Pirate of Darkness

Chapter 231: The Dark Council is formally established

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Sin Island, a paradise for crime in the West China Sea, here, there are no rules, crime has become a normal state, and no one comes to capture them, and there are only endless crimes and killings.

In other words, this is a place to accommodate evil. As a well-known place in the entire West China Sea, it accommodates criminals from the entire West China Sea and even other waters that are wanted by various countries.

Because of the particularity of this place, there is a strong relationship behind it, not to mention the powerful power that these criminals on this island have combined, so no kingdom dared to enter this island to arrest people.

More importantly, this island constantly provides fresh blood for the underground world of the West China Sea. Many villains who are famous in the West China Sea come to their own Sin Island.

The leaders of the underground world also like to recruit men on this island. After all, most of the criminals who can come here have skills and are suitable for the cruel competition in the underground world.

Today is the opening day of the Dark Council, and the annual Dark Council is arranged on Sin Island.

It turned out that all of this was carried out in secret, and each time the Dark Council was only known by the giants of the underground world, the big powers, and participated.

And ordinary people, the forces with insufficient levels, don't know the Dark Council at all, because only the Dark Council feels that you are qualified, will issue an invitation letter inviting you to join.

The original dark council can be said to be in the dark, but now it is turning to the bright side, but it is the bright side of the Xihai Underground World.

With the chaos of the Xihai Underground World these days, the leaders of the Xihai Underground World forces mysteriously disappeared and were assassinated. Some of these forces were annexed, and some had subsequent successors.

And news and intelligence about the Dark Council also began to spread in the underground world of Xihai, and it was known by many people.

They all know that the Dark Council this time is very different from the past. This is the first meeting after the Xihai Underground World experienced a major reshuffle this month. The impact of that reshuffle has not yet ended, even It may be related to the future of the entire Xihai Underground World, and the number of participants is much larger than expected.

Because many forces have received the invitation letter from this dark council, although many forces did not participate and are waiting and watching, they can be said to be paying attention to this dark council in secret.

Because, it is said that the dark council is really going to be established this time, and the people who set up the dark council are these giants of the Xihai Underground World. The leader among them is the guy who set off the previous Xihai Underground World massacre, a code name "Ha The mysterious man of "Diss".

This makes them have to pay attention, because it represents their irresistible force. You must know that even these giants in the underground world were directly killed by three, and the power of these giants was either divided up or succeeded. , Even if someone succeeds, his power is greatly weakened compared to the past.

And the following big forces are even more so. The plundering, annexing, and integration of forces and industries cannot be completed in such a short period of more than a month.

At the same time, the establishment of the Dark Council also affects the minds of many people. They all know that this is equivalent to the dark government ruling the underground world of Xihai, and most of the opponents will be dealt with.

The success of this meeting and the specific circumstances of the Dark Council determine whether they will join the Dark Council. After all, the giants of the Xihai Underground World have joined the Dark Council. There must be some reasons for this. The interests of the representatives are the main thing.

They also guessed that this dark council would not be so smooth sailing.

In the underground of the center of Sin Island, there is a huge conference hall. This conference hall is newly built, after some expansion, there are many seats.

At the same time, the leaders of the great powers of the underground world have already arrived here. Outside, there is an entrance in secret. As long as the invitation letter is shown, someone will naturally bring them here.

This dark council was held at 8 o'clock in the evening. By this time, everyone who received the invitation letter had basically reached the meeting.

Since it only recognizes invitations, these invitations can be traded outside. After all, an invitation represents a power, and each power can bring three people over, so I don’t know how many ghosts and snakes are contained in it.

In this huge underground conference hall, some of the lights are not bright, and some are elegant. It can be seen that the layout of the whole site is very careful.

Both can see each other.

Thinking around and glanced around, it became clear to my heart that those familiar looks and what forces came over.

There are still many people who don't know each other. After all, Xihai is very big, but they all have heard of it. Therefore, today's Dark Council has also seen a lot of big people.

Of course, there are people who hide their identities and don't want to reveal their identity, so they wear a black robe.

