Pirate of Darkness

Chapter 369: Victorious first battle

Latest website: The first battle between the Night Pirates and the White Beard Pirates lasted for two days.

The White Beard Pirates came aggressively, but the final result was beyond the expectations of many people, and even shocked.

The Dark Night Pirates have occupied the seven islands of the White Beard Pirates, and these seven islands are also the battlefields of the Dark Night Pirates and the White Beard Pirates.

Only one island was taken back by the White Beard Pirates, and there were two affiliated Pirates of the White Beard Pirates, which had an advantage in overall strength.

In order to avoid too much loss, we can only give in.

In addition, there are four islands, and the two are evenly matched in strength.

However, "Ice Witch" Waidibe and Whitebeard Pirates' 12th Division Captain Harta were defeated and captured by "Stalker" Gal and "Snake King" Mobius respectively.

Not only was the loss huge, but many crew members were captured.

Such a result is undoubtedly the victory of the Dark Night Pirates. Although Harta is very young and has not fully grown up, he can become the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, which is enough to show his strength.

The squad captain of the White Beard Pirates has a very high gold content, and every one of them can be considered a strong in the new world.

The strength of the ice witch is not weak.

Morgans would naturally not miss such a battle, the war between the Night Pirates and the White Beard Pirates, the new and established overlords, and the captain of the Night Pirates, Titch, was once a member of the White Beard Pirates. But there are many topics.

The ubiquitous reporter bird naturally recorded this battle. In a short period of time, the processed and edited images were transmitted to all the video call worms through the central system of the World Economic News Service. Bailey, basically everyone can see it.

The big title is also very conspicuous, and people who care about it can't help but spend money to watch it.

Soon the battle images of the Pirates in the Dark Night were spread all over the world. As long as there were videophone worms, they could be watched. The speed of news spread far exceeded the speed of newsbird newspapers.

The clear battle images, even the various forces will not miss it, these are very important information, especially the information of important members of the Dark Night Pirates and the White Beard Pirates.

Many members of the White Beard Pirates have become famous, so the most concerned is the main cadres of the Dark Night Pirates. Although there are some images of once fighting, the people will become stronger, especially now this kind of rapid growth. Period.

Moreover, for the Dark Night Pirates group, they obviously lacked intelligence, and there were still no images of some cadres shot.

Soon, the powerful players and cadres in the Dark Night Pirates group were all on the list of key concerns of various forces.

Needless to say, Nelson, who has made many shots, has the ability to teleport and replace.

With this ability, the original battle made the "Yellow Ape" Polusalino, who has now become a general, very embarrassed, and even unable to resist.

You know, Polusalino's speed is already very disgusting for many people, but he still can't escape Nelson's palm.

No one wants to face an opponent like Nelson, and even more early on the list of other forces.

As the first member of the Dark Night Pirates, a fur clan, Garr defeated the "Ice Witch" in a short period of time, revealing his powerful power.

In particular, they have the ability to transform themselves. After the transformation, the oppressive power of Waidibei has made them attach great importance to them. Ren Gar, the fur clan, is now a strong player in the new world.

And Mobius, the young pirate, already has a bounty of more than 300 million Baileys. The reason why the bounty is so high is that he once led his own Snake King Pirate Group and defeated many strengths. A powerful pirate with hundreds of millions of bounties.

Gal's weird ability and great potential, the navy gave him such a high bounty, also represented the high threat of Mobius.

However, they knew very little about Mobius' abilities, and there were very few surviving existences from Mobius' hands.

Not long after they went to sea, their identities were exposed, and then under the protection of Mostima, it was even more difficult to obtain intelligence on Mobius's capabilities.

Through the video, watching carefully, and even repeatedly, watching Harta's state, there is no doubt that Harta has captured Mobius's ability.

Spiritual attack, they can see Harta's pain.

But later, the appearance of Harta being attacked by Mobius without resistance made them feel chills in their hearts, and even a little trembling.

Lost eyes, as if lost their soul, leaving only a shell.

It doesn't matter if a person is strong, but the unknown often makes people feel more fearful.

