facing Captain Titch.

   However, he would not give up so easily if he took away his prey.

   "Can you still stand up?" Redyat was a little surprised, thinking that his foot could knock down this fur clan directly.

   But he didn't expect that his willpower would be so strong, and he underestimated Gal's strength.

   "Huh?" Looking at Garr who roared, Redart felt that Garr's breath was increasing, rapidly increasing.

   He soon thought that it was something Gal had been training, "Is it possible to liberate the power hidden in the bloodline? I haven't mastered it yet, right?"

   "Is it angry? Or desperate? It's really funny!" Redyart's eyes flashed, and a smile couldn't help showing on his face. Without a medium, he could directly use such power.

   "Don't underestimate me." Gal was panting, his body swelling and growing, his height increased from four meters to six meters, more than seven meters.

   On his body, it exudes a faint silver light, a bright light, it is moonlight.

  Gal stood up straight, opened his arms, faced the sky, and screamed up to the sky, "Roar! Roar..."

   The huge roar is like a sound wave, continuously spreading, spreading from the center of the island to the surroundings of the island, echoing between the heavens and the earth.

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