Here, the sitting position is very particular. The entire venue is divided into three areas, which are arranged in a triangle as a whole. The number of these areas is different, that is, the positions for the ranks of those forces.

The smaller the number, the stronger the power represented. It is also stated in the invitation letter that all the giants in the underground world have already been seated, and everyone else has all been seated in their respective positions.

Although some people expressed dissatisfaction with their position, they did not show it, because people with similar strengths were all sitting in the same area as themselves, and their purpose of coming today was not for this, nor did they want to cause trouble here.

It can be said that these big forces that encompass the entire West Sea are all gathered together. Although no one has yet come, more than half have come. It can be seen from this that the appeal of these West Sea underground world giants, although some are hidden behind the scenes, But it contains extraordinary energy.

Among them are Lafitte's amazing eloquence and diplomatic ability, and some are concerned about the future of the underground world of Xihai.

Titch still underestimated the influence and power of these giants. In the eyes of these big powers, the choice of these giants in the underground world is extremely important. It is like a weather vane. In their eyes, this is called "Hades". "The mysterious guy wants to form a dark council.

Regardless of whether these giants really want to join or are forced to join, they actually have no choice. These dark world giants together represent half of the Xihai Underground World, because these giants, in addition to their own power, His own tentacles also extend to many other forces.

Suddenly, with a "boom", the brighter lights directly lit up, and in front of them, the originally dark stage also directly lit up.

In the center of the stage, a figure appeared. Upon closer inspection, it was Stephanie. With Stephanie's ability, this matter was just right for her.

Stephanie is holding the microphone in her hand, wearing a **** red dress with leaky shoulders, her long blue hair draped down, and a small hat on her head. In an instant, many fiery eyes fell on her. Body.

Stephanie didn't care, "First of all, welcome everyone present here. Everyone should be clear about the specific matters of this meeting. I won't talk nonsense, and will directly start with matters related to the establishment of the Dark Council."

No one else thought that the theme of this meeting would start so soon. Looking at the area where the giants are, their expressions have not changed. It should have been clear for a long time.

This is also in line with the ideas of other forces, who want to know the specific situation and details of the formation of the dark council.

"First of all, the goal of the Dark Council is for the stability and growth of the underground world of the West Sea, which is conducive to the integration of the entire underground forces of the West Sea, as well as preventing the invasion of foreign forces."

"Of course, for the forces that join the Dark Council, your internal disputes generally will not interfere. This is also conducive to the promotion of the forces and the renewal of blood."

The leaders of some forces could not help but nod, so that the dark council would not interfere too much. The affairs of the internal members and the underground forces were originally chaotic. No matter how stable, the growth and decline of the forces, competition, and wars have always Exist, impossible to eliminate.

"Unless the dispute between the two parties has too much influence, causing turmoil, chaos, and even decline in the entire Xihai underground world, at this time, the Dark Council will take action to prevent such disputes and impose sanctions when necessary."

To that extent, this is also extremely rare. It should be a dispute between giants, or a war united by big forces. It should be prevented. Although chaos is conducive to the development of forces, it is a certain degree of chaos. When it really affects the situation of the entire underground world, no one will be spared at that time, very few people can benefit from it, and most of them will suffer great losses.

Seeing other people, there is no doubt, Stephanie continued. This is a very tedious process. Stephanie explained the main systems and departments of the dark council, the dark council, the dark house, the dark bank, the dark court, the dark arbitration court, Dark Court of Auditors, and their main role.

The classification of forces is more clear. The power of these departments can be said to be great, especially the speaker of the dark council, who can be said to be the spokesperson of the underground world. Of course, they will not do whatever they want, and they will also be restricted. You can report them. The Dark Court has this right.

At the same time, the ministers and members of these departments will be selected from the underground world, and they can also be held by people from these forces. However, the principle of absolute neutrality must be maintained. Once private interests are discovered, sanctions will be imposed.

Stephanie spoke in great detail, and other forces can see that it was serious. At the same time, they began to be interested in the Dark Council. At this time, Stephanie had not started to talk about the privileges that its members could enjoy. ,Benefit.