Especially Mobius' ability to use it has no prior warning, unpredictable, and unstoppable.

Slardar and Mogg Raton are completely newcomers, to the sea, but the existing intelligence can tell that Slardar and Mogg Raton are cadres of the Night Pirates.

The tall bodies of the two of them are enough to show their powerful strength, and their strength is naturally not weak.

The battle between Slardar and Diamond Joz was very fierce, and the collision between forces was very enjoyable, but at the same time, Slardar's powerful strength made many people look dignified.

"Diamond" Joz, as the top card of the White Beard Pirates, is not inferior to the first team captain of the White Beard Pirates, "Phoenix" Marco.

Even so, there was nothing to do with Slardar's, evenly matched battle, but as the battle continued, Joz gradually fell into a weak position.

Slardar's powerful physique, monster's power, and powerful abilities are no match for Slardar in the continuous battle.

In the end, Joz took the initiative to retreat. In the end, Joz was a bit exhausted, but Slardar still had more power. In terms of overall strength, Slardar had to be higher.

In the end, Mogg Raton, the nine-meter-high fish giant, showed his monster-like physique. In the end, it was also the Murloc that Muir could not help Mogg Raton and took the initiative to evacuate.

Especially after Raton got used to fighting him, even if he had a keen speed, he would still be injured by Mogg Raton.

The appearance of the two monsters greatly increased the momentum and threat of the Dark Night Pirates, and the powerful power displayed, especially the displayed ability.

Based on the performance of the two, the state after the transformation, the caring person guessed the abilities of Slardar and Mogg Raton.

Because of the influence of his blood, Mogg Raton was not a patient person. The Murloc Namuir faced Mogg Raton's power and always relied on his own speed to evade when fighting behind.

In the end, Mogg Raton was really impatient. He used his abilities and transformed into a human-beast form. It was the horrible oppression and strength after the transformation that forced Na Muir to retreat. Otherwise, He would be defeated by Mogg Raton.

After the transformation, Mogg Raton has surpassed him by a lot in strength, and the same is true in speed.

The abilities of the two of them are ancient species, crocodile fruit, imperial crocodile form, and ancient species, dragon fruit, mosasaur form.

The abilities of the two top-class ancient species of Devil Fruits have caused an uproar among many people. Kaido of the beasts is about to cry. He is determined to build an animal-type army, and there is a great demand for all animal-type devil fruits.

The best way to get the help of the Beast Pirate Group and the Beast Kaido is to take out the animal devil fruit.

Today, the Dark Night Pirates Group has three ancient demon fruit capable people, two of which are also top carnivorous hunters.

In addition, there are many powerful abilities in common animal devil fruits.

It is said that news has come from the inside of the Beast Pirate Group, and the Beast Kaido has taken a fancy to these cadres of the Dark Night Pirate Group, Slardar and others.

It can be said that everyone knows his mind, but the Night Pirates obviously won't let Kaido do as he wants.

Although there are many strong people in the Beast Pirate Group, there are many ancient demon fruit capable people, and a few of them have not grown up, Krell of the Eudemons species, his daughter Yamato.

There are also two children of ancient demon fruit capable people. It is said that they were the children of Kaido's former partners and friends. After learning that his friend had died, they went to take them for adoption.

But these two children secretly ate the ancient devil fruit that he had collected and finally got it, and hadn't figured out whom to eat it.

This incident was exposed and could not help causing a huge joke.

However, there is no doubt that these two children have the ability to grow devil fruits in ancient times, and they will definitely be the key training objects of the Beasts and Pirates.

The Hundred Beast Pirate Group has great potential, but the Dark Night Pirate Group is even stronger, because now the Dark Night Pirate Group has the powerful combat power of three generals.

In addition, they are all very young and still have a very high growth space. Kaido has even dealt with Ares. Ares wants to go, and the Beast Pirates can't keep Ares.

Even if the beast Kaido comes in person, it is impossible to be the opponent of the three of Tiqi, so Kaido's idea is impossible.