But one or two can be guessed in the previous narration, the advantage of intelligence, you can get the information you need from the dark council.

You can also borrow money from dark banks when you are short of money. The interest rates are much lower than those of usury.

Some who feel that they have no future can also leave their forces and go to the Dark Council to develop.

Like these important officials of the world government, who is not an important person in one sea area, becoming a minister of the dark council is equivalent to standing side by side with those giants.

If the Dark Council is really established and developed, then the prospects are very great. Although there is a system like the Dark Council, it is normal. These giants are qualified to make laws in the underground world, and there is a Dark Chamber. It will not turn the Dark Council into a forum for these giants, and as long as the forces develop, they are also eligible to become a member of the Dark Council.

The Dark House made their eyes bright. Such a voting system is very reasonable for them. It can not only effectively restrict the Dark Council, but also allow the system to be recognized by most forces.

This is a bit like, the World Government’s quadrennial World Conference, the House of Darkness is not only about voting, but also discussing some issues about the Xihai Underground World.

The Dark Council is a bit like the Five Old Stars, and the Dark House is equivalent to the World Conference, with a nominal leader that connects the two, the speaker of the Dark Council.

It can be seen from this that the ambition of this dark council is not a whim. There were originally some speculations. Now, the dark council is the world government of the Xihai Underground World.

Thinking of this, they couldn't help but feel a little excited to be able to participate.

At this moment, a voice suddenly appeared, interrupting Stephanie's words, "In this case, the Dark Council is going to control the entire underground world of the West Sea. Then, our identity and intelligence will also be controlled by you." All People's gaze fell on a corner where there was a man who was covered in black bubbles. This voice was from him.

"It's true, but it's only a part of the information. In the Dark Council, this is needed for the sharing of information. As for your identity, you should be a member of the "Wizard Fire". You should be the leader of the Wraith Fire. For the current Dark Council , You have no secrets." Stephanie looked at the man and couldn't help but smile.

As soon as these words came out, the audience was in an uproar, their expressions changed, the ghost fire, the most famous assassin group in the Xihai Underground World, it is said that the person targeted by them has never lived, and has a huge reputation in the entire Xihai.

"Besides, for internal members, we will keep their information confidential." Stephanie continued with a smile.

And this exposed person can feel his anger now, and his whole body exudes a strong power. The people around, in order to avoid being affected, the fans are scattered, you can see from his appearance, Stephanie What is said is true.

"In this case, this dark council does not need to exist, so kill you all. This opportunity is just right to let the Xihai Underground World reshuffle the cards again." The man said coldly, his voice just fell, in the entire venue, One figure stood up directly, and in this large conference hall that could hold a thousand people, there were more than twenty people standing up.

His words made the faces of the people present a little ugly. I didn't expect the ghost fire killer group to be so crazy. Feeling the cold breath of these people, there is a mark of ghost fire on the back of their hands. It is said that each of the ghost fires is powerful. Elite.

For these killers, being controlled by others is the most unbearable thing.

They didn't dare to act rashly and set their sights on the direction of Stephanie and these dark giants. This meeting was held by them, and they must have already had a way to deal with it.

Moreover, although WISP is very famous, they have an absolute advantage in number. The people they bring are no worse than the members of WISP. The main thing depends on Stephanie and the others.

The leader of the ghost fire rushed directly to Stephanie, who was not nervous at all, with a faint smile on her face.

At this moment, endless shadows appeared, covering the entire venue, and everyone was deprived of their eyesight.

Within a few seconds, a faint sound came from my ears, and then, the darkness disappeared, and the meeting became the same, but everyone was shocked when they saw the scene in front of them.

All the members of the ghost fire have fallen and were stabbed to death with a sword, and the leader of the strongest ghost fire, similarly, the body fell in front of the stage, and his chest was pierced by a knife.

At this moment, a person who was surrounded by shadows stood in front of the ghost fire leader with a hand on his head. After a long time, he slowly released.