However, Kaido was obviously not the one who gave up so lightly, which also destined Kaido to have a battle with Titch.

Moreover, the distance between the territory of the Beast Pirate Group and the territory of the Dark Night Pirate Group is not far, and the Dark Night Pirate Group will not be satisfied that since it borders on the territory, it will be a matter of time for a conflict.

The Dark Night Pirates will continue to expand, and the Beast Pirates will not be satisfied with the current turf. The Dark Night Pirates are in the southernmost part of the New World, and the Bai Beasts and Pirates are in the middle of the southern part of the New World. .

The Hundred Beasts and Pirates Group is still expanding, but the direction of expansion is not in the central part of the site. The competition in that part is too fierce, and other forces will not want to see it.

In addition to the war with the White Beard Pirates, in the wars in other regions, the performances of the cadres of the Dark Night Pirates were very strong. "Cos, "Hire of Rain".

In addition, there are many outstanding crew members, capable people, "Thorn Lady" Loya, "Queen" Annie, and other crew members.

The cadres of the original Shiratori Pirates "Mantis" Abby, Hardner, Hardman brothers.

The young have not yet grown up, but Clemmons and Bonis, who already have good combat capabilities, have even emerged in a short period of time.

The crew of these dark night pirates are very concerned.

Those pirates who came to attack were basically strongly suppressed and repelled by the members of the Dark Night Pirates. For them, the Dark Night Pirates did not need to be as kind to the White Beard Pirates.

To surrender or die, they don't need the Dark Night Pirates to be jealous. Moreover, the Whitebeard Pirates really make Tic Tic the only one who is jealous.

The situation of the whole war basically declared the victory of the Night Pirates in the first battle.

However, the war is not that simple. This is only the first battle, and the lost face needs to be regained by yourself.

Moreover, they can't give up after only one defeat. Giving up is a sign of weakness. Once this happens, it will have a great impact on their reputation, and there will be fewer pirates who come to follow them.

The war will continue, and after seeing the powerful forces of the Dark Night Pirates, their next offensive will definitely become stronger, and there will be more powerful men, especially the Whitebeard Pirates.

Many people are watching a good show and want to know what the White Beard Pirates will do next.

The "Ice Witch" Huaidibei and the 12th squad captain Harta were defeated and captured. Also captured were hundreds of members of the affiliated pirate group and members of the white beard pirate group.

With Baibeard’s character, naturally he would not give up his beloved family. Huaidibei was the core crew member of the Whitebeard Pirates early, but later left, but the love has always been there, otherwise he would not help Bai this time. The Beard Pirates participated in this battle.

However, there is no reason for the turf eaten by the Dark Night Pirates to be returned. Even today’s turf cannot satisfy the appetite of the Dark Night Pirates. When they truly recognize the power of the Dark Night Pirates, they realize that there is a relationship between the two sides. In order not to lose too much, it will naturally give in.

The past few years have been a period of rapid expansion of various forces. The peripheral turrets have not been acquired for a long time, there is no sense of belonging, and the strength of control is not high. These turrets are best obtained by the Dark Night Pirates.

However, ~lightnovelpub.net~ must use the means of war.

"Continue to expand and counterattack directly. These islands are already the territory of the Dark Night Pirates. Naturally, the battlefield cannot be placed on its own territory."

After the news of this battle came back to St. Louis Island, the highest order came from the Palace of Night.

Tychy believes that Mostima will master this degree, and will not touch the core interests of the White Beard Pirates, and really trigger the battle between the White Beard Pirates and the Dark Night Pirates.

Today's war is only expanding at the same time, with the help of the White Beard Pirate Group and other Pirate Groups to train their troops and train their members.

Moreover, if Tic and the others don’t take action personally, Whitebeard will naturally not bully the underdog. Moreover, the war in the Sea of ​​Chaos also restricts their energy. Just a few islands, for the Whitebeard Pirates. it is not important.

After receiving Tic's order, just a day after the war, the Dark Night Pirates continued to expand outward and began to counterattack the Whitebeard Pirates, these powerful turrets, and other islands.