Everyone knows that this is the mysterious "Hades", which is powerful in the rumors. Now, they have really seen that their palms have sweated, and they clearly feel that this "Hades" is powerful and powerful. All of the ghost fires were killed in a few seconds, matching the darkness before.

They couldn't help swallowing, with some fear in their hearts, they had no doubt that as long as this person thought, all of them present would die in his hands, and there would be no resistance.

"Go on." Hades glanced at Stephanie, and said lightly, the figure flashed, appeared in the position of the giants, and randomly found a seat to sit down.

But the air is a bit dignified.

Stephanie was a little surprised in her eyes. She guessed the identity of this person. He was Titch's deputy. He was a completely different person from before. Naturally these underground giants knew it, but they didn't say anything.

"Hades" is just a code name, not a person, but a group.

Stephanie continued to talk about all aspects of the formation of the Dark Council. There was the great **** Redart, and they were nervous and sounded serious.

This meeting lasted for more than four hours. Seeing that "Hades" did not move, some of them who were interested in the Dark Council began to raise their own doubts. Stephanie was very careful to answer them, regarding the Dark Council. The overall appearance of "has already surfaced in their minds.

Especially those special rights, so that they are a little excited.

"Finally, the meeting is over. Anyone want to join the Dark Council?" Stephanie asked with a smile.

Secretly, many eyes glanced at "Hades", and at this moment, a leader of the power raised his hand, "I will join."

With a leader, the next thing will be easy. The heads of the forces have decided to join the Dark Council and become members of the Dark Council.

Soon, all these forces on the scene joined the Dark Council, even if they had to think about it, seeing that so many people had joined, and "Hades" was sitting here, for fear that he would not agree and would be killed in the next moment. Died, so I agreed.

Not only Stephanie, other giants in the underground world are a little surprised.

Redart looked at this scene and couldn't help but think that things were much easier than expected. In his and Titch's expectations, it would be very difficult at the beginning. He didn't expect it to be so easy. The main reason was that he showed great power. Power, this world is a world where the strong plunder the weak.

After everyone said that he had joined the Dark Council, "Hades" stood up and instantly affected everyone's minds. Redart came to the stage, and Stephanie consciously gave way to her position.

"I am Hades, and I am also the first speaker of the Dark Council. There should be none of you who want to oppose it." Redyat looked at them and asked.

No one answered, how dare they object?

Seeing that they didn’t answer, Redia nodded, “In the next three months, people from the Dark Council will negotiate with you, and the Dark Council will also begin to improve. The headquarters, Cagres Island, will host the first dark conference. At that time, we will discuss various affairs of the dark council, the selection of ministers of various departments, and the selection of members. You can be prepared."

"In addition, before the start of the first dark conference, we can have a joint action to prepare for the joint action in the future, and run in." Hades' words surprised them a little. Action was taken so soon, who was it aimed at? ?

"I just got the location of the ghost fire base camp, and there are two more strongholds. The base camp of the wild fire is on Conch Island. As punishment for provoking the dark council, I decided to execute an extermination against the ghost fire killer group. Dissent?"

How can there be objections? All the clever people present ~lightnovelpub.net~ think of the information that "Hades" just got, how did they get it? The strange movement of "Hades" with his hand on the head of the ghost fire for several seconds appeared in his mind, and his heart shuddered. For "Hades", it was a real fear and fear.

Moreover, the leaders of the ghost fires said that they would kill them all, and they would naturally not let go of the ghost fires. It was their style to cut grass and roots, in order to prevent any accidents.

In this way, the Dark Council successfully ended, and the people of this great power left Sin Island with heavy hearts. They all knew that the entire West Sea would change to the sky next. Not surprisingly, the era of a dark council ruling the underground world of the West Sea has arrived. .

For this era, they have some expectations, and at the same time, they feel a little confused and a little strange, but the weirdness of "Hades" is so powerful that they have a shadow in their hearts and cannot resist.

They must integrate their talents in the shortest possible time and participate in the operation to eliminate the WISP Killer Group. This is the first operation and it is impossible to be absent.